Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 682: conflict

   "The movie is very good! I have seen the clip, but the role of Captain Jack..."

   Before the internal preview of "Pirates of the Caribbean" in early March 2001, Disney CEO Michael Eisner couldn't help complaining to Charlotte.

   "They can't accept this role! Movie fans can't accept it!!"

   Eisner whispered his feelings to Charlotte and Robert Iger on the side.

"Johnny Depp will ruin this movie! Do you know how I feel after watching the sample footage!?-What happened to this guy? Is he a bit mentally retarded? Is he drunk? He is Not gay?"

   "——This is a unique cult style, Michael!"

   Charlotte interrupted Michael Eisner’s complaint directly,

   "Since Disney is cooperating with me and is willing to give this series to me, please trust my judgment, or say—"

   Charlotte shrugged.

   "You must trust my judgment!"


   Maybe it's because I'm used to talking within Disney, Michael Eisner was stunned by Charlotte's strong attitude for a while.

   However, considering Charlotte's current status as the director of Hollywood's first commercial film, Eisner really cannot question his judgment in the field of film.

   This embarrassed the Disney "tyrant".

   And before he turned to speech, an even more embarrassing scene happened——

   "Disney's Mickey Mouse, don't you know? All my characters are gay!!"

   Johnny Depp, who said this, did not know where he came from.

   Obviously, when Michael Eisner complained to Charlotte and Robert Iger, he didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment.

   Although he lowered his voice, he was accidentally heard by Depp who was not too far away.

   For Depp, such doubts about his role are naturally unbearable——

   On the one hand, he really likes the role of Captain Jack, and he has gained a lot of happiness that belongs to the actor when he plays. Michael Eisner is now slandering this role, which is tantamount to slandering him;

   On the other hand, as an actor who relies on his unique personal temperament to make a world of Hollywood in Hollywood, Depp cannot accept Michael Eisner’s evaluation.

  ——Because this is the evaluation of the Disney president.

  If Depp does not make a resolute counterattack, then this evaluation is likely to become a label and stick to his head completely.

  ——This will have a bad impact on Depp's future career.

   Therefore, whether it is public or private, Depp must be angry with Michael Eisner.

   And this put Disney's "tyrant" into a rather embarrassing situation.

  —He can no longer refute Depp.

  -that not only does not fit his identity, it is also detrimental to the future of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. After all, if internal disputes are too intense...

   Fortunately, Robert Iger, who has always been good at life, interjected in time—

   "Johnny, "Smiling Mickey Mouse" is my nickname, not Michael's!"

  He first made a joke with Depp to make "Master Captain" less aggressive, and then turned to Michael Eisner.

   "Michael, it's not just that you have seen the samples of "Pirates of the Caribbean," I have seen many people from Disney Pictures, and even some of the directors of the board of directors—"

  Speaking of this, Iger’s face also became formal.

   "We all think this is a great movie, and Depp's role is the finishing touch, so..."

   "I hope I am wrong!"

   Michael Eisner shrugged with an ugly face.

  ——Although it is called "hope", it always gives people a feeling of "walking and seeing".

   This made Robert Iger's heart also a little angry.

   He couldn't help but remembered some of Charlotte's comments about Michael Eisner, which was relayed by his previous subordinate Philip Billman...

   "Maybe Michael is really out of date!"

   Iger thought in his heart.

   In fact, because of the effort to promote the "Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy continuous shooting plan, Robert Iger's future in Disney Pictures has basically been tied to this movie——

When    is done, he will become a successor to Disney Pictures, with great power in hand, soaring into the sky;

   is defeated, he can consider how to resign...

   In this case, he naturally does not want the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series to fail.

  Especially, after watching the sample, most people inside Disney are really optimistic about the movie, which gives Robert Iger more confidence.

  And Michael Eisner, who is the CEO, came to pour cold water before the internal screening...


   "Bob, do you think we should borrow Michael's words for anti-routine propaganda?"

  Speaking of this step, it was natural that he could only leave unhappily, but Charlotte made a suggestion to Robert Iger after Michael Eisner left.

   "Are you talking about using Michael's ugly remarks to stimulate the audience's curiosity?"

   Robert Iger, who has worked on the ABC television network for many years, is still very good at propaganda. He immediately understood the meaning of Charlotte’s words, but he was a little hesitant.

"This kind of reverse propaganda, if used badly, can easily be counterproductive-only when the audience is more interested in the film and believe in its quality, can this kind of questioning attract more audiences to the cinema. At the wrong time—"

   "A movie that even the owner of the producer doesn't like himself, what else shall we go to see!?"

   Charlotte smiled.

   "Movie fans might think so, right?"


  Robert Iger frowned.

""Pirates of the Caribbean" is a big production with ample budget. Except for Michael, most of us are also very optimistic about this In this case, it seems that such dangerous operation methods are not needed. ."

   "For the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", that's true."

   Charlotte nodded, then blinked with a smirk.

   "But it's different for you, Bob!"

   "You mean..."

   Robert Egger understood Charlotte's meaning in an instant.

   He couldn't help but took a breath.

  -indeed, if "Pirates of the Caribbean" fails at the box office, then everything will stop.

  ——But if it succeeds, throwing up such a topic in advance during the promotion means that the failure of the current Disney CEO Michael Eisner can be used to prove Robert Iger’s own success, then once in the future...

   Although he has not made up his mind at this time, Iger still couldn't help but be moved.

   And at this time Charlotte gave him a reassurance pill in time--

   "As for the counterproductive problem, Bob, you don't have to worry at all!"

  Charlotte pointed at herself with her thumb,

   "Don't forget, this is my Charlotte Booth movie!"



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