Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 195: Saturn

The Saturn Award was founded in 1972 by the American Academy of Science Fiction and Horror Film.

It aims to reward and promote the excellent works of science fiction and horror in the field of film and television, as well as outstanding works with breakthrough and innovative significance.

Compared to the Oscars, who are very unkind to science fiction and horror films, the Saturn Award can be said to be the base camp of these two film types.

It can even be said that the Saturn Award is the result of the two major commercial film genres being ignored by the Oscars.

Compared with some of the Oscar-winning works, especially the acting awards, which were not well-known before the award, the winning works of the Saturn Award often choose more famous commercial works.

Simply put, the Oscar makes the winning work famous, and the Saturn Award chooses the famous work to win the prize.

From this perspective, the compelling Saturn Award is not as good as the Oscar.

But on the other hand, it is not easy for the Saturn Awards to have a situation that many audiences are not familiar with nominated works.

Of course, overall, the distance between the Saturn Awards and the Oscars is still very large.

However, this is the closest award to Charlotte.

In fact, at the 67th Oscar that ended before, the producer Mr. Westwood also worked for the crew of "Happy Death".

At that time, he declared for several awards including best original screenplay, best editing, and best actress, but he could not get the last nomination.

Mr. Westwood was very angry at the time and said that this was Oscar's habit of discriminating against horror films, but Charlotte thought it was normal.

After all, 1994 was the year when a lot of masterpieces such as "Forrest Gump", "Shawshank's Redemption", and "Pulp Fiction" were born together.

This is a super Oscar year.

In such a year of competition and incentives, it is already very good to get a nomination.

As for the crew of "Happy Death Day", from director to actors, everyone is very junior, the production and distribution company behind it is not strong, the investment in public relations is low, and it is normal to do nothing.

In contrast, Charlotte has some expectations for the Saturn Award, which focuses on commercial films.

The facts are as he expected.

Nominations have been announced at the 21st Saturn Awards scheduled to be held on June 26, 1995. There are several items related to Charlotte in this——

In the best horror film nomination, "Happy Death Day" squeezed in, but it's hard to say how the situation is;

Charlize was nominated for Best Actress, because her performance in "Happy Death" is indeed outstanding;

In the best director nomination, Charlotte was lucky enough to get a place for "Happy Death Day", but considering that the same group are all big names like Cameron and Robert Zemigis, don't think about it;

Nominated for Best Screenplay, Charlotte was shortlisted for the unique infinite loop structure of "Happy Death". He is contending for this award;

The best special effects nomination included "Fatal Bend", which was really beyond Charlotte's expectations, but think about the unprecedented second brush special effects...

Now, Charlize came to discuss with Charlotte, it was these nominations--

"Sally, for the first time facing an award nomination, are you a little nervous?"

Faced with Charlotte's jokes, the girl rarely fought back.

"It seems to be true!"

Faced with a girl who rarely showed this expression, Charlotte couldn't help but stretched out her hand and rubbed her head.

"In fact, the previous Golden Globe Awards and the People's Choice Award, if "Happy Death Day" can be released earlier, we should have a chance."

"Unfortunately, the Christmas screenings have allowed us to crush the entire Christmas schedule, but there is too little time for us to leave us with public relations awards."

Of course, this statement is actually relative.

For those films that have been aiming to win awards since the establishment of the project, this is actually not a problem. They will start public relations from the moment it is released.

In fact, most art films do this.

Most of them will choose to release in December, and often use the mode of click-to-show, just to get closer to the time for the Oscar awards.

After all, even if the films released at the beginning of the year or the middle of the year performed well, the memory of the judges was blurred by the time of the Oscar selection at the beginning of the second year.

How can it be that the films that are being shown in the cinema at the time of the awards are more likely to be remembered by the judges?

However, this screening strategy must be used in conjunction with the award-winning public relations program.

If you wait for the movie’s audience to get word of mouth, and even the box office is almost harvested, and then think of going to public relations to win prizes, then there is basically no hope.

——This is the dilemma that "Happy Death Day" faced during the awards season at the beginning of the year.

In the final analysis, this is also related to "Happy Death" is a tripartite film project.

Whether it's New Line, Orion or Judy Foster's "egg", the three companies have an attitude of not seeing rabbits or spreading eagles toward the movie "Happy Death Day".

This kind of attitude was fine during the initial publicity, after all, it was negotiated. But in the later stage of the awards, everyone was a little bit thinking about "borrowing the east wind".

As a result, the three monks had no water to eat, and "Happy Death Day" became completely transparent during the awards season.

Of course, as a youth campus horror film, "Happy Death" was not originally based on awards. The three companies did not rush for awards, perhaps because they knew it too well.

As for the individual's public relations with the award?

This can only be said to be no joke.

At the beginning of 1995, although "Happy Death Day" was a big hit, the related balance payment was not available for a while.

At that time, both Charlotte and Charlize were in a state of poverty and nothing. Where did the money come from to hire public relations personnel?

Anyway doesn't have that thought.

However, now that the "Happy Death Day" has been divided into hands, and after the pockets have become abundant, Charlotte's mind has also changed.

You know, although the Saturn Award is not as good as the Oscars, it still has some weight in the hearts of lovers of science fiction, adventure and horror movies.

"Sally, did you know? Compared to the confusing Oscars before the draw, the Saturn Awards can be said to be completely transparent."

Charlotte began to analyze Charlize,

"Although their awards also require public relations, it is much simpler. It can even be said that it is not public relations to a certain extent-because they always choose the most famous works."

"Is that right?"

Charlize didn't believe it. In response, Charlotte shrugged.

"Actually, I can't say that. After all, this is also the gossip I heard. In short, Sally, your best actress, the opponent is very strong."

He explained,

"Sandra Bullock in "Life and Death" and Jamie Lee Curtis in "True Lies", these two can be said to be your biggest opponents."

"Simply competing for influence, "Happy Death Day" is no match for them."

Charlize knows this very well.


Charlotte nodded.

"However, you are the absolute protagonist in "Happy Death". Unlike them, you are just a vase in their respective movies. This is your advantage, but it is not clear whether you can win the prize."

"However, if your agent Pat Kingsley has any ideas, you might as well let her try."

PS1: "Saturn" is a horror film released in 1999, directed by Rob Schmidt. PS2: Sorry, I accidentally talked about the award issue.

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