Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 342: Harvey's last chance

In other corners of Hollywood, there are also people talking about the movie "Detective of Hell".

"Keanu Reeves as the leading actor? Does he have acting skills?"

Harvey Weinstein was dangling his cigar, with disdain in his tone.

"As a comic film, "Detective of Hell" is a purely commercial film, and the requirements for acting skills should not be high."

Harvey’s brother Bob explained, sitting on the sidelines,

"After all, Charlotte Booth will choose Keanu Reeves as the protagonist. The ultimate goal is to take advantage of his popularity!"

"Does it make sense to star in a movie based on a well-known comic like "Detective of Hell"?"

Harvey didn’t agree with his younger brother’s point of view. He vomited a smoke ring in a sarcasm.

"Like Batman, no matter who plays it, everyone will remember Bruce Wayne."


Bob can't deny Harvey's statement.

Indeed, for a comic movie, as long as the original fan base is strong enough and the film party is willing to spend money to promote it, the popularity of the lead actor itself is really of little effect.

This point, whether it is the previous "Superman" series or the "Batman" series, is a good proof.

However, even if what Harvey said is correct, Bob still feels something is wrong.

He always felt that his brother had become more and more cynical recently.

Although Harvey's original arrogant and domineering temper made it difficult for him to get along with him, at least Bob has gotten used to it after getting along for so many years.

But recently, he feels that Harvey's temper has become more and more weird, it's almost--

"It's almost like a woman's menopause has arrived!"

Bob slandered in his heart.


Bob didn't know, to a certain extent, his guess was correct.

Harvey Weinstein's temperament change was not due to menopause. However, to a certain extent, it's almost the same—

You know, since the Oscar night that night, Harvey has never carried out any of his favorite "activities."

The influence of that nightmare always haunted him.

This is not to say that he has completely lost his function.

Even because of the forced "cultivation" during this period, Harvey's body is still a bit stronger.

——At least, he can judge the state of the body after it reacts.

But the problem is that when the real gun is live, he will recall the feeling of being bitten off by a giant python in his dream.

In this case, naturally it quickly weakened.

In fact, during this period, Harvey has not never found a woman-both mandatory and voluntary-but every time it reaches a critical moment, the nightmare of recovery will make him helpless.

Over time, Harvey didn't want to look for it anymore.

After all, there is no impermeable wall in Hollywood. If this incident spreads, where will he put the face of Mr. Weinstein?

Of course, Harvey didn't turn to the little blue pill or doctor for help.

In the final analysis, Harvey has no physical problems, and several secret inspections have proved this.

In this case, the small blue pill that can only solve physiological problems is of no use.

The average doctor can't do anything about it.

As for the psychologist?

Let alone how many secrets Harvey has, he can't tell others casually-this is by no means a piece of "Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Agreement" that can reassure him.

The key problem is that the psychiatrist's methods are useless!

Among other things, a **** doctor suggested that he try to find a man or solve it by himself if he can't find a woman...

Although Harvey almost beat the doctor violently at the time, in desperation, he also secretly tried—

But the former has no use for eggs except that it makes Harvey disgustingly seem to swallow 10,000 flies;

As for the latter, not to mention how sad it is for a big guy like Harvey to solve it by himself, the key is that it can't be solved!

After maintaining it for a while, the pain will strike...

Anyway, Harvey is now on the verge of madness because of the unsuccessful situation in this regard.

Although he can still deal with Miramax's various problems sensibly now, his irritability has risen to a higher level as a whole.

——This is why his brother Bob feels that his temperament has become more and more weird recently.

That's right, Harvey didn't even tell his brother Bob about this.

On the one hand, he felt a little embarrassed.

On the other hand, Harvey really wants to keep a secret--

He now feels more and more that the woman with the double snakes on her shoulders in the nightmare may not just be his dream.

"If that woman is real, and what she said is true..."

In case that woman really comes to Harvey again, and if she reveals the secret at that time, will she be...

Harvey feels that in this case, keeping secrets seems to be the safer choice.

However, in this way, Harvey's pain can only be endured by himself.

This loneliness of keeping secrets makes Harvey become more and more cynical, so when he got the news of the official launch of the comic project "Inferno", Harvey would have so much irony——

After all, Charlotte Booth, but the boyfriend of Charlize Theron who caused Harvey's pain now!

But because of the woman's warning, Harvey didn't dare to provoke these two men at all.

"However, since the woman said Theron was her sacrifice, sooner or later, she will meet bad luck!"

Harvey, who can't do anything, can only comfort himself.

By now, he had completely believed in the nightmare of the Vanity Fair party.

Even now, he began to expect that the woman would appear in his dream again.

——Because only in that way, can there be a solution to Harvey’s current predicament...


Then, Harvey's wish came true——

"Harvey Weinstein, how are you feeling these days?"

Looking at this woman who made him look forward to and scared Harvey didn't know for a moment whether he was experiencing reality or a dream.

However, whether it is the former or the latter, Harvey dare not offend the other party anymore.

Because recent experience tells Harvey that in the eyes of the other party, there is no difference between reality and dreams. She can also make Harvey feel pain...

The appearance of a woman is no different from the last time we met——

There were still two blue-scaled giant pythons on each other's shoulders, and the two snake heads were "hissing" at him.

The woman's appearance is actually very beautiful, with a gorgeous appearance and a bumpy figure.

But Harvey didn't dare to have any ideas anymore.

Among other things, just the giant python wrapped around him and the seven dark pythons still fighting with that giant python were enough to freeze Harvey's blood.

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