Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 647: Behind the appearance

Fortunately, Charlotte doesn’t have the appetite for Jenny—

"Compared to the two of them, Jenny, your new role setting can be said to be the best or the most difficult."


These words made Jenny curious.

"Because your character needs to be in control!"

The director pointed to Johnny Depp and Phoenix Ryton on one side,

"The roles of the two of them, one to release, one introverted, one to be released, and one to be retracted, are all directions that have relatively prominent characteristics. On the contrary, they do not need special precision in the grasp of proportion."

"And my role needs a surprise to grasp the scale and degree of performance?"


Mr. Director nodded,

"Elizabeth, as the only heroine in the movie, does not need to be distinguished from other female characters. And you want to fit the style of the movie and inject funny elements into Elizabeth. This is not wrong-but you must pay attention. Excluding the inherent wildness and rebelliousness, Elizabeth is actually an English lady."

"So, the lady's shell can't be broken?"


Charlotte also gave Jenny a thumbs up.

"When the wildness is not completely outburst, Elizabeth's jokes are neither Jack Sparrow's madness nor Will Turner's sneer, but rather—"

"Weird spirits!"

Jenny finally understood what the director meant, and why the other party said that she was acting a little wrong before.

"Indeed, compared to the quirky and charming female quirky, Elizabeth, who I added a funny component, seems a bit deliberate and overly lively, which will actually lead to a decline in the charm of the character. But--"

There are not so many quirky characters with British classical lady style, although there are not no references.

——Since Jenny has acting space to open up, naturally she doesn't want to give up her advantage.

Fortunately, she quickly thought of a suitable choice,

"For the quirky female characters, can I refer to Katrina played by your wife, Mr. Director, in "Dropped Head"?"


Charlotte was taken aback.

"Of course you can. But there are still some differences between the two."

"What's the difference?"

At this time, the studious Jenny had entered a state of digging into the roots.

"Katrina is a witch, and her mystery is more. In contrast, Elizabeth's character has more hidden wild elements."

"This is true!"


Charlotte's conversation turned.

"You can learn from her, but the role of Katrina is not so easy to learn-I modified this role specifically for her character, and she has an advantage in acting."

"What advantage!?"

Jenny was a little confused.

She asked this question subconsciously, and Charlotte replied with a smile on her face.

"Because her personality is like that!"


——Is this showing off?

——This is Chi Guoguo's show off! ?

——This is completely unabashedly showing affection to our wife! ! ?

Both Jenny and Rui Fan are pure single dogs at this time. Although Depp has a wife, Winona is not by his side at this time.

Therefore, in the face of Mr. Director's malicious show off, the three of them could only be speechless.

"However, at least I don't have to worry about Mr. Director looking for me because he likes blondes-he and his wife are still very affectionate!"

Jenny could only comfort herself so much in the end.


In short, the overhaul plan for the three protagonists in "Pirates of the Caribbean" has been settled in this way.

In fact, Charlotte did not intend to discuss with them when he asked three actors.

——For the specific revision plan, he has actually discussed with the other members of the director team and Philip Bierman, who assisted in the production of the film.

Everyone feels that after Charlotte's modification, the characters of the three protagonists have become more distinctive.

Therefore, Charlotte asked Depp and the three of them to come over today, just to explain the reason for the modification and make them understand and cooperate better.

Of course, the director Nu Nuzui, the screenwriter breaks the pen.

It will take a while to get the revised script.

——Even Charlotte herself also serves as a screenwriter, which reduces a lot of communication costs, but it does not significantly shorten the time for modification.

Fortunately, it hasn’t been long since the shooting has just started. Even if the elements in the script that need to be modified are excluded, the crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean" still has enough scenes to shoot.

Therefore, overall, the filming progress of the film has not been affected too much.

It's just that the screenwriters, including Charlotte, have been working overtime recently.

It was Alexis, who was filming "Small Island Cry", who was the leading actress in the UK. Hearing about it, he ran over to express his gratitude to Charlotte.

——As a Valkyrie, although Alexis's movement speed is not as fast as that of special ghosts such as ghost ships that can shuttle through the gap, it is still faster than ordinary planes.

And Charlotte did not deny that this adjustment was indeed equivalent to strengthening the role of Alexis’ sister Jenny. Instead, she smiled and talked to Miss Valkyrie about Jenny’s virginity...

"It seems that the agent you asked Sally to find for her is really clever!"

Alexis sighed.


Charlotte was noncommittal.

"However, Sally didn't actually name her, so if the manager can see Jenny, it can be said that it is indeed the fate of the two!"

"I hope it won't become a fate!"

After spending so many years with Charlotte in Hollywood, Alexis knows that many agents have smashed their star employers.

Therefore, she was somewhat worried.

Charlotte didn’t care much about it.

"Aren't we still there!"

"This is also..."

Alexis sighed.

She looked at some special actors who appeared in pirates nearby, and changed the subject——

"You let these ghosts in and out of the crew at will is there no problem? I am on the crew of "Small Island Cry", but I plus a batch of remnants brought by Ms. Farmer, it makes the old gun scorched. NS!"

"Can it be the same?"

Charlotte shrugged, looking like "I am a great god".

"Ordinary ghosts, dare you not be honest in front of me?"

"...This is also true."

——As Alexis said, many special actors in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew who play pirates are actually the ghost sailors who came from the ghost ship after Charlotte surrendered the "Ovelia". .

Although no such ghost sailor is usually seen on the "Ovelia", it is actually only hidden by the ghost ship.

——Some things, relying on the ghost ship to do it yourself, after all, are somewhat difficult.

So no matter what kind of ghost ship, it will control a group of ghost sailors.

——To some extent, this is somewhat similar to the ghosts controlled by Guihu.

This kind of ghost plays the role of the skeleton sailor cursed by the treasure of gold coins on the Black Pearl in the movie. It is naturally vivid.

They can even save the special effects of becoming a skeleton.

And under the effect of Charlotte's spell, the unknowing living people in the crew saw them, and they would only think that these guys are because of their looks, and they are a little taciturn.

Only insiders like the photographer Addison Yang, when they see these guys who look real when they are filming, but are actually the performance of real experience, will they feel strange and funny...

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