Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 257: The conditions of the magician

According to the evaluation of Keanu Reeves by many people in the world before Charlotte crossed, this man can be called the lone star of the gods——

Since childhood, the family is unfortunate, and I am often injured. The death of a friend, a death of a sister, a death of a girlfriend, and a death of a child are simply the live-action version of Hua Hero.

After being repeatedly hit by fate, he believes in Buddhism again and has no fixed place...

Anyway, for many "Nio" fans, Keanu Reeves's experience is so embarrassing and infinitely sympathetic.

However, the facts are not exactly what everyone imagined.

At least, at the end of 1995, except for his dead friend Revan Phoenix, his sister is still alive, and his girlfriend is not his girlfriend.

As for children, they don't even exist.

The current Reeves, who just got rid of the state of being dead in the previous years, is taking advantage of last year's box office hit "Speed ​​of Life and Death" red and purple.

Up to now, most of the misfortunes he has experienced, except for the innate factor of his family, were actually caused by his own death a few years ago.

Like taking drugs, getting injured in a fight, or breaking a rib while racing...

After all, this kind of thing can only blame myself.

In fact, when dealing with the nightmare before, Charlotte had doubted why the nightmare attached to Depp would first find Revan Phoenix instead of Keanu Reeves, who is more prone to death...

At least, Ruifan has one less hobby of drag racing than the latter!

——Especially, heavy-duty locomotives are the ones that are surging!

Charlotte felt that God blessed him to live as a "savior" considering the deaths that Keanu Reeves did when he was young and frivolous.

——Not so much that he is a lone star of the evil spirits, it is better to say that he has the perverted ability to absorb the luck of nearby people.

Only in this way can he explain his strange fate.

"In other words, what is absorbed is actually life span?"

Although it is a bit vicious to say that, Charlotte did consider this possibility.

After all, the world of spells is infinite...

But Charlotte didn't expect that her guess was really in the middle of--

Although it has not reached the level of "continuation", Keanu Reeves does have a layer of extraordinary power on him.

Originally, that layer of power was extremely concealed, even with Charlotte's eyesight.

But when he just helped Rui Fan to ask his two good brothers to dream, he accidentally triggered the instinctive counterattack of that power——

"The power attached to Reeves is full of blood and violent power, but it can be hidden very well. If it weren't for the use of spells on him, it would really be invisible."

Charlotte frowned and said to Revan Phoenix in her mind,

"I used to wonder why Nightmare didn't find him, but now the reason is certain-with the violent power attached to my body, Nightmare can't interfere with him at all!"

"Is that power a curse?"

Rui Fan is worthy of being Keanu Reeves’ good brother. After hearing Charlotte’s words, the first reaction was to worry about the other party’s safety.

"He wouldn't be in any danger, would he?"

"Danger? I can't see it now."

Charlotte sighed.

"The people who are in danger right now are those who have been in contact with him for a long time."


Rui Fan's first reaction was his other good brother.

This made Charlotte a little urge to cover her forehead.

"No matter how close Depp and Reeves are, they won't get close to the bed, right?"

——Don’t be limited by friendship, Rui Fan!

Charlotte sighed in his heart, but seeing Rui Fan who was silent beside him, he suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Could it be—"

"of course not!"

Rui Fan, who reacted, hurriedly denied.

"I'm just thinking, why is this happening?"


Charlotte deliberately stretched her tone of voice, and the profound meaning between the words made Revan Phoenix feel awkward.

"According to the reaction just now, that force is like a parasite and is not controlled by Keanu Reeves, but it will not cause any harm to him in the short term."

After making a joke, Charlotte no longer diverges. After all, now is not that time.

"However, this kind of abnormal power does not exist for no reason. If it cannot harm the possessed person, it will often harm the people around the possessed person."

"Especially, through the contact just now, I can feel that this force is a bit like a radioactive material. The more the contact, the more vulnerable it is. So—"

He finally came to a conclusion,

"What really needs to worry about is Keanu Reeves's girlfriend and family. Only in close physical contact or living together for a long time can he be violated by his strength."

"Then is there any way to defend against this kind of infringement or directly solve the problem?"

Although his two good brothers will not be harmed in the short term, it is also not a good thing that the people around them will be harmed. Ruifan hurriedly sought a solution from Charlotte.

In this regard, Charlotte is a little uncertain.

"This power is weird. You say it's a curse and it's okay, but I can't do anything about it without finding out the source."

"Then how do you investigate the source?"


Charlotte pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of a way,

"We can use the nightmare to go back to the dream."

"Retrospect the dream? Nightmare?"

Rui Fan was taken aback.

"You mean the nightmare that was attached to Depp and Winona before? The one that has been wiped out by you?"

"To be precise, it was not annihilation, but a change in form after being caught by me."

Charlotte corrected Rui Fan's statement.

"But even if the form changes, it is a fantasy creature composed of dreams. Deep in its body, there are countless dreams that it has come into contact with, including Keanu Reeves's."

"Can you find out the source of the curse on Keanu through those dreams?"


Charlotte nodded.

"But the question is, why should I do this?"


Ruifan Phoenix was speechless for a while.

Indeed, unlike Rui Fan, who is a good brother to Keanu Reeves, Charlotte has no friendship with Keanu.

At the same time, this director who is good at spells is not a superhero——

He is not a superman who is responsive ~ or even Constantine who tries his best to exorcise the evil in order to avoid falling into **** after death.

For him, studying spells and ghosts is actually just an interest. If there is no interest, he will not try his best to deal with ghosts with different abilities.

It was like when he was in England before, facing the headless knight who was transformed by Cromwell, he did not choose to fight directly, but used the method of betting.

——After all, Charlotte is not an exorcist who does his best to eliminate evil.

Faced with such a guy, how can I convince him to help?

Rui Fan couldn't think of a way for a while.

At this time, Charlotte spoke.

"Rui Fan, I have a plan that is related to Hollywood ghosts and is also a normal acting career-if you are willing to help me persuade Depp and Reeves to join, I can help Reeves solve this problem. ."

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