Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 332: Bad luck

In the hospital near Rosarito, Charlotte got his wish and met James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio and others.

It can be said that the entire crew of "Titanic" has no serious problems except for Kate Winslet, who has worsened and turned into pneumonia.

Even Cameron was still chatting with Addison Yang with big eyes and small eyes.

No way, who makes the relationship between the two complicated?

Although Edison Yang faced Cameron with a trace of guilt because of past events, he also had a strong mentality of performance.

And Cameron, after seeing Addison Young, should also be reminded of what happened to the filming of "Piranha 2" in the past, and his face was rather ugly.

Fortunately, he did not say a word to Addison Yang directly after all--

"Who are you?"

After all, at this year's Oscars, Addison Young can be said to be a public confession, no, it was a public apology.

Reach out and don't hit the smiley, even if Cameron is still brooding about the past, he can't get angry with Addison Young.

In short, the two old men were chatting awkwardly.

In contrast, the pair of Toby Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio here looks much more pleasing to the eye.

First of all, the difference in face value is a world of difference——

Toby Maguire’s baby face is not old, plus the bonus of youth, it can be described as cute, and Leonardo DiCaprio’s face is at its peak at this time. period.

The current little plum can be described by his prosperous beauty. It is not comparable to the middle-aged greasy man who has made himself only a whole abdominal muscle for Oscar in twenty years' time.

Looking at the two handsome scumbag faces here, and then at Cameron and Addison Young on the other side, Charlotte is deeply aware of how unfair this world is.

Moreover, the atmosphere here is also completely different——

If Cameron and Addison Young are talking awkwardly, and the atmosphere is only a little warmer than the iceberg that the Titanic hit, then Toby and Xiao Li are full of enthusiasm.

"It's a pity that the two of them are not gay!"

Anyway, Charlize was so in his mind, secretly sighing with Charlotte.

Charlotte’s answer is,

"Maybe they will awaken in the future."

Well, there is indeed a deep malice in his words.

But who makes these two guys handsome and others have nowhere to survive?

Especially Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlotte from the future knows how many girls have been harmed after "Titanic".

After all, the title of "supermodel collector" is not for nothing.

Even in Hollywood, these are all things you wish for, but in the eyes of onlookers like Charlotte, it is impossible to avoid envy and hatred.

Even if it seems that Charlotte’s future has been tied to a tree named "Charlize Theron"...

"James, have you been too tired from work lately? Otherwise, how could you get sick in a mass?"

Seeing that the awkward chat between Addison Young and Cameron became increasingly impossible to continue, Charlotte intervened directly.

He knocked on the side and asked the question he cared most.

"It's always the crew who is arguing about infectious diseases, right?"

"Infectious diseases are not counted as such."

Cameron frowned.

He also knew about Charlotte, a junior director.

After all, three films with box office explosions have been made in more than two years, and none of them failed. Even for a major commercial film director like him, it is not easy to achieve it.

What's more, the "Sixth Sense" released some time ago is also Charlotte's work.

The box office has exploded again, and the reputation is also very good. Maybe you can achieve something at next year’s Oscar...

Even if Cameron has focused on the preparation and shooting of "Titanic" in the past two or three years, it doesn't mean that he hasn't heard anything outside the window.

He had heard of Charlotte's soaring reputation.

Therefore, he was a little surprised when he knew that Charlotte had also come to Rosarito.

He doesn't remember the intersection between himself and this newly emerging horror film director!

It was not until he saw Addison Young that he realized the reason...

In Cameron's view, Charlotte is the opposite of his own style——

If Cameron is a model of slow work and meticulous work, then Charlotte is the representative of the fast shooting director.

——Four films have been produced in more than three years. Among directors, he is a model worker.

Cameron felt that the shooting and production speed of Charlotte was quite similar to the demeanor of an old cowboy like Clint Eastwood.

But the problem is that Eastwood mainly shoots Austrian movies, which are more literary and artistic!

That kind of movie has less special effects and lower post-production difficulty, so the shooting speed can naturally be faster.

If you switch to a commercial blockbuster that requires a lot of special effects, it will be more difficult than going to the sky to complete all the work from casting to screening within a year.

Anyway, Cameron himself didn't have the confidence to do all this.

Of course, he admires technology and details, and he doesn't appreciate the fast-paced shooting method.

Therefore, when Charlotte talked about the collective illness of the crew, Cameron naturally thought of the schedule problem.

"Recently, many people in the crew have fallen ill because of a cold."

Cameron pondered for a while, then smiled bitterly.

"If this continues, the filming plan for "Titanic" will definitely be postponed."

——No, even if there are no such things, you will definitely postpone it. Otherwise, you won't be called the "Bounce King"!

Charlotte complained.

Coming from the future, he is naturally aware of Cameron's bad habit of bouncing. However, he can't say anything now, after all, nothing has happened yet.

He can only comfort him,

"It may be your bad luck recently! You can make movies, isn't it?"


James Cameron nodded.

The same director, at this point, he and Charlotte cherish each other.

As a creator, he knows how difficult it is for a non-existent work to be born into this world. but--

"The fortune of the movie "Titanic" is really not so good!"

Cameron sighed.

"Don't say anything else. From the time the filming started to the present, there are surprisingly many people in the crew who fell ill because of a cold-is it really bad luck to make water-related movies?"

Now, even if Cameron's will is as firm as steel, he can't help but hesitate.

And Charlotte has heard some problems from his words, and then thinks of some rumors before—

"James, has this situation existed since the filming of "Titanic"? Or is it from earlier—"

At this point, Charlotte paused.

"Starting after you surveyed the wreckage of the real Titanic on the seabed?"

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