Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 723: Heaven can wait

? "You have to find a way to make the trapped wounded last longer!"

What Charlotte's cousin could think of, Alexis, as the ghost who carried the trapped information to his mind, could naturally also think of it.

——Miss Valkyrie didn't expect to meet the distant cousin who worked at the FBI that Charlotte said here.

In fact, Alexis didn't know each other at all, but the bloodline of the same origin as Charlotte was still noticed by the Valkyrie.

——Who made Charlotte her contractor?

In this case, Alexis naturally selects to transfer the information of the trapped person to the brain of Thurley Booth in order to save mana.

But even so, the lack of rescue force still cannot turn all the efforts of Alexis into results——

Although the Valkyrie may be alive when discovered by the Valkyrie, it is difficult for the trapped to persist.

——If the waiting time for rescue is too long, they will still die while waiting.

This is no alternative.

After all, ghosts can help determine the location of the trapped in the ruins, but they can't help them out directly.

In this case, it is difficult for rescuers to rescue quickly and perfectly...

Therefore, Alexis felt that he had to think of a way.

"It would be great if all these people could be put to sleep!"

Miss Valkyrie couldn't help thinking wildly.

--and many more! ! !

She suddenly realized that her thoughts were not impossible--

"Charlotte, can you help me?"

Alexis talked to Charlotte in Los Angeles through conscious connection.

——This is a privilege that Charlotte has granted to Miss Valkyrie.

"Can you pull the trapped wounded into the main **** space?"

"Main God Space!?"

Charlotte didn't understand what Miss Valkyrie wanted to do for a while, and the latter quickly explained.

"The previous reincarnations, after entering your main **** space, all entered a dormant state similar to sleeping-especially those vegetative people, they were like that originally-does this mean that once consciousness enters the main **** space, In reality, the body will resemble animal hibernation, with its consumption drastically reduced?"

"Do you want to use this method to reduce the physical consumption of the trapped?"

Charlotte understood what Miss Valkyrie meant.

"This way, they will have more time to wait for rescue?"


Alexis was a little nervous,

"No way?"

"That's not it."

Charlotte smiled.

"It's just that I didn't think about it before, the main **** space can still have this purpose-sure enough, even if it is a poppy, it can save people when used well!"

"Then since you agree, let's get started quickly!"

Alexis urged it a little anxiously.

And Charlotte also understood the truth of saving people like fighting fire, so he didn't say anything more—

This time, he directly descended on Francis Farmer, who was in control of the discovery site, and then borrowed the dragon-like characteristics of the opponent to directly open the entrance of the main **** space underground...


"Do you want to really live?"

When a beautiful woman with wings appeared in front of him, speaking to himself in a mysterious tone, William, who had already lost a lot of blood, felt that he was about to die.

——After all, as a police officer who is often exposed to death, William has also heard related rumors.

He felt that he must have an illusion before his death.

"I don't want to die yet!"

William muttered weakly.

Unexpectedly, this winged woman gave an answer,

"You won't die--but, do you want to really live?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't want to live!?"

Even though he was about to die, William couldn't help cursing angrily.

Who knows, after hearing what he said, not only was this woman not angry, but she showed a tricky smile.

"That's good!"

With that, William was plunged into darkness...


"Am I dead?"

After waking up from the darkness, William unexpectedly felt no more pain.

He touched the thigh that was supposed to be pierced by steel bars, causing him to lose blood continuously, but he didn't feel the wound at all.

This makes William feel very weird.

"Am I going to heaven?"

"Are you sure you got to heaven with your past behavior?"

A playful voice came.

William turned his head to look, only to find that his friend John, who was trapped with him, was now not far from him.

"John, you are here too!?"

William was surprised.

He looked at John up and down, only to find that the other person's body also showed no scars at all.

——It is as if the power they experienced before was completely an illusion.

"What exactly is going on?"

William couldn't help scratching his head.

"Who knows!"

John shrugged.

"I only know that we still exist consciously, as to whether we are alive or not—"

"Of course you are still alive!"

A voice suddenly inserted into the minds of John and William,

"But in the future it may not be anymore!"


As American police officers, both John and William reacted with guns out of them for the first time. Then they realized that their guns were not on them.

"This is this unique space. What's here is just your consciousness."

That voice didn’t care about John’s reaction and continued to say in their minds,

"Your bodies are still trapped in the ruins of the Twin Towers, dying. However, you can be rescued as long as you complete the task in this space."

"What task?"

Although the first reaction was impossible, but now that the twin towers have collapsed, John is no longer stubborn on the so-called reality.

He continued to ask the mysterious voice, and the other party's answer made his mouth wider and wider...


"So, you intend to let those who were temporarily pulled into the space of the Lord God to go to the movie world of "Independence Day" to rescue those who were trapped in the ruins because of alien invasion!?"

Behind the "fourth wall", watching Charlotte, as the main god, release tasks to those trapped, Alexis felt unreality for a while.

Especially, Charlotte’s mission is to let these trapped people go to the movie world of "Independence Day" to save people...

"It is not good?"

Charlotte smiled.

"They are rescued in the real and here they rescue others. Doesn't that mean they are helping themselves!-God helps the self-helpers, right?"


Alexis really couldn't say anything about Charlotte's reasoning.

Of course, she also knows that this is actually Charlotte trying to reduce the loss of mana——

After all, unlike his previous use of his own movies, games, or the Foundation’s monitoring network of plant people to pull people into the main **** space, this time pulling people can be said to be completely out of thin air, which will naturally consume a lot of mana.

In today's environment where the mana required to cast spells is greatly increased, reducing consumption is actually very meaningful.

However, before Miss Valkyrie could comment on this, he felt a shock in the entire Lord God space.

"He is coming!"

Charlotte whispered.

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