Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 608: Island Cry

"The three big rings belong to the elves of the world,

The seven rings belong to the dwarf kings of the Stone Hall,

Nine rings belong to human beings with countable longevity..."

Peter Jackson read the classic verse from "The Lord of the Rings" while looking at the nineteen rings Charlotte handed him.

"What are you planning to do to get me such a bunch of rings?"

"For the actors of Ring Spirit!"

Charlotte is naturally authentic,

"Since it is an adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings", it is not a pity that there is no "Lord of the Rings"."

"Except for the ring of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, other rings will no longer appear in the story, right?"

Peter Jackson was depressed and authentic.

Immediately, he thought of a question,

"Wait, according to the setting in "The Lord of the Rings", in addition to these nineteen rings, Sauron secretly created a supreme Lord of the Rings-so, don't you have one in your own hand?"


Charlotte shrugged.

"Peter, I have to say you think too much!"

"...Before you say this, don't hide your ringed hand behind you!!!"


After a joke, Peter Jackson finally took over a lot of "Lord of the Rings" from Charlotte.

——Of course, the "Supreme Lord Ring" is also left.

After all, as props, these rings are still beautifully made.

Especially for the "Supreme Lord of the Rings", Peter Jackson considered whether or not to secretly ignoring it after the filming was over.

"When the time comes, wipe in the mirror every day and say "This is my baby"!"

With the idea of ​​COS Grumm in his mind, Peter Jackson still solemnly invited Charlotte and Charlize to play several roles in "The Lord of the Rings".

——No way, there are many characters in the original "Lord of the Rings", and the actors invited by the crew can play some major roles.

And some minor roles can only rely on temporary guest appearances by the crew behind the scenes.

——Aside from anything else, even Peter Jackson himself played a guest role in a strong orc who was shot to death by the elf prince Legolas.

However, for Charlotte and Charlize's cameo role, Peter Jackson did not intend to be so casual.

After all, two people with such good looks can't be wasted!

——Peter Jackson has made up his mind to squeeze these two men into actors who need good-looking elves.

But after all, Charlotte didn't have much time to stay with the crew of "The Lord of the Rings". After a simple guest starring in two roles, he and Charlize left.


Of course, the reason for leaving is not just as simple as lack of time.

In fact, avoiding the reporters who followed was the main reason Charlotte chose to leave.

——No way, who made "The Detective Sherlock Holmes" currently has more than 500 million US dollars in the box office in North America?

Although judging from the current box office curve, it is difficult for this movie to reach the 600 million level of "Titanic" in North America, but 500 million dollars is one of the best in North American film history.

Under this circumstance, the reporters naturally chased the main creators of "Detective Sherlock Holmes" again.

——Anyway, as far as Charlotte knows, Robert Downey Jr. originally wanted to pursue a red-haired woman he had known before, but because of the reporters' chasing after him, it was temporarily lost.

As the director and producer of the film, Charlotte is naturally within the pursuing scope of reporters.

Especially, he is still taking his new wife Charlize in the southern hemisphere scout class and vacation, which makes the paparazzi even more excited——

If you photograph the excitement, passion, drama of the two on the beach...

Of course, this is just the fantasy of reporters.

With the help of Cthulhu's Transfiguration Technique, except for a few times when the two of them had a bad taste and deliberately showed their affection in front of the camera, at other moments, it was difficult for reporters to find them.

But even so, if there are too many reporters around, after all, they will accidentally reveal themselves.

Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, after discovering that more and more reporters had come to Phoenix Town where the "Lord of the Rings" crew was located, Charlotte also left.

This time, they did not continue to circle the southern hemisphere, but directly flew back to the United States by plane.

After all, there is still a lot of work to be done inside the Ghost Party Studio, and Charlotte can't do it for too long.

"The first thing to be sure is how to deal with the "Cry on the Island" project you got from Nicole Kidman before?"

As a part-time secretary, Alexis is very competent,

"Whether to prepare for the shoot, who will be the director and who will be the heroine?-these are all to be determined."


Charlotte nodded.

"The script of "Small Island Cry" is not complicated, and the difficulty of shooting is not high, or else you can try it with the old gun?"

Charlotte looked to the side of the old gun.

The red-bearded old man waved his hand quickly.

"You know, I like my current position as deputy director. If you become a director, you won't have to worry so much. Charlotte, you should direct yourself!"

"But I have already filmed "Sixth Sense" before. The core setting of that movie is very similar to "Small Island Cry" If I come to shoot, others will say that I am repeating myself! and--"

Charlotte is very direct and authentic,

"Old Gun, do you have the urge to be a director? It's not a good filmmaker if you don't want to be a director, isn't it?"

"...Well, let me think about it!"

Seeing that the old gun seemed to be persuaded by herself, Charlotte turned to Alexis again.

"As for the heroine, do you want to come by yourself?"


Alexis pointed to the tip of his nose with a look of surprise on his face.

"At this time, shouldn't you ask your queen heroine Sally to play?"

"If it were my own directing, of course I would look for Sally."

Charlotte shrugged.

"Moreover, don't you think it would be very interesting for you as a ghost to play the heroine who is a ghost but does not know it?"

"Well, it sounds interesting."

Alexis hadn't made a difference, but the old gun on one side nodded.

"Moreover, if you use Alexis as the heroine, you don't even need to post-production for some ghost special effects, and you can shoot directly!"

"...Don't forget, if I was filmed by a camera or something, I won't leave an image."

Seeing the two talk more and more lively, Alexis hurriedly poured cold water, but Charlotte didn't care.

"There is actually a way to solve this."

"Can be solved!?"

Alexis was stunned,

"You didn't say that before!"

"That was before!"

Charlotte shrugged.

"After devouring Jack the Ripper, I still have some special gains..."

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