Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 659: Melancholy girl

If it is said that a film trilogy, each filming time is four months, then the filming time of the trilogy will not be one year.

In fact, it may take only eight months for normal shooting to be completed. If it is faster, it may even take only half a year.

——Generally, even if you only shoot one movie, if you take it slower, it may take so much time.

Therefore, in Depp's view, Jenny really does not need to worry about this issue.

Of course, he also understood that what the girl was worried about might still be the issue of pay.

After all, unlike Depp, who has already achieved fame and paid close to ten million, Jenny is a pure newcomer.

If the trilogy is filmed separately, she can also use the success of the first part to greatly increase the pay in the second and third part.

But in the case of continuous shooting, with Jenny's current salary level for the newcomer, even if she is paid for three movies in one go, this amount will not be much.

——This will also explain why the continuous shooting of the trilogy can drastically reduce the actors' pay.

Of course, the actors can also ask the producer to use a step-by-step payment method to give additional rewards based on the subsequent box office income.

In fact, Depp's agent told Depp that he planned to get a higher salary for Depp in this way.

However, even if this can be achieved, Depp's income is much less than that of the three films being shot separately, each of which is successful.

At least, the box office share and the recent rise of the DVD sales share that is replacing video tapes are nothing to expect.

It’s a 20 million piece pay or something, it’s not difficult—

As long as "Pirates of the Caribbean" can be as successful as Charlotte's previous movies, it is absolutely no problem for Depp to be among the 20 million clubs in Hollywood with a step-by-step salary.

Moreover, conversely, the continuous shooting of the trilogy is not completely unprofitable to the actors-

In addition to saving time and energy, the risk taken will also be significantly reduced.

——After all, if the trilogy is filmed separately, the actors must ensure that they have been on the rise, at least in a stable stage, for four to five years or even longer, in order to have the ability to bargain with the producers.

Once there is a decline in popularity due to other movies or some unexpected events during the period, the producers will definitely not hesitate to lower their pay.

This is not counting the movie box office failure, and the possibility of the subsequent sequel plan being cancelled.

Of course, in Depp, who is already convinced by Charlotte, the possibility of Charlotte's film failure is non-existent.

But this does not mean that he himself does not have any short stirrups--

Apart from other things, if he can continue to maintain the high popularity that he played when he played Iqab Karan in the years after "Dropped Head", then his current single-film remuneration will not only be close to one thousand. Ten thousand dollars level-

After "Guillotine Valley", he married Winona and reached the pinnacle of his life. Due to several unfavorable film selections, Depp's films were not tepid. Although not fatal, his value still declined to a certain extent.

——It is also this experience that makes Depp feel that it is not a bad thing to take a little less money, but to reduce risks and ensure success.

At least, he hasn't experienced another single-series superstar experience of Captain Jack Sparrow in time and space. He has a relatively calm mind and is not confused enough to be scammed by various scammers. Depp feels that this treatment is still good.

In the final analysis, the normal filming of a trilogy movie one by one is due to the high investment of the film party, the low risk, and the relatively small return. The actors have high profits and high risks;

Changing to a trilogy continuous shooting, the whole thing is reversed-the investment of the film party becomes lower, the risk becomes higher, and the return increases. The actor's profit is reduced, and the risk is also reduced;

——Just like investment, high risk and high return, low risk and low return, that's all.

What Depp cares more about now is that he and Winona have been together for several years, but they still have no children.

——The two even went to the doctor for an examination secretly, but there was no problem with the examination result.

However, Winona's stomach has not moved.

"Mr. Director's daughter is already over half a year old!"

Depp murmured half enviously and half distressedly.

——For this reason, he and Winona have had a lot of human-creation activities recently, and even before leaving last night, the two of them worked hard to exhaustion...

After all, it's okay in Los Angeles, Rosarito is a location after all, Winona is not so good with the past.

——Not very convenient.

The two can only "live the day"...

Anyway, the result is that Depp, who is on the road now, can't lift up a bit.

He chatted a few more words with Jenny on the side, and fell asleep in a daze...


"...Is my charm dropped to this level!?"

Seeing Johnny Depp who fell asleep while chatting with herself, Jenny felt helpless.

——Although this gangster often looks awake in the crew, Jenny always thinks that it is his style, and it is also to fit the role of Captain Jack.

It was the first time that Jenny had fallen asleep while chatting with herself like this.

This made the young girl couldn't help but doubt her feminine charm.

Fortunately, Rui Fan behind her relieved her——

"Don't talk to this guy, he tried too hard with his wife last night!"

——As Depp's former damaging friend, Rui Fan, whose alias is Phoenix Ryton, will naturally not hide for him.

When Jenny heard Rui Fan's explanation, her face turned red.

——Thinking that when the crew was filming in Los Angeles, Depp’s wife Winona Ryder would be ripped away from time to time. The young girl finally understood with hindsight.

"Their husband and wife are really affectionate!"

Jenny suddenly felt a little envious in her heart,

"That said, Depp always looks like dark circles in the crew, not because he is still trying to figure out that the characters did not remove makeup, but..."

"That's it!"

Rui Fan nodded with a smirk.


Faced with this kind of topic, if it is normal, in fact, the courageous Jenny can still follow it.

But who made her play a conservative girl in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew now!

Although at present, this virginity ring seems to be a bit redundant, but if you wear them all, if you take it off now, don’t you tell others that you were acting before?

Now that such a persona has been determined, Jenny can only go one way to the dark.


However, Jenny didn't know that several old fried dough sticks in the crew had long discovered her problem.

It's just that everyone is watching the good show with a relaxed attitude of watching the little girl pranking.

The same is true for Rui Fan-

"Speaking of which, Jenny, do you know who the other person in the crew who often wears dark circles is?"

"Mr. Director!?"

Jenny was taken aback, and then she understood what Rui Fan meant.

"You mean... but I think he looks very energetic every day!"

"That's because he is a monster!"

Rui Fan deliberately said bad things about his boss, and then—

His head fell off. (https:)

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