Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 404: Fallen Angel (this

The ending part of "Hell Detective" can be described as a climax.

With the help of the ghost of Angela’s sister Isabel, the three of Constantine managed to help Angela suppress the demon Manmon attached to her.

But Manmeng entered Angela's belly again, seeming to want to descend in the form of a fetus.

Constantine hurriedly chanted the exorcism spell with Chase and Father Midnight, but at this moment, a huge power came out of thin air.

The three were knocked down at the same time.

Father Midnight was even more jerked to the ceiling.

When he fell, he was already vomiting blood, which was obviously not working.

"Yes, there are others..."

After he struggled to say this to Constantine, he gradually lost his breath.

On the other side, Chas, who was also knocked down, was also unconscious and his life or death was uncertain.

This made Constantine couldn't bear it anymore. He was so emotional, he rolled up his sleeves and revealed a set of tattoos on his arms——

Together, those two tattoos are an ancient alchemy symbol called "the perfect red king".

The symbol is composed of a flame triangle and three arrows shot from the center, representing the sulfur used in alchemy, which is a powerful male element.

With the cooperation of the spell, this magic circle can pull the surrounding darkness away, leaving nowhere to hide the black hands hiding in the shadows.

Constantine originally did not use this circle directly. On the one hand, he did not expect to have other behind-the-scenes players before. On the other hand, it was also because he was not prepared before. Even if he faced the behind-the-scenes players, he might not have anything. Method.

However, after witnessing the death of Father Midnight, Chas was in a coma, and under his emotions, he finally decided to do it first.

"Intothe1ight, (I order you to appear in the light)!"

With his arms close together to form a magic circle, Constantine repeated the spell, his voice getting louder and louder.

And with the spell's chanting, the surrounding him gradually lit up, and an invisible array of light formed on the floor.

Under such glamorous light, all darkness seemed unable to escape, and then—

The archangel Gabriel descended from the sky and stomped Constantine directly on the ground with his bare feet.



Although this scene did not deliberately make any funny elements, but the original image of the aggressive Constantine being stepped on by the archangel is still quite happy.

At least, I hate Keanu Reeves, and even Leonard, who doesn't like Constantine, laughs for a moment.


"This archangel is really beautiful!"

He whispered to the friend sitting next to him.

——Of course, not Sheldon, who only reproduces asexually.

But in their four-person group, Howard has the lowest degree (master's degree) and most like ordinary people.

Howard nodded, looking at the big screen, the archangel Gabriel stepped on Constantine’s chest feet, even drooling.

"Especially these feet, really white..."


Leonard gave his friend a surprised look--

He knows Howard has always been the most boring of the four of them, but he never knew that he still has this hobby...

Of course, Leonard actually feels that now the archangel Gabriel is barefoot in white, with her arms outstretched, very stunning.

With her wings on her back, she still looks full of inhuman feelings, but compared to the last time she appeared in the church, the "human" breath seems to have increased a bit.

"This is because Gabriel has his own emotions!"

As a film critic who specializes in acting, Richard Manson naturally understands better than Leonard and others.

Watching Gabriel talk about his reasons for helping the demon Manmon on the big screen, Richard realized that the archangel was actually jealous.

Although she said that she hoped that the disaster brought by the devil could make human beings show more noble qualities so as to be worthy of God's care for mankind.

But in the end, she was only jealous of God's love for humans.

This kind of jealousy made the angels who were supposed to have no desires and no vitality at all become popular.

Coupled with her original non-temperality, it produces a unique charm...


However, Constantine in the movie has no time to pay attention to the charm of the archangel.

He was directly thrown far away by the opponent, and he fell hard.

Coupled with the fact that he had advanced lung cancer before, Constantine was already feeling dying.

He didn't have the power to stop Gabriel from piercing Angela's body with Langinus' spear, releasing the demon Manmung.

However, he was not reconciled.

So, he used the last trick-

"Unexpectedly, Lucifer turned out to be the last help!"

Seeing Constantine suicide, summoning Lucifer who came to harvest his soul, and persuading Lucifer to sneak his son Manmeng back to hell, both Emily and Jaina were a little confused.

——There is this kind of operation! ?

In fact, most viewers have this kind of surprise in their But when you think about it, it really makes sense. "

Kenneth Turan was very satisfied with this turn of events. However, looking at Al Pacino, who played Lucifer on the big screen, the film critic suddenly thought of a question.

"In the previous "Devil's Advocate", Al Pacino also played Lucifer and played against Keanu Reeves. And now it's—"

Thinking of this, Kenneth thought of Charlize again.

"Speaking of which, Charlize Theron is also in "The Devil's Advocate", and in that movie, she also committed suicide..."

——Does anyone think of "Hell Detective" as a sequel to "Devil's Advocate"?

Kenneth Turan had a big brain for a moment.


"Your brain is really good!"

In the world of wall painting, the lord of **** praised Charlotte.

After talking about helping Charlotte kill Dracula, the mysterious death spokesperson did not continue to act.

He looked up into the distance, as if in a daze.

But Charlotte knew that what he was looking at was actually the place where the story took place at the end of the movie-the building where the demon Manmon descended.

"Is he watching the development of the movie story?"

Charlotte was suspicious, when he heard the Lord of Hell suddenly say such a sentence.

Instead of waiting for Charlotte to react, he continued,

"Using the king of **** to deal with demons from **** is in line with my rules. It is a little naive to be able to escape **** through sacrifice."


——So, you are really watching a movie!

——Watching movies in the world of painting walls constructed by movies! ?

Well, watching a movie like this is more realistic than any 3d movie.

Charlotte complained.

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