Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 324: Batman Forever

"The new book I think of is called "American Gods". In short, it can be said to be a story of a great chaos between the gods."

Neil Gaiman explained his plan to Charlotte.

Charlotte characteristically nodded--

"American Gods"!

Charlotte from the 21st century has naturally seen Neil Gaiman’s most famous works in the future.

This is a work of brains that integrates countless myths with a complete system.

To be honest, Charlotte really likes this work, but--

"Since you have conceived it, you can write it yourself, why do you want to find me specifically?"

Charlotte didn't understand this.

"Because you can stimulate my inspiration!"

Neil Gaiman showed a thankful expression on his face,

"It was the discussion between us that made me think of this idea. It seems bad to write it aside. And—"

The writer patted Charlotte on the shoulder,

"I admire your research on things like ghosts, monsters and spirits. Cooperating with you can definitely improve the accuracy of my research."


Charlotte nodded, which was regarded as a reason for approving the other party.

"But, you know I'm a director, most of the time—"

"I know you don't have much free time."

Neil Gaiman knew what Charlotte wanted to say, he said straightforwardly,

"But my book will not start soon-it will be a full-length article, and now, I still use more energy on the comic "The Sandman".

"Then what do you mean by cooperating with me?"

"I want you to help me prepare together!"

Neil Gaiman explained,

"Before I start writing, I plan to spend three to four years collecting materials and preparing stories. In this way, we can do it very slowly. Even if you are busy, you should have enough time, right?"

"According to you, it should be enough! But—"

Charlotte gave Neil Gaiman a strange look.

"Neil, have you been fine these days?"

When we met last year, Charlotte discovered that Neil Gaiman had a nightmare-like breath.

But Charlotte didn't take it seriously.

After all, Neil Gaiman is the author of the manga "The Sandman".

"The Sandman" tells a story about dreams. The story is very grand and popular.

Such cartoons will naturally also bring a lot of influence to his author.

And influence is not just in the conventional sense——

Charlotte has traveled into this world for more than two years. He has long discovered that famous works can condense magic and attract ghosts.

In this regard, the movie is more important. And comics, it is not impossible.

In Charlotte's view, Neil Gaiman embodies a part of the magic of the Sandman because of his works.

The Sandman, the English name is Sandman, originally meant the Sandman in Western myths and legends, or the Sleeping Fairy or the Sleeping Elf.

Legend has it that he would sprinkle sand in the eyes of children at night until they fall asleep and bring them to sleep.

In this respect, his power is very similar to Nightmare.

Charlotte had always felt that way.

However, seeing Neil Gaiman this time, Charlotte discovered that the other party’s situation was a bit wrong—

How can I describe it?

Charlotte can't actually tell.

However, he felt that Neil Gaiman seemed to have a feeling of burning life.

This makes Charlotte feel wrong.

Neil Gaiman didn’t realize the meaning of Charlotte’s words. In fact, he really feels very good now.

"Maybe I have less sleep recently!"

The writer thought that Charlotte was worried about this problem, and he explained with some excitement,

"I have been in the creative state recently, so I have been staying up late to catch up on drafts."

"So it is!"

Charlotte nodded.

As a creator, he naturally understands how commendable the state of inspiration is--

From a certain perspective, Neil Gaiman may indeed be burning his life.

However, is there any popular work that was not written by the author who burned his life?

Thinking of this, Charlotte, relieved, finally accepted Neil Gaiman's invitation to cooperate.

However, he did not expect that the two people's collaboration on "American Gods" had not yet begun, and Neil Gaiman brought him another mixed news——

"DC invited me to direct "Batman"!?"

Because Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" was published by DC Comics' Vertigo Comics. So it's not a weird thing that he brought DC news to Charlotte.

What is strange about Charlotte is that this invitation comes from DC, not Warner Bros.

You know, DC Comics is now acquired by Warner.

And Warner is now releasing Charlotte's "Sixth Sense", and the person in charge there Barry Mendel has a good relationship with Charlotte.

——If you want Charlotte to direct "Batman," why not just let Barry Mendel say it?

Still, this is DC's vain attempt to bypass Warner Bros.! ?

Considering the fierce infighting within Warner, Charlotte felt that the water inside seemed a bit deep.

He didn't know what to say about this invitation.

Moreover, for big-name directors like Charlotte, directing superhero movies is not a particularly good choice—

Generally speaking, comic movies, or superhero movies, are big guys with a large amount of investment in commercial movies.

To make good use of these funds, it takes a lot of skills.

But this does not mean that their director is very important.

On the contrary, in Hollywood where the producer-centered system is practiced, the more this is the case, the less room the director has to play and the greater the restriction of the producer.

Take the Marvel Universe, which is prosperous for a while, this series of superhero movies can be said to be the hard-hitting Stan Lee, the director of Flowing Water.

Under the leadership of Marvel Entertainment President Kevin Fitch and Marvel’s creative committee, the style positioning of all Marvel movies is very clear.

The director is just a large on-site shooting guide.

And the audience, they would rather look for the "Father of Spider-Man" Stan Lee in every and don't bother to care about the director of the movie.

In this case, directing Marvel’s superhero movies is not an interesting job for many big directors.

In contrast, the DC Comics that belong to Warner Bros. are better.

They have less interference with film directors.

At least, when it comes to "Batman", there are still many big-name directors who are willing to direct——

Tim Burton is far away, and Christopher Nolan is in the future.

So, Charlotte was still a little interested when he heard the name of Mr. Bruce Wayne.

However, after some thoughts, he still shook his head.

"The current version of "Batman" is actually hard to return. If I were to direct, I would choose to restart the series completely. But—"

Charlotte blinked without speaking.

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