Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 266: Mental hospital

Samfield didn't know that the deputy director was complimenting himself in his heart.

He is really a little scared.

Just like the little boy Cole he is playing.

Sam, who is really born with yin and yang eyes, can understand Cole's feelings in the script very well.

Because that was his past life.

Although he didn't want to be like Cole, he would see ghosts wherever he went, but he was scared by ghosts not many times.

In fact, Miss Alexis was the one he saw, the first ghost that didn't scare him at all.

In the filming of "Decapitated Valley", he played the boyhood of the male protagonist Ichabkaran, while Miss Alexis played his mother.

At that time, he realized the identity of the other party.

This is a ghost!

Sam had never seen such a conscious and beautiful ghost.

The other party was not like the ghosts he had seen before. There was no scary feeling at all, and it even gave him a bit of motherly feeling.

Therefore, he did not tell others about the other party.

Of course, even if you tell others, no one will believe it.

Like the Cole he is now playing, no one believes the "fact" that he can see ghosts.

Even his parents are the same.

This makes him very distressed.

Although after seeing more times, he is no longer so afraid of the ghosts of the dead, but it is absolutely impossible to say that he is not bothered by this.

In fact, when he saw Miss Alexis again near the Malcolm Nursing Home, he even felt a little happy.

Because finally someone can listen to him.

Even if the other party is a ghost.

However, what Sam did not expect was that after seeing Miss Alexis again, he also met two more amazing people.

In other words, one person and one ghost.

Rui Fan, a ghost who can take his head off. After the other party took off his head, the isolated head winked a ghostly eye at him.

Charlotte Booth, the director of "Dropped Head". It wasn't until this meeting that Sam knew that the other party could see ghosts just like him.

No, it should be said that the opponent is much stronger than himself!

He can see ghosts, he can fight ghosts, he can control ghosts!

Sam didn't know how powerful the wizards in the comics were, but he really felt that if he could learn Charlotte's skills, it would be great.

So, when Miss Alexis came to him and asked him to audition for Charlotte's new film "Sixth Sense," Sam agreed without hesitation.

He felt that being close to each other would make him more like each other.

And Sam took the role of Cole smoothly.

Because this role is indeed very similar to him.

After reading the script, he even felt that Cole was him.

In fact, for many of Cole's feelings, Sam doesn't have to deliberately act out that is the feeling he often encounters in his daily life.

So, when Colser was filmed shrinking on a hospital bed and tremblingly confided his secrets to Dr. Malcolm, Sam’s feelings were felt.

"Iseedeadpeople (I can see dead people)!"

This is the true portrayal of Sam's life.


Bruce Willis felt embarrassed.

For a moment, he was even frightened by the little boy in front of him.

The other party did not deliberately scare people, the look shrunk under the blanket, even made him feel sympathetic.

But when the other party tremblingly said the phrase "iseedeadpeople (I can see the dead, he still felt a chill slowly rising from behind.

As a "Doctor Malcolm", who firmly believes in science, he shouldn't believe the child's babble at this time.

However, deep in his heart, there was a corner that seemed to believe it.

He was surprised that he would believe, but he couldn't help but want to believe.

My child!

Bruce Willis knows that among child actors, it is true that there are often cases of super-level performance and acting skills that beat adult actors.

When this kind of thing is heard as a rumor, it is very interesting.

However, when the hanged person becomes himself, it is not so interesting.

However, he can't compete with a child, the only thing he can do is to improve the authenticity of his performance.


"You plan to live in a nursing home tonight, and experience what a doctor feels like?"

Seeing Bruce Willis, who made a request to herself, no, it was "Doctor Malcolm," Charlotte was shocked.

What's happening here?

Obviously he hasn't planned to use the other party as bait, how come the other party takes the initiative...

"Although it is a nursing home, it is essentially a mental hospital. It is not a good idea to rest in such a place at night!"

Charlotte reminded him kindly.

Unfortunately, Bruce Willis, who was aroused by Samfield, did not accept this rare kindness.

"I think staying in this place for a few nights may allow me to get deeper into the role. After all, he is a psychiatrist!"


Well, it seems that this is God's will!

Charlotte made a strange gesture to Bruce Willis.

"I hope you won't regret it, "Doctor Malcolm"!"


Then, "Doctor Malcolm" Guo then regretted it.

At night, lying in a private room specially prepared for him in Malcolm Nursing Home, Bruce Willis tossed and turned.

"I must be fascinated by ghosts!"

He frowned and reflected on himself, his face was bitter.

After the crew left, he felt that what he was doing was somewhat meaningless

Can you experience the feeling of a psychiatrist by sleeping in a mental hospital?

Sleeping in the church is not a god! ?

Bruce Willis didn't know why he had this idea at the time, but he now feels that he is really a fool!

Especially, when the dean of the nursing home opened the door of the single room for him, he also introduced

"This single room is where our first dean, Dr. Malcolm Hilde, lived in his later years. You will certainly be able to experience the feeling of a psychiatrist well here."


Experience your sister!

For a moment, Bruce Willis wanted to be dirty.

It’s so nice to say, isn’t it just to let me live in the room of someone who has been dead for a long time! ?

Of course, he also knows that in a place where life and death are at the border of a hospital, every ward should actually have died.

If you really care about these, don't go to the hospital in the future!

Bruce Willis, as an actor who often plays tough guys, although he can't be considered an absolute tough guy, he also knows that he can't persuade him at this time.

After all, UU reading proposed to stay here for a few nights, but he himself, no one forced him.

If he repents halfway and spreads it out, his tough guy will immediately collapse.

"I am afraid that the media will be ridiculed as a coward!"

And his "Die Hard" will be laughed at as "Die Hard", right?

Bruce Willis thought to himself.

On the contrary, if he survives these few nights, if the reputation of "Sixth Sense" is very good in the future, maybe he can still use this incident as a publicity point to hit the Oscars.

After all, this time he himself could feel that his performance was like a godly help.

What if there is a chance?

Didn't Robert De Niro just say that he drove a taxi for several months in order to prepare for "Taxi Driver"!

Thinking of this, Bruce Willis's heart heated up.

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