Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 644: Non-problem

"In the movie, some people play flowers, and some people play green leaves."

When Director Charlotte spoke, Jenny felt a chill in her heart.

However, what the other party said next was not the ultimatum Jenny had imagined.


——Well, another "but".

However, for this "but", Jenny was very pleasantly surprised.

She only listened to the other side,

"--However, considering the overall style of the movie, we do need to add more or less funny or absurd elements to our performances."

With that said, Mr. Director glanced at Jenny.

"At this point, Miss Jenny's consideration is correct. However—"

"Damn "yet"!"

At this time, the expression in Jenny's heart was much richer than the expression on her face.

In the face of Mr. Director’s repeated turning and playing with a human-like way of speaking, she couldn’t wait to grab the collar of the other party and let the other party speak clearly.

However-the same "however"-but in reality, she still can only be listened to.

"--However, if you three protagonists are acting and funny in a relatively similar way, it will only make the three roles repetitive and redundant."

Mr. Director finally said what he felt was bad,

"This is also the reason why I am looking for the three of you to talk about-we need to make a clear distinction between the performance and role positioning of the three of you, so as not to cause the positioning of the roles to overlap."

"I see!"

Speaking of now, Jenny finally understood what the director meant.

She has to admit that Mr. Director’s views are deeper than her understanding of the script.

However, the question is, how should the roles of the three be divided?

——Although Jenny has excellent talent and studied the script for a long time in advance, she has limited experience after all. By now, she doesn't know what to do.

And she looked to one side, whether it was Depp or the somewhat mysterious Phoenix Ryton, the same curious expression appeared.

"It seems that I am not the only one who does not understand!"

Thinking about this, Jenny felt better in her heart.


Charlotte didn't know the cautious thinking in sister Alexis's heart.

Of course, he still noticed Jenny's desire to keep the chastity ring.

He was good at deceiving people, and he naturally saw that it was just a scam.

——After all, some of Jenny's own temperament does not fit the characteristics of a staid woman who can wear a chastity ring.

This is like Bryney's virginity ring, even if it has not been exposed, it can't fool him.

Even if Alexis didn't tell him, he could tell at a glance.

However, he hadn't hunted for **** for many years, and he didn't think that Jenny's keeping the chastity ring was to deal with him.

——He didn't know that his reputation as a blonde controller was already a fait accompli in the eyes of many celebrity agents.

He just guessed that Jenny added such a logo to herself in order to avoid some troubles for men and women, so that she can concentrate on her acting career.

He appreciates this and is optimistic about its success.

In fact, Jenny's performance did surprise him.

You know, in his "Pirates of the Caribbean" protagonist trio, Jenny is actually the weakest——

Depp will not say that after many years of ups and downs in Hollywood, his acting skills are already good, and he fits well with Jack Sparrow as he plays, and it is not too much to say that there is no distinction between people and roles;

As for Phoenix Ryton, who plays the little blacksmith Will Turner, it is Raven Phoenix!

——As a well-known Hollywood acting genius, Rui Fan's acting does not need Charlotte to worry at all.

The only trouble is that his acting skills are so good that he often suppresses the show when he is playing against other actors.

When faced with Depp, it was okay.

After all, Depp is not a dog either.

What's more, as good brothers, Ruifan and Depp originally had a tacit understanding that is difficult to articulate.

When the two played against each other, sparks were always splashing and the chemical reaction was full.

Although Depp, who didn't know the inside story, was a little bit inexplicable about this, but for Charlotte, it was very good.

——As a photographer, Addison Yang, who can see the magical effects added to the camera, can't help but want to laugh from time to time, and it is precisely for this reason.

After all, things like "meeting each other and not knowing each other" are still very interesting.

——The old staff of the Ghost Party Studio have been with Charlotte for a long time, and they are more or less contaminated with his evil taste.

In short, under the pressure of Rui Fan, an acting genius, Depp's performance does not need to be worried.

And old dramas like Jeffrey Rush are also easy to do.

It can be said that among the important actors in the crew, Jenny has the least qualifications, but she has a lot of opportunities to play opponents with Rui Fan...

Therefore, before the filming, Charlotte was actually a little worried about Jenny's performance.

——Of course, even if Jenny is replaced by someone else, it won’t be much better.

After all, the role of Elizabeth Swann needs an actress who is about 18 years old.

In current Hollywood, among actresses of this age, there are no outstanding acting skills.

——Charlotte’s original Elizabethan actor Keira Knightley was still too young, and Natalie Portman, who was a few years older than Keira, had a suitable age, but her looks and figure, Doesn't quite meet Charlotte's requirements.

Moreover, after Matilda of "This Killer Is Not So Cold", Natalie Portman's spirituality is no longer there.

What's more, now the top student of Harvard has become the Queen of Amidala in "Star Wars" ~ No matter from the cost of the actor or from the perspective of preventing the audience from seeing her acting, Natalie Potter Mandu is not a suitable candidate for Elizabeth.

...It is also for these reasons that Charlotte, who couldn't find a suitable "Elizabeth", was willing to give Alexis' sister Jenny a chance.

He actually made up the idea of ​​repeated NG tuning.

Unexpectedly, Jenny’s performance gave him a surprise——

Regardless of the essential elements of commercial heroines such as appearance and figure, or acting skills, Jenny is very good.

The Elizabethan girl she performed is full of charm.

What's more commendable is that, as a pure-bred American girl, Jenny perfectly performed the British lady style of Elizabeth in the script.

It can be said that in Charlotte's view, Jenny is actually much better than Keira Knightley, who played Elizabeth in time and space.

——After all, not to mention Keira's figure and chin, her acting skills are more than rigid, but the tension is not enough.

——What's more, when filming "Pirates of the Caribbean", Keira's acting skills were immature...

However, such a "better" Jenny, after a few days of shooting, let Charlotte discover a problem.

——That is what he called the "overlapping role positioning" problem.

The free play element that Jenny added in order to make her performance better has made the balance between the characters in the movie somewhat unbalanced, so Charlotte called all the three leading actors today to discuss this issue...

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