Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 400: Volunteer for suicide (400

The Phantom of Constantine, created by Charlotte in the shape of Keanu Reeves, is actually a pure magical creation.

He borrowed the emotional power generated in the center of the audience watching the movie at the premiere to create the phantom of Constantine who could fight for him.

In fact, in the last part of the movie, he will set up a special action scene of Constantine riding a thousand horses, which is also related to this——

In the battle that made adrenaline secretion intensified, he showed all the exorcism methods Constantine had used in the previous movie.

This not only makes the climax at the end of the movie look exciting, but also makes Constantine's ability to leave a deeper impression in the hearts of the audience.

That's why he pinched the time point. Just after the battle on the big screen, he triggered the Curse of First Embrace that was transferred from Keanu Reeves.

——If Dracula who releases the curse does not appear, then Charlotte will take the opportunity of the end of the movie to let the curse dissipate completely.

——And if Dracula shows up to stop him, he will fall into Charlotte’s trap again, and he will summon multiple Constantines at the most suitable time to besiege...

You know, the exorcism treasures Constantine used were not completely fabricated out of thin air.

——They all have historical prototypes.

Now with the release of "Hell Detective", they all indeed have some power to exorcise evil spirits.

Of course, Charlotte is not only relying on this--

"According to the setting in the movie, this is Constantine's home-in this room, he has stored dozens of gallons of holy water for emergencies."

Charlotte smiled sinisterly.

"In the real world, the production of holy water is not so easy, and it does not have much effect on you ghosts, but in this world—"

"I will be very weakened by the holy water, right?"

Although Dracula didn’t know how Charlotte set the attributes of this fantasy world, he, who had been changed by literary works, did have lingering fears about this method of killing people without seeing blood.

"It seems that you are really well prepared."

Dracula thought for a while, and simply put away his sharp fangs.

"But since I have prepared so well, why don't I do it right away when I show up? Isn't it? Or, do you have any other requirements?"

As a hero who once ruled a country, Dracula is not only brute force.

In fact, in many cases, he can also use words and words to solve problems.

Just like the famous saying of the French cardinal who was more than 100 years late in his active era-

"The pen is more powerful than the sword!"

Like now, Dracula realized that the man in front of him who looked like a man might not actually intend to start a war with him.

Therefore, he intends to ask the other party's plan.

However, Charlotte’s answer completely exceeded his expectations.

"I actually just want to know if you still have any survival, or plan to exist!"

"What!? Are you crazy?"

"Isn't it?"

Charlotte shrugged.

"You initially devoured ghosts or gods, and wanted to become the patron saint of Wallachia, your country at the time, right?"


"But now, the country of Wallachia doesn't exist anymore!"

Charlotte sighed.

"Walachia, which covered the past, and Romania, which saw you as a hero, have become like now. You don't know what it is, do you?"

——In the 1990s, with the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the entire Eastern European region was plunged into turmoil and chaos.

In many countries like Romania that were originally part of the Soviet camp, their economic systems have collapsed.

The rapidly declining standard of living made Romanians have to sell themselves to live, and even got the alias of "European Women's Branch"...

This era is such a coexistence of light and shadow——

Corresponding to the noon of the American empire, it is precisely the bleak wind and cold rain in the country where the former Soviet Union connects.

Charlotte realized that this was a weakness of Dracula and deliberately stimulated him.

You know, according to the news leaked by Xu Fu, Dracula's original purpose of devouring ghosts is to become the patron saint of Wallachia or Romania.

And now...

"Without the shadow of hell, how can there be the glory of heaven?"

Dracula muttered to himself.

"His principles are always right!"


Charlotte's eyes narrowed.

In his original plan, he hoped to use the characteristics of the vampire himself to let Dracula get rid of himself.

After all, after hundreds of years of literary and artistic processing, the immortal vampire has already possessed a very peculiar death characteristic——

They can live forever, but they cannot bear the emptiness of eternal life. Just going through the vicissitudes of life for more than a hundred years can often make them mentally overwhelmed.

——To put it simply, vampires have a body that can live forever, but they don't have the spirit that is strong enough to support eternal life.

This is a common tendency in literary works about vampires, and since the 1990s, most classic movies about vampires have also adopted this tone.

Whether it's "Four Hundred Years of Vampires" or "Interview with the Vampires", the vampires in it are vaguely self-destructive.

Charlotte felt that this was actually Xu Fu deliberately creating a dead spot for Dracula.

You know, Xu Fu, as a half-ghost that has existed for more than two thousand years, is very old and cunning.

If it hadn't been for Charlotte to combine what the old ghost taught him before, dig out the other party's old bottom, and then find the other party's weakness, I am afraid that there is nothing to do with it.

And would such a cunning Xu Fu just let Dracula who stole his power into a vampire who can't see the sun?

After careful study, Charlotte felt that Xu Fu had always influenced the development of vampire literature in a hidden form.

He deliberately guided the countless creators of vampire literature to inject world-weariness and self-destructive genes into vampires.

This has indeed formed a unique vampire culture, but correspondingly, the image of vampires in the hearts of the world is completely distorted.

——How could Dracula, who had the original title of "Piercing Lord" and commanded Wallachia's army resisting the Turkish attack, had any tendency to self-destruct?

-The tendency to destroy others may be greater.

However, after hundreds of years of deliberate guidance by Xu Fu, those vampire literature with a self-destructive world-weary style will definitely affect Dracula's heart in a subtle way.

——After all, things like ghosts and monsters rely on the existence of the human heart, and they will inevitably be affected by the human heart.

By now, has this former "son of the dragon" become as fragile as the vampires in countless vampire literature?

Anyway, Charlotte felt that she could try it along the road that Xu Fu had paved.

"At the level of my mouth, I might be able to put Dracula in ashes! Even if it doesn't work, at least it can significantly reduce his will to survive!"

As a master of deception, Charlotte is still very confident in her ability to fool.

In fact, he just mentioned the status quo in Romania just to discourage Dracula.

——You know, Dracula’s desire to become a ghost is actually to protect Wallachia or Romania.

The reality of this world now, for him, can be said to be the disillusionment of his ideals!

——This is definitely a good reason for suicide!

However, after hearing Dracula's last words, Charlotte changed her mind.

"Can you tell me who he is?"

He asked directly.

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