Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 262: Hell Hospital

; After discussing with Charlotte, as the main investor at present, Judy Foster finally agreed to introduce more investors.

Or those producers who are bigger than her.

Because she understands that although they will diminish their profits from the "Sixth Sense" project, they can, in turn, help make big profits.

At least, now, under the matchmaking bridge of Katherine Kennedy, Warner Bros. has the meaning of entering the game.

In addition, Paramount, who is very interested in Charlotte's new movie because of the success of "Drop Head", and Fox, who has always had a good relationship with the actress...

Judy surprisingly discovered that before the shooting of "Sixth Sense" officially started, the predators who wanted to enter the scene were already beyond her ability to cope.

"Now, I need to have the ability to play five **** at the same time without landing!"

The shadow queen asked herself whether she did not have the ability of the iron-blooded Prime Minister Bismarck, so it became a good choice to bring in those big-name filmmakers to help.

"It's a pity that for this new Charlotte movie, I can only be a participant, not a leader."

Judy wrinkled his nose uncomfortably.

However, she actually knew that from the beginning, she hadn't really taken the initiative in the cooperation with Charlotte.

This guy Charlotte Booth, although he can't compare with her in terms of capital and connections, he is not a normal person!

Thinking of her past experience, the actress suddenly looked forward to it

"I really want to see how those old guys are also being played around by Charlotte!"

Charlotte did not know Judy Foster's alternative expectations of him.

After he decided to bring in more big-name producers to help, he was actually relieved.

Unlike the actress who has to worry about being squeezed out by other producers and diminishing profits, Charlotte has no worries in this regard.

Talent can be worth nothing in Hollywood, and it can be more than a thousand catties.

The key depends on what position you occupy.

Now, he has the key to the script, and at the same time is the initiator of the new movie, which gives him a natural advantage.

Although screenwriters are not the most powerful positions in the film industry, once they are combined with directors or producers, they will play a role far greater than 1+1.

Such a person is born to be the most suitable person to lead film production.

Even big directors such as Spielberg can't make sure that they have a higher grasp of the story than such a person.

What's more, he has a North American annual box office champion movie as a qualification.

Coupled with his ghost party studio, it is a complete behind-the-scenes team. As long as the predators who follow the capital and profit-seeking nature, they will not easily make his ideas.

Without him, the price of replacing him is too great.

So, for Charlotte, it won't be too much trouble to attract more predators.

Now, his most important work is still the preparatory work for the film.

In fact, the more preliminarily prepared, the more irreplaceable Charlotte's status will be.

"Although this is the case, is it a bit sloppy to determine the shooting location now?"

The old gun asked.

As a partner who has been cooperating with Charlotte for a long time, Mr. Deputy Director doesn't think there is anything wrong with the rapid progress of the preparatory work.

It's better than those dead-end projects!

What the old gun is really worried about is the shooting location chosen by Charlotte.

"Is the place Malcolm Nursing Home really suitable?"

As Charlotte’s friend, Old Gun knew that Charlize’s mother lived there.

"Nothing else, won't Sally mind?"

"Will not."

Charlotte was quite sure of this.

"I have explained to her before."


Faced with the brave look of Old Gun, Charlotte shrugged.

He did talk to Charlize about the plan to shoot "Sixth Sense" in Malcolm Nursing Home, but he didn't give a specific explanation, but he wanted to take the opportunity to explore this mysterious place.

Charlize has no opinion on this.

After all, although she didn't tell the girl about the "dragon", it was a little weird for Charlotte to go to Malcolm Nursing Home when she accompanied her to see her mother.

So now I take the opportunity of making a movie to check it out, and it's normal.

Anyway, in the girl's eyes, her mother's soul had been fixed by Charlotte to Starscream beside her.

So, the exploration of Malcolm Nursing Home should not cause too many problems.

In short, she didn't mind much.

Of course, this is also related to Charlotte not lying at all this time.

He just hid a few facts!

"However, if Sally doesn't mind, Malcolm Nursing Home is indeed a good place!"

The old gun groaned.

He didn’t know the twists and turns behind this, he just considered the problem purely from the perspective of the movie,

"Come back, in your script, the actor's name is also Malcolm. Wouldn't it be a plan for that?"

"You are right!"

Charlotte shrugged.

What should he do?

In fact, the name of the hero in "Sixth Sense" overlaps with the name of Malcolm Nursing Home, which is really just a coincidence. But now even if this is a coincidence, no one will believe it!

It would be wrong to simply make it wrong!

Besides, Charlotte felt that maybe this could really be a weapon to break the game.

Yes, he will choose to shoot the new film "Sixth Sense" in Malcolm Nursing Home, and the purpose is not just to explore.

In fact, after investigation, he has discovered that the problem with the place of Malcolm Nursing Home is indeed not just as simple as the "dragon".

First, he went to see Charlize's mother in private again under the name of visiting.

Of course, the visit is just an excuse. The real purpose is to investigate.

He found that in Malcolm Nursing Home, there was far more than Charlize’s mother who had symptoms of conspiracy.

And Charlotte didn't find the souls scattered nearby.

That's weird

"Is anyone using some evil method to deliberately create renunciation? Or... is it related to the dragon?"

Charlotte couldn't guess why.

At the same time, he also hired private investigators to investigate the history of Malcolm Nursing Home, only to find that it was a mental hospital with a long history.

Malcolm Nursing Home was established in 1936 as a hospital for the treatment of mental illness.

The founder is Malcolm Hild, a well-known psychiatric surgeon.

He is good at lobectomy, and even participated in the operation on the famous Hollywood actress Francis Although in the 1970s, studies have shown that lobectomy is not actually A very good treatment can even turn people into dementia.

But in those days, this was a very popular treatment.

At least, for a long time, Malcolm Nursing Home used this method to treat some mental patients who seemed "incurable" at the time.

Of course, as this kind of surgery was replaced by a new technology, the Malcolm Nursing Home also abandoned this technology in the footsteps of the times.

But this dark history cannot be buried.

In Charlotte’s view, the dementia caused by a lobectomy looks really similar to the symptoms of conspiracy.

"It's not always that Dr. Malcolm turned into a ghost back then, and then "operating" on all the patients he felt needed treatment, and that's why he caused a lot of sacral disorder, right?"

Charlotte speculated wildly. lt;/pgt;

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