Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 347: Protagonist (Shi Ye Ming Ye)

Of course, no matter what Warner thinks, Charlotte is still very confident in the movie "Detective of Hell."

After watching the simple version of the demo animation he made with the human skin book from the Cthulhu, Aziva Gosman's confidence has also increased a lot.

Originally, this screenwriter from Warner thought he was just here to fill the hole--

The future of the "Detective of Hell" project is uncertain, and my job is actually just to ensure that it does not deviate too far from the comics of "Constantine" in the plot, and loses the face of the original.

——Gossman originally thought so.

However, after watching the second version of the script and demo animation adapted by Charlotte, Gosman discovered that he was completely worried.

As a pure screenwriter, Gaussman realized for the first time that there is a difference between a script written by himself and a script written by a powerful director——

In Charlotte's script, he split the story into modules.

In this way, editing will be very easy in the future.

It can be said that Charlotte considered the issue of post-editing in the script stage.

At the same time, in his script, various details and foreshadowing are also marked.

Charlotte listed out which places need to be emphasized, and which places are easy for the audience to fail to understand.

And these places, in his demonstration animation, clearly carried out experiments.

It can be said that the demonstration animations of Charlotte shooting movies are different from the demonstration animations of many other directors——

In his demonstration animation, he will not only explain in detail the use of some climax and special effects, but also explore the speed and control of the narrative rhythm of the movie.

"When I officially started shooting a movie, I actually used various methods to "shoot" and "edit" several times in advance, so I rarely make the mistake of unclear narrative and unbalanced rhythm."

Faced with Charlotte's somewhat proud claim, Aziva Gosman can only admire him sincerely.

"No wonder this guy has grown from obscurity to a major Hollywood director in just over three years. He does have some talent!"

He suddenly felt that no matter what the final box office score of the movie "Detective of Hell", he could learn a lot with these methods of Charlotte.

This made him more and more respectful of Charlotte's attitude.


Charlotte didn't know that Aziva Gosman was turning his mind on stealing a teacher.

For the part-time screenwriter of the executive producer sent by Warner, Charlotte has her own plan and purpose.

"Aziwa, I coordinated with Keanu Reeves. He will come in advance in the next few days to study Constantine's style and personality with us."

After another script discussion, Charlotte suddenly said to Aziva Gosman.

At this time, Charlotte has solved many rhythm and narrative issues in advance through the demonstration animation.

Now, he is working with the screenwriters to further refine the script based on the personal characteristics of the actors selected through the audition.

After all, not only actors need to adapt to the script, but to a certain extent, the script also needs to adapt to the actors.

At least, you can't point to a famous big-mouthed beauty like Julia Roberts, say that she has a small cherry mouth, and then use it to trigger any plot...

As for the movie "Detective of Hell", the biggest headache for screenwriters is the temperament of starring Keanu Reeves and the question of how to integrate with Constantine.

No way, who made this handsome guy famous in Hollywood without acting!

If it weren’t for him to be handsome, popular, and not expensive, the screenwriters set up by the person in charge really want to apply to Charlotte collectively—

"Director, let's change the protagonist!"

However, the fact is that even without Keanu Reeves, there are not many male stars suitable for Constantine in Hollywood.

No way, who made Constantine known as the blackest superhero in dc comics?

Smoking, drinking, depraved life, and decadent temperament, John Constantine is simply the epitome of the "Beat Generation".

However, he is also sexually happy to make friends, to help others, and he is merciless when looking for help from a friend in a crisis, even if his friend pays his life for it.

To put it simply, becoming a friend or relative of Constantine is a very troublesome and dangerous thing——

He can stab you in both ribs, but when necessary, he will also stab you in both ribs.

In fact, in the comic story, many of Constantine's friends died because of his relationship.

This guy can be called an expert in pitting his teammates.

And he often gets out of trouble by lying and cheating. Some people describe him as "the soul of a gambler and the heart of a banker."

——Such a strange and complicated role is full of human nobility and despicability. Where can an average actor perform well?

To play John Constantine well, you almost need the old-fashioned acting skills, otherwise it will be very easy to become a formality.

Even the sense of form cannot be expressed.

However, those old drama bones who have enough acting skills, how many heroes who can also star in commercial blockbusters?

You know, for the sake of business needs, there are actually quite a lot of demands from the male protagonist of a blockbuster——

First of all, be handsome. The face is not good, like the current Jack Nicholson and his like, you should honestly play "The Shining" and the Joker!

Second, the age must be moderate. In Hollywood ~ ~ the age of early twenties can only play son and younger brother most of the time, 30 or 40 years old is the right age to play.

Finally, the temperament must be positive. Those who are too evil, such as Kevin Spacey, should be a promising career as a villain!


In this way, the actors who are suitable to be the leading actors of blockbuster films are often just passing the level of acting.

Even if there are a few occasions such as Mel Gibson whose acting skills and box office appeal meet the standard at the same time, the limits of the drama are often very narrow.

In fact, as the ageing of the Oscar jury has intensified, the distinction between Hollywood commercial films and art films has become more and more obvious, and it has become increasingly difficult to be compatible between acting gods and commercial superstars.

If one or two are rare among actresses, it is difficult for male actors to have such occasional incidents.

Although the most serious time of this situation was after 2000, it is actually very obvious now in 1996.

At least, even without Keanu Reeves, Charlotte couldn't find a suitable actor for a while.

Moreover, he has a series of reasons why he must use Reeves.

In this case, how to optimize the script to maximize the strengths and avoid weaknesses, how to tune Keanu Reeves so that it fits the temperament of Constantine as much as possible, has become the only choice...

"Actually, you might as well play Constantine yourself!"

Charlize had mentioned such a plan before, although Charlotte thought it was unreliable.

"My temperament is not degenerate at all, OK!?"

The director defended,

"Especially, I quit drinking, now I only drink Kvass—"

"But you are a real exorcist, and you often lie to people and ghosts, right?"


For this, Charlotte really can't argue with it.

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