Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 237: Mi Le Ying Lun

For the next two days, Charlotte and Charlize stayed in the UK temporarily.

They wandered around while waiting for Rowling's answer.

This did not affect the publicity plan after the release.

After all, considering the actor's popularity and role, the focus of publicity is still on Depp.

In particular, this man also proposed to Winona Reid at the premiere.

Anyway, Charlotte heard Judy Foster call and said that North America has been blown up because of this news.

The reporters are all gearing up, preparing countless questions and secret shooting plans, and preparing to give Depp and Winona back home a great deal.

Who made Depp choose to propose in London so that they could not get the headlines!

Under this circumstance, Depp "has no choice but to comply with "public opinion" and take his fiancée Winona back to North America for publicity together.

Anyway, Andrew Kevin Walker and Paramount think this is a good idea.

As for the London propaganda, it was left to Charlotte and Charlize.

After all, the premiere has already been held in London, and the British shouldn't ask for more.

What's more, although not as famous as Depp, Charlotte and Charlize, after all, one is the director and the other is the heroine. As propaganda candidates, they are enough.

In fact, their promotional effect seems to be good

"I like your performance there. Can you sign me, Miss Charlize?"

In front of the church near Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge, Charlotte and Charlize and his party, to be precise Charlize himself, were surrounded by a group of students who recognized her.

Fortunately, it is a prestigious school after all, and the quality of the students is pretty good. Before Charlotte could use any special methods, the students happily left with their signatures.

"It seems that the British really like the role of Katrina!"

Charlotte smiled and handed Charlize a bottle of water.

"Alright! I knew that after I got rid of the group of reporters, I won't release Cthulhu's Disguise Technique!"

Charlize drank and complained casually.

Then the Dongfeng who successfully proposed to Depp really caught fire in the British Isles. Incidentally, Charlize's popularity is also soaring.

From the second day of the premiere, a large number of paparazzi came to chase and intercept her and Charlotte.

For the two of them who had the Cthulhu Disguise Technique, this was actually not a problem.

However, Charlize did not expect that she would be recognized by a few ordinary students after she got rid of the large group of reporters.

"But it's okay, there aren't many people anyway, and they spread out after taking the autograph."

Charlize shook his head.

"At this time, I am a little envious of Alexis being able to fly, it's great!"

Since being able to act independently, Alexis has really freed herself. In the past few days, with the advantage of being able to fly, she has traveled almost all over London.

Not to mention the famous buildings like London Bridge or Big Ben. It was the residence of Holmes and Watson at 221b Baker Street. She also visited it once.

Although this is actually a house built after Conan Doyle's writings, it is actually a memorial to Sherlock Holmes.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Charlotte's warning that some religious-related places might be dangerous, this new Valkyrie would even want to go in and wander around Westminster Abbey.

Anyway, she can switch freely between the two states of human form and ghost. When transformed into a ghost state, most people can't see her.

"In contrast, Ruifan is still worrying."

After comparing with Alexis, Charlotte suddenly discovered that Revan Phoenix, who had turned into a headless horseman before, really wanted more art.

After the premiere, Depp and Winona have completely gotten rid of the entanglement of the nightmare, and Rui Fan no longer needs to follow them at any time.

Moreover, considering that Depp has successfully proposed a marriage, it seems inappropriate to follow such a new unmarried couple in a ghostly state.

It's a bit embarrassing.

Anyway, Rui Fan stayed in London with Charlotte and his party.

Because Charlotte cast a spell on him, he can act independently for the time being.

In the past few days, he has either wandered through Charing Cross Street, feeling the breath of book culture, or dived into the bottom of the Thames, looking for treasures and historical relics buried deep in the riverbed.

Although most of what was found was garbage such as toilet seats and old rain boots.

"Speaking of which, did Alexis say where she would go today?"

Charlotte asked.

Since he didn't intend to interfere with Alexis's "exhaustion" these days, he didn't ask about the other party's movements in detail. But he thought Charlize would know.

After all, even if separated from Charlize, the relationship between Alexis and Charlize is still very good.

"She said she wanted to visit Salisbury in southwest London."

Charlize replied,

"Want to see Stonehenge, right?"

"It's estimated to be. But"

Charlotte paused.

"Stonehenge is a mysterious and sacred place in the hearts of the British. To a certain extent, it is no different from a religious building with a belief bonus."

"You mean, Alexis is in danger!?"

Charlize suddenly became anxious.

"That's not true."

Charlotte shook her head.

"Stonehenge has always been considered an ancient relic, and many people like to associate it with Celtic mythology. Celtic mythology is a branch of Nordic mythology."

"And Alexis has become a Valkyrie, which is equivalent to a power obtained from Norse mythology."

Charlize, who had been taught a lot of spell knowledge by Charlotte, understood.

"So she won't be hurt by the power in Stonehenge."

"If there is really a mysterious power in there."

Charlotte shrugged.

"I haven't been there, I don't know. But through the contract signed with Alexis before, I can feel that she is not in any danger."

"That's good!"

Charlize relaxed. Looking at the church not far away, I suddenly became a little curious.

"Charlotte, what do you want to see when you brought me here today?"


Charlotte pointed her finger in the direction of the main entrance of the followed and found that it was a plaque

"Aristocratic protector of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, alumnus of the school from 1616 to 1617, head of Oliver Cromwell, buried near here on March 25, 1960."

"You are not here to find Cromwell's skull!?"

Charlize suddenly realized Charlotte's purpose.

"That's it!"

Charlotte nodded.

"I want to ask him some questions about the gates of hell, so after finding out that his head was finally buried here, I came here to have a look! But"

Charlotte had a wry smile at the corner of her mouth.

"He seems to ignore our plan!"

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