Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 637: Heart flower way


Looking at the spooky pirate ship in the sea, a trace of fear flashed in Charlize's eyes.

However, out of her own curiosity, she did want to take a look on the boat.

As a couple who have "exchanged" countless times, Charlotte saw through her ambivalence at a glance.

"Sally, don't worry!"

Charlotte smiled.

"There is no danger in this process, you see!"

As he said, he pointed to his feet--

Charlize suddenly discovered that, starting from her and Charlotte's feet, extending in the direction of the pirate ship, a road paved with bright red flowers was being formed out of thin air.

None of the flowers on this flower road have leaves.

Their petals are inverted lanceolate, the flowers grow on the upright flower stems, and the flower stems seem to protrude from the void.

——No matter if the bottom of the flower stem is sand, gravel or sparkling water.

"The flowers bloom without the leaves, and the leaves don't see the flowers. Sally, do you know Higan flowers?"

Charlotte asked with a smile.

"The other side flower!?"

Charlize was taken aback, and then remembered the spell knowledge that Charlotte had told her before.

"You mean, Manzhushahua!? Flowers on the road leading to Huangquan!?"


"No wonder it is the beautiful flower road, but it always makes people feel a little sad."

Charlize sighed.

"Do you use magic to create such a flower path, are you going to step on them to board the ghost ship?"

"Yeah! To board the ghost ship, the living must naturally take a trip to Huangquan Road-the road paved by flowers from the other side is a substitute."

Charlotte explained in a very poetic tone, and then took a step forward and stepped on the empty flower road paved with bright red flowers on the other side.

"Come on, Sally!"

He reached out to Charlize.

This time, Charlize didn't hesitate. With the help of Charlotte, she also stepped onto the flower road.

"very strange!"

Charlize tried a few times,

"There is no actual touch under the feet, it's like stepping on the air out of thin air. Wait!"

She suddenly reacted,

"Charlotte, we shouldn't be in the real world anymore, right?"

"I realized it so soon!?"

There was a surprised smile on Charlotte's face.

"Yes, we are indeed not in reality now, but this is not a dream state either-you think this is a special space where dreams and reality blend together!"

"There is such a place!?"

"Of course!"

Charlotte smiled.

"In fact, after death, if ghosts are born, they will first appear in this special space. However, because this space relies on the dreams of living people, it is not stable. This instability makes most ghosts Just born, it will dissipate naturally-after all, even the space to live has disappeared together!"

"It sounds a bit like a resting place before going to **** or heaven, the one in Dante's Divine Comedy!"

Charlize understood, and Charlotte nodded.

"It's just that this rest house is full of crises."

"Then Alexis—"

"After turning into a ghost, Alexis survived because she was stronger and at the same time fortunately encountered a relatively stable moment in space. This allowed her to reach the time when the yin and yang crossed and could enter the real world again. "

"That's the case. In other words, even if it's a ghost, it really depends on luck?"

Charlize came to a weird conclusion.

Moreover, Charlotte cannot say that this conclusion is wrong.

"Actually, it's not just ghosts, but living people. What kind of life can one live in is also closely related to birth and talent!"

Charlotte grinned wryly.

"Reincarnation, but the door is quite a key technology!"

"you do not say!"

Charlize glanced at Charlotte with a charming smile.

"To be the only winner among hundreds of millions of competitors, how can you do without a little luck?"


Charlotte suddenly discovered that Charlize had become more and more dirty when talking to herself recently.

"Could it be that women will change so much after they get married!?"

Charlotte thought helplessly.

However, seeing his wife sticking out his bright red tongue and licking her plump lips, with an ambiguous aftertaste expression on his face, he was helpless.

"When the ghost ship is done, I will come here once by the sea and let her taste the hundreds of millions of competitors!"

Charlotte thought fiercely.


Of course, even if he is already thinking about the way to "celebrate" afterwards, Charlotte still remembers the current business after all.

He took Charlize, cautiously along the road paved with flowers on the other shore, towards the ghost ship that had been quiet.

And as they walked, Charlize further realized that they were not in the real world——

After all, even if she stretched her feet into the sea water on the side of the flower road, she couldn't drain the water.

——This is naturally not in line with Archimedes' buoyancy rule.

"So, what we are walking on this flower road now is actually the soul?"

Charlize asked curiously.

"Our bodies are actually still on the beach by the sea?"

"You can understand that."

Charlotte nodded.

"But this space is formed by my dream and reality, so it's not that unstable. We can move around in it at will."

"So this is ah!"

Charlize understood a little bit.

"So, this flower road can also be said to be a manifestation of your own aesthetics?"

"...The same can be said."

Charlotte coughed a little embarrassedly.

"However, there is no alternative. Only through this space between dream and reality can we board the ghost ship."


Charlize asked inexplicably.

"Didn't we often fight against ghosts through wall painting worlds or dreams? Why use this space this time?"

"Because I also eliminated Jack the Ripper and acquired his residual knowledge before I clearly understood the nature of this space and was able to enter it on the initiative."

Charlotte shrugged.

"Before, most of the ghosts we dealt with in dreams were the kind of nightmare guys who could actively enter the dream, but the ghost ship is not so aggressive, and will not and have no ability to enter our dreams."

"What about the wall painting space?"

"Wall painting space!?"

Charlotte smiled.

"Sally, don't you think that the space between dream and reality now looks a lot like the wall painting space?"

"You mean?"

"The wall painting space and this space are essentially the same."

Charlotte explained,

"It's just that the wall painting space is more like an independent world, with its own characters and stories, and this space is closer to reality."

"But why is it like this?"


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