Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 655: tyrant

The development of the matter is closer to the guesses of Jenny and Mr. Broker, but there are also differences——

As the one who contributed to the collaboration between Disney Pictures and the Ghost Party Studios, the chairman of Disney Pictures, Robert Iger, was indeed confident after watching some of the rough cut samples sent by the crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Especially, let’s compare the money that Charlotte has spent in recent times.

"Charlotte Booth is indeed a good money-saver among Hollywood directors. The utilization rate of filming is very high, and the shooting progress is very fast. According to this situation, he will never appear like James Cameron. The case where the cost is more than double the budget."

——Although Disney has promised to not intervene in the normal expenses within the budget, this does not mean that Robert Iger will completely let go.

——Basic financial supervision is still needed, otherwise Iger will find it difficult to explain to Disney’s board of directors.

And this is exactly the job he gave to Philip Bierman.

However, according to Robert Iger's request, as long as Charlotte did not obviously embezzle funds for private use, Philip only needs to see and listen, not to speak.

Of course, at the beginning, Philip didn't realize this and did some superfluous things.

However, in the face of Charlotte's professional ability and authority, he finally realized his powerlessness to resist.

—— Robert Iger has actually heard of related things.

However, he did not react at the time.

——Although to some extent, Charlotte's behavior towards Philip Bierman can be regarded as a kind of bullying, it is not impossible to say that it is to hit Disney in the face.

However, whether money or face is more important, Iger, as a successful businessman, naturally does not know.

——And now in Hollywood, cooperating with Charlotte Booth means money, a lot of dollars.

Because afterwards, Iger was very satisfied with the practice of Philip Bielman who did not expand the contradiction, but corrected his mistakes in time and returned to his job position.

——In the opinion of the current chairman of Disney Pictures, as a manager, recognizing his own strengths and weaknesses and letting professional people do what they are good at is sometimes more important than pure business ability.

And now, Philip Bierman's performance, in his opinion, is qualified.

So, he asked his subordinate the question he had been considering--

"Do you think we should study the plan of shooting together the trilogy proposed by Charlotte Booth before?"

"This is a big bet!"

As the producer of Disney’s "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew, Philip Bierman naturally knew about this.

He frowned, then relaxed again.

"However, since you asked me this question, it was obviously tempted. And after a period of contact, I did see director Charlotte's excellent directing and production ability-this is the rough point we have just seen. It can be proved by cutting samples."

"I believe that if this trilogy is directed and produced by Charlotte, it will be a success! But—"

"but what!?"

"But the biggest problem with this grand plan of trilogy continuous shooting is not the success rate, but the board of directors..."


Robert Egger sighed.

—— "The enemy is on Capitol Hill" is not only encountered by the US military.

In fact, in the United States, a commercial country, the board of directors of large companies is, to a certain extent, the epitome of Congress.

Any plan that is too ambitious and radical will be opposed by them. This is the nature of businessmen to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

In this regard, even if Robert Iger is good at dancing with long sleeves, he still scratches his head very much.

"Maybe Mr. Michael Eisner can..."

Seeing his boss look helpless, a good Disney employee Philip Bierman immediately put forward a suggestion that seemed feasible.

——After all, look for a leader if there is a problem!

As the CEO of the Disney Group, Robert Iger’s immediate boss, "Tyrant" Eisner, has fallen in control of Disney’s board of directors due to some failures in the past two years, but if he can get his support, Iger will work harder. , "Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy continuous shooting plan may not fail.

But the problem is--

"Michael will not object, but he will not explicitly support this big plan!"

Robert Iger told the source of his headache.


Philip Bierman didn't ask "why" the question that newcomers in the workplace would ask.

As a pathfinder who worked for the ABC television network for many years and later transferred to Disney's headquarters before his boss Robert Iger, Philip has already figured out Disney's current problems.

——Disney "tyrant" Michael Eisner is not as tough and powerful as he has shown.

——Especially in the field of live-action movies that Michael Eisner has paid more attention to in recent years.

It is ironic to say that as a CEO who has dominated Disney for sixteen years, although Michael Eisner brought Mickey Mouse from the end of the Seven Hollywood to its present position, he wants Disney Pictures The direction of transformation-that is, the field of live action movies, is precisely what he is not good at.

Even though he had served as the president of Paramount Pictures in the early years, as an outstanding businessman, Eisner is better at capital operation and commercial management. As a pure film producer, he actually There is no outstanding vision and sufficient ability.

Of course, this is actually not a serious problem—

An excellent boss does not need to have strong business capabilities, just use capable people.

——At least, this is the case when there are enough powerful talents and support systems under his staff.

However, Michael Eisner lacks this premise.

——Before Eisner, although Disney was also a member of the seven major Hollywood film companies, the skill points were basically on animated films.

As a result, Disney lacks enough talents for live-action movies, and the corresponding film selection, production and distribution systems are also weak.

——In popular terms, the previous Disney lacked genes in the field of live-action movies.

When Michael Eisner is still consolidating the basic disk of Disney's animated film field, this is not a problem at all;

But when it was preparing to lead Disney into the field of live-action movies, the problem of lack of sufficient support talents became prominent.

In this case, if Eisner is a producer with outstanding vision and ability in the field of live-action films, he can also rely on his own power to pull Disney's live-action film department.

But he is not.

This makes Disney's transformation into the field of live-action movies. Although the goals are clear, the actions are always fascinating, and there is a feeling of not knowing where to go.

And Eisner himself, because of several unsuccessful projects, has become more conservative in the field of live action movies.

——In Philip Bierman's view, Michael Eisner himself has become the biggest obstacle to the transformation of Disney into the real-life film field that he himself advocated.

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