Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 460: When the magic wave rises (premiere)


While Charlotte whispered various stories about Jack the Ripper to Charlize, the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has officially begun.

Emily was content to hold the autograph of Charlotte she just obtained, and sat in the theater with Jaina, looking at the big screen, the white-bearded Dumbledore turned the lights on Privet Drive one by one with a light extinguisher. Extinguished.

"This movie is really made!"

Emily sighed in her heart.

Now, during the summer vacation, she and Jaina are traveling in the UK.

——After watching TV animations and movies together, the relationship between the two quickly got closer, and now they are good enough to travel abroad together.

Of course, this trip is not the only two of them.

After all, it is still a bit dangerous to have two young girls traveling abroad alone.

——Although the people who accompanied them could not make this journey much safer.

Acting with Emily and Jaina is the Sheldon Foursome.

They had planned to take advantage of the summer vacation to visit the famous scientist Stephen William Hawking in Cambridge, England.

——The one with Hawking is actually Howard.

Because he is good at machinery, he made some experimental tools for Hawking. As Hawking's obsessive brother, Sheldon pestered Howard after learning the news, and must take the opportunity to visit Hawking.

Howard finally agreed.

——However, you need to bring the other two of the otaku quartet.

And it happened that Emily and Jaina were also planning to travel abroad during the summer. After the six people discussed it, they decided to act together.

Of course, it was Emily who made the decision mainly—

Except for Shelton, who can basically reproduce asexually, the other three in the otaku quartet are happy to travel with young and beautiful girls like Emily and Jaina.

——Even if Rajesh still can't speak in front of the girls.

As for Jaina, although she is not familiar with the otaku quartet, as a **** girl, Jaina usually comes into contact with football quarterbacks and other traditionally popular roles on American campuses.

She really has very little contact with geeks like the Shelton Four.

So, this time she plans to change her taste...

In short, a group of people came to London after being noisy.

And before they went to Cambridge, they found that they were just in time for the London premiere of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

As a big fan of Charlotte, Emily naturally didn't want to miss the premiere. And as an anime fan of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", Jaina also wanted to see what the live-action movie would look like...

As for the heart-to-heart and "gentleman" otaku quartet, they naturally would not object to the opinions of the two young ladies.

Especially when they themselves are actually very interested in the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

—— Several people participated in the London premiere of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". Emily also saw Charlotte and got the other's autograph.

Then, the premiere began--


"The picture quality of this movie is really strong!"

Joanna Rowling sat in her seat, sighing in her heart while watching the movie.

As the original author of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", she is naturally familiar with the plot of the movie.

——In fact, in order to fit the original as much as possible, Charlotte did not make too many adaptations.

This makes it easy for Rowling to understand the plot of the movie, and even the story behind it is clear to her.

——After all, this is a story she wrote by herself.

However, even so, watching the owls flying around on the big screen, Rowling couldn't help but worry about whether the little wizard Harry Potter could go to Hogwarts;

She was still amazed by the magical magic train on platform nine and three-quarters, and fascinated by the magnificent and mysterious Hogwarts Castle.

"I wrote such a fascinating fantasy story!!?"

For an instant, Rowling's chest even surged with a sense of accomplishment.

However, Mama Magic immediately realized that this was actually the infectious power exuded from the movie that Charlotte shot, and it brought her a sense of immersion.

——Even if she is fully aware of the direction of this series of stories.

——Better than everyone in this world!

"It seems, as Charlotte said, the most important thing for a film director is the ability to tell a story, not the ability to create a story!"

Rowling felt a bit regretful that her ability to tell stories was not as good as Charlotte.

However, she quickly became happy again.

——Because this movie looks really great. Based on her female intuition, Rowling felt that her "Harry Potter" would definitely take the opportunity to become even more popular.

"Just some time ago, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was also published. This movie should also increase the sales of the book!"

Rowling wondered.


In contrast, fans like Emily and Jaina don't think so much.

——Although these two girls are fans of the original animation of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" to a greater extent.

However, the TV animation produced by the Ghost Party Studio is no different in plot from Rowling's original work.

In fact, just a while ago, with the release of Rowling's new book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", the corresponding TV animation, Ghost Party Studios also completed several episodes.

Now they have communicated with the ABC television network, and it will be officially broadcast soon.

——With the double bonus of the original novel and the movie just released, ABC is very confident in the ratings of this TV animation.

It should be said that this judgment is At least, fans like Emily and Jaina have been waiting for the second season of animation for a long time.

Of course, the two of them are completely immersed in the magnificence of the magical world on the big screen.

The two of them who watched the animation also knew the plot, but when they saw Harry fighting with the trolls with Ron and Hermione, they couldn't help but worry.

"These giant monsters, ghosts, etc., are just like real!"

While watching the movie with relish, Jaina muttered to herself.

She also found it strange.

——Obviously, the plot behind it is clear to me, why is it so interesting to watch?

Jaina, who knows different film shooting techniques, can only attribute it to the fact that the film is so good.

——This conclusion is correct.

But actresses like Rachel Vichy, who have a high level of literary and artistic accomplishment and who are in the entertainment industry, will not think so simple——

"This movie is a bit of the feeling of "Dale of the End" that Charlotte shot before-it's obviously bright colors, but it always gives people a black and white feeling, but it's really beautiful."

"However, the black and white feeling in "Drophead Valley" is to highlight the gloom and horror, but in this movie, it seems to express the mystery of the magical world."

"In addition, the performances of a few small actors are very good, and the whole movie is filled with a kind of childlike fun with a fantasy flavor-this style is awesome!"

"But, how can director Charlotte do it to make every little actor in the movie perform well?"

Even though she gradually fooled herself into an admirer of Charlotte because of too much thinking, Rachel Weisz was still curious.

——After all, the uncertainty of child actors is a well-known problem in the film and television industry.

This book comes from

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