Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 285: Sleepwalking

"After seeing Dracula's end, how can I still dare to sign a contract with you?"

Charlotte shook her head.

"In that case, you can't guarantee that I will pay you."

"Al Pacino" said something.

"You can't guarantee that I will get rid of Keanu Reeves's first embrace curse and return it to you!"

Charlotte also showed no weakness.

The two looked at each other and then laughed at the same time.

"So that's it!"


--what's the situation! ?

In his mind, Charlize was completely confused.

——Aren’t you two unable to sign a contract and don’t trust each other? What's the feeling of "it's settled"! ?

——Because even if he doesn’t pay, I need to lift the curse of Keanu Reeves in order to avoid trouble!

Charlotte explained to the girl in her mind.

——And conversely, once I lifted the curse on Keanu Reeves, I didn't need compensation at all. The power in that curse was my gain.

——Unless he trades for something else!


If it weren't for not controlling the body now, Charlize felt that he would be dumbfounded.

The girl was trying to sort out her thoughts, but Charlotte spoke to "Al Pacino" again.

"But, even if I get the curse, how can I contact you?"

"Just shout "I am the king of the world"."

"Al Pacino" blinked.

"Like this man's lines, vanity is my favorite original sin!"


Although the other party used Al Pacino's face to say this sentence very attractive, but the key is used to the code word, Charlotte is not sensitive.

——Don’t forget, "I am the King of the World" is the famous second line in "Titanic" which will be released at the end of 1997.

Charlotte didn’t know why the other party chose this sentence as a code sign, but he knew that once he hadn’t gotten the curse of Keanu Reeves on Keanu Reeves before the "Titanic" was released, then things would develop. Very interesting.

Imagine it--

In the movie theater, a group of people watching "Titanic" were following Jack on the big screen, saying "I am the king of the world" silently, and then this ghost, who does not know whether it is a devil or something else, descends...

Even, the occasion where he descended may be the 1998 Oscar awards-when James Cameron won the best director, he also shouted this sentence in order to vent the long-suppressed emotions in his heart.

by that time--

Charlotte thought the picture was so beautiful, he couldn't imagine it.

"It's better to change the line! This sentence is too shameful, I can't say it."


The other party was obviously confused by Charlotte’s reason. He was stunned for a long time before he was a little weak and authentic.

"Then you just say "Open Sesame"! But when you say it, you need to use mana. After all, this sentence is not very common like the previous sentence. I need mana to distinguish meaningless calls. "

——No, believe me, the previous sentence will soon become very common.

Charlotte complained.

Of course, he said nothing.

When "Al Pacino" saw him express his acquiescence, he didn't get too long-winded.

"In that case, I will leave the rest to you, unknown exorcist!"

After speaking, he snapped his fingers with his hands.

In the next moment, the depression that made Charlize feel like drowning disappeared.

And the expression of "Al Pacino" suddenly became sluggish.

——He is already the real Al Pacino.

The spell was lifted.


"That's it!?"

Charlize was a little dazed.

"In the past, didn't they always use all kinds of weird methods to subdue ghosts?"

"It's not that simple this time!"

Charlotte gave a wry smile.

"This time the ghost is the old and cunning kind, he won't let me catch the flaw easily."


Charlize was still a little ignorant,

"Speaking of which, why didn't you ask him, how did Keanu Reeves get the curse of Dracula's first embrace?"

"Because I already know!"

Charlotte explained to the girl,

"Since it is said that Dracula's first embrace, isn't the biggest connection between Keanu Reeves and the movie "The Four Hundred Years of Dracula"?"

"In the movie, he played Jonah, isn't he just being used and seduced by Dracula?"

Charlotte’s words let Charlize also understand.

"You mean, Keanu was noticed by the vampire Dracula because of the movie "Four Hundred Years of Vampires" and then he was cursed?"


Charlotte sighed.

"Movies about real ghosts can't be played casually."

"Will it attract the attention of ghosts?"

Charlize still doesn't understand.

"But why doesn't Dracula pester Gary Oldman? Compared to Keanu Reeves, Gary Oldman who plays Dracula is a more suitable target, right?"

"Not always!"

Charlotte shook her head.

"If Dracula's purpose is to choose a new body, then Reeves, who is six or seven years younger than Oldman, is naturally a better choice-it can be used for longer!"

"It seems like that."

Charlize recalled the plot of "Four Hundred Years of Vampire Fright",

"In that movie, among the most important male actors, Keanu Reeves is indeed the youngest-but other than that, is there no other possibility?"

"Of course there is."

Charlotte shrugged.

"But that's something we need to verify later. Now—"

He looked around with Charlize’s beautiful blue eyes.

"The spell has been lifted, and Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino will soon wake up."


Keanu Reeves has fought, smashed cars, knocked drugs, and suffered countless deaths.

Although after the death of his good brother Rui Fan, he was greatly shaken and he corrected a lot of bad ailments, but many have not changed.

At least, he still insists on the hobby of drag racing.

However, Mr. Reeves never knew that he still had sleepwalking problems.

So, when Charlize Theron stood in front of him when he woke up in a daze, and told him bluntly that he had sleepwalked a large circle in the hotel, Keanu Reeves had a wonderful expression.

And with the same wonderful expression, Al Pacino, who has a lot of rivals with Keanu Reeves in the drama "The Devil's Advocate"——

After walking in Hollywood for decades, he also doesn't believe that he has sleepwalking problems.

But facing the fact that he somehow appeared outside the, he can only face reality.

What's more, according to Charlize Theron, who got up very early today and witnessed everything, the reason why he was able to wake up so quickly was because he bumped into Keanu Reeves, who was also sleepwalking during sleepwalking... …

This is embarrassing!

However, he and Keanu Reeves were sleepwalking at the same time...

So, should the crew of "Devil's Advocate" actually be renamed "Alice in Wonderland"?

Or "The Wizard of Oz"?

Anyway, after waking up from sleepwalking, Al Pacino always felt weird.

——Even Charlize Theron, who usually looks just a young and beautiful girl, suddenly became full of aura.

What has actually happened?

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