Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 502: The curse of the pharaoh

Although it is destined to be impacted by "Star Wars: The Phantom Threat" within three weeks after its release, this will not affect the fans' enthusiasm for the film "The Mummy".

Therefore, the premiere on the evening of May 1st is still very lively.

This time, the premiere in North America was chosen by Charlotte to be held at the Night Owl Cinema.

Although the director himself did not go to the red carpet to join in the fun, but the appearance of a group of creative actors such as Brandon Fisher and Rachel Weisz was enough for the audience to be interested.

What's more, in order to enhance the atmosphere, the cinema has also made a lot of decorations inside, and even made the entrance of the projection hall directly into the style of the entrance of the pyramid.

This makes many people find it very interesting.

Everyone was busy for a long time, and finally walked into the theater before the premiere.


Downey sat in his seat and yawned habitually.

This was a physiological phenomenon caused by his recent withdrawal reaction. Downey himself was very bored, but he could do nothing.

Who made him be so damned in the past! ?

"I just hope this movie won't make me sleepy!"

Downey secretly looked forward to it.

He is not underestimating Charlotte's level as a director, but as a practitioner in the film industry, Downey consciously knows well—

He feels that no matter how good a commercial film is in the conventional sense, it will be difficult for him to have much interest.

After all, Hollywood commercial blockbusters and general plot stories are very stylized-this is out of business needs.

And this kind of plot, even if the director has a good grasp of the rhythm, in the eyes of a senior actor like Downey, there is actually nothing new.

—This is the same as some senior chefs, but often do not like to eat their own dishes.

Of course, there are respectable people in this world who "do a job and love a job", but there are more, but they are still people who feel tired after working long hours and who "do whatever they do."

Although Downey is not at that level, his favorability for ordinary commercial movies is actually quite average.

-You know, this one was once nominated for an Oscar for best actor because of the biographical film "Chaplin".

Of course, Downey still does not dare to underestimate the famous Charlotte Booth movie that is now hot in Hollywood.

What's more, if his luck is not bad, he might have to make a living under Charlotte Booth for the next year or so.

Under this circumstance, Downey still needs to understand at least the director's style of future BOSS.


Downey, who was still working hard to get rid of it, had an addiction from time to time, and couldn't help but yawn.

Then, the movie began—


"Is this what people looked like in ancient Egypt?"

Looking at the pictures of the ancient Egyptian era that appeared on the big screen, Jaina was not only happy with the hunt.

It should be said that no matter where people are, they actually prefer exotic customs.

After all, freshness!

Especially the pharaoh's favored concubine, Ansuna, who has an affair with the high priest Imorton, has a variety of styles, which makes the more trendy Jaina like it very much.

She has even begun to consider cosplaying the pharaoh's favorite concubine at Stanford's masquerade party.

As for Ansuna's dress, apart from the various gold accessories on her body, it was actually only slightly better than the fruit body, Jaina didn't care.

—No way, although the character set in Emily's place has completely collapsed, from **** face to silly white sweet, but in normal life, Jaina is a bold and unrestrained woman after all.

Especially in a masquerade, where everyone is playing at a high level, Jaina feels that this kind of dress is actually no problem at all.

-To some extent, it will be more convenient for the following things.

Currently, the premise is to meet someone that Jaina can admire.

In contrast, Emily, who watched "The Mummy" with her, had a much purer heart.

This Charlotte fan simply appreciated the plot—

After all, the high priest had an affair with the pharaoh's favored concubine, and after being discovered by the pharaoh, he simply killed the pharaoh. Although this kind of thing is bloody, it looks really fun.

In particular, the real history is much more exaggerated than this.

Among other things, in the "Brave Heart" released a few years ago, the French princess Isabella played by Sophie Marceau was based on the famous "French she-wolf" in British history—

Although she majored in accounting, Emily, who is very interested in history, is different from ordinary Americans, but she knows how ruthless the "French wolf" is.

Among other things, this former French princess and later Queen of England once held power for a period of time in British history.

At that time, in order to retaliate against her **** husband who married her as a display, she directly found someone to poke a red-hot iron from the part her husband used to "enjoy" in...

There are actually many kings and emperors killed in history, but those who were killed in this way...

Anyway, even if Emily was a woman, she felt pain.

In contrast, the story of the high priest Immortal and his lover Ansuna murdering the pharaoh in the movie, UU reading appears to be a very small pediatric.

Of course, the murder of Pharaoh is not a trivial matter after all—

After being found, Ansuna was forced to commit suicide.

Although the High Priest Immortal stole into the city of the undead and wanted to resurrect his lover with the Black Sutra of the Undead, he was eventually stopped by the Pharaoh's guard.

He was tortured to death, sealed alive in a sarcophagus full of man-eating scarabs, and endured the torment of insects forever.

However, because this criminal law is too cruel, and because Immortal, as the high priest, originally possessed mana, he became a monster. Once released, he would do harm to the world...


"So, this High Priest Immortal, is this the ultimate boss in this movie?"

Seeing this, the movie title of "The Mummy" appeared on the big screen, and Downey could easily understand the content of the beginning of the plot.

"This narrative is clean and tidy, and the rhythm is very well grasped. It is indeed the handwriting of a great director."

Donny muttered to himself.

"However, looking at it this way, in the director's directing style, Charlotte Booth, the commercial flavor is really obvious! I don't know if I can adapt to it!?"

Speaking of, Downey has always been a character design of literary youth so far-even taking drugs.

He wondered if he could adapt to Charlotte Booth's purely commercial film director style.

However, movies on the big screen will not stop because of Downey’s self-doubt—

The vicissitudes of life above the vicissitudes of life for thousands of years came to 1923.

And in the storage room behind the big screen, Charlotte also opened his eyes...

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