Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 188: On top of my corpse (15 happy)

Unlike when filming "Deadly Bend" and "Happy Death Day", this time Charlotte paid special attention to the filming of the film.

To this end, he deliberately set up a special video camera on the set.

From later generations, he knows that although the film flower seems to be irrelevant, it is actually an important element to increase the sales of DVDs.

It is 1995. Although DVDs have not yet been marketed, VCDs already exist. Besides, there are more traditional video tapes

Pieces of flowers and the like are already useful.

In particular, this time Charlotte is still one of the main producers. If he can enjoy the box office share, he must also consider the issue of cost recovery.

As a medium-to-large-scale production, the cost budget of "Dropped Head" is 60 million U.S. dollars, which is slightly less than the original production cost of 65 million U.S. dollars for the film in the world, but it is almost the same.

And to recover this large production cost, Charlotte needs to think of something.

Of course, for the director, the most important thing to consider is the box office of the movie.

Even with the development of the times, peripheral income such as DVDs will gradually exceed the box office, but the box office is still the most direct measure of the success of a movie.

However, this does not mean that Charlotte cannot consider other means at the same time.

Moreover, the piece of flowers is very good even if it is left as a souvenir.

Charlotte heard that Kubrick, the director of "2001: A Space Odyssey", likes to collect the film shots of the actors he has worked with.

Of course, considering Kubrick’s cold and satirical film style, all the clips he likes can be said to be the black history of the actors, but

Who cares about those directors?

Isn't it Charlotte herself who also left behind the scenes of Depp screaming at the scared beetle?

Of course, unlike Kubrick who purely treats special films as a collection, Charlotte's main purpose of shooting films is to sell money.

All shooting actions that are not for the purpose of making money are hooliganism!

In Hollywood, this is a secret industry standard.

Charlotte does not intend to violate industry standards.

In fact, even though she gradually fell in love with the job of director and made some achievements, Charlotte still does not have a particularly big artistic pursuit.

He just wants to shoot more good stories, good stories that can be liked by more people.

that is it.

Because he likes many people to discuss his work and like the feeling of his work.

Even these works are largely from his original world.

But after all, being born into this world, he still passed his hands, and he could still experience a certain sense of accomplishment from it.

"Even if I'm just a porter of film and television works..."

Charlotte thought silently.

Of course, this is just his own idea. If the original director of the works he "transported" saw the results of his "transportation", 80% would be dumbfounded

"Fatal Bend", the cast has not changed, he has changed the film from the beginning to the end from the rhythm to the scene, and also introduced a very strange two-brush effect;

"Happy Death" has changed a little less, but the cast has also changed a lot. Especially the serial killer, he was directly replaced by a woman, with a very interesting background story, and handed it to Judy Foster...

In contrast, "Drifthead Valley" is the movie that he most complies with the original.

Except for the heroine Christina Ricci, who was replaced by Charlize because of her young age, the other actors are basically Tim Burton's lineup.

There is basically no change in the script.

He basically just used his abilities and spells to make some fine-tuning.

However, it is absolutely impossible to say that he didn't mix his own private goods in this movie.

Especially the scenes and shots related to spells.

Don't forget, unlike other directors who can only rely on imagination, he is professional in this respect.

Take the headless horseman, the gateway between Yin and Yang, the tree of death, for example.

In his original "Drop Head", the tree is weird, but it is more of a special effect rendering of the movie. It is not even a tree in itself, it can only be said to be a prop.

In Charlotte’s version of "Driftwood", the tree of death is a real demon tree.

"Alexis, your remains are buried by this tree by me!"

Pointing to the twisted and terrifying demon tree, Charlotte explained to the blond girl beside her,

"It took a lot of effort to find out the whereabouts of your remains from the Los Angeles Police Department, and then"

"Then you became a tomb thief once?"

The blond girl interrupted Charlotte directly, and then smiled playfully.

"This is what Charlize said!"


Charlotte shook her head girl. Is it that difficult to save some face for your boyfriend who has just been determined not long ago?

However, since that's the end of the story, Charlotte didn't intend to conceal it.

"Actually, I've been a tomb thief more than once, right, Rui Fan?"

When he said this, it was Johnny Depp's face that was facing him.

"You're right!"

Depp, no, it was Ruifan Phoenix who occupied Depp's body and nodded with a wry smile.


Today is Sunday, the crew is closed.

Charlotte specially brought two ghosts, Alexis and Ruifan, to the "Tree of Death" that had been processed by the props team, just to explain them.

Of course, with Alexis, Charlize who is almost one with her is naturally indispensable.

And Ruifan Phoenix, with the help of Charlotte, temporarily borrowed the body of Johnny Depp.

Although I haven't used it for a while, but with solid physical memory, Charlotte's way of prescribing medicine is still so proficient...

"Rui Fan's body was indeed stolen by me!"

In front of the two ghosts and her girlfriend, Charlotte directly confessed the crime of having to go in for at least a few years if the police knew about it.

"Now, I am buried under the roots of the tree of death!"

"...In other words, two bones are buried under this tree, which should be a prop?"

Alexis's face turned pale.

Her reaction made Charlotte laugh.

"Hey, Alexis, you are a ghost! What corpse are you afraid of? Especially, there is one in it, or your own corpse!"

"Even if you say that..."

Alexis shrank his shoulders and shook his, it's a bit weird indeed! But I don’t know why, I’m scared of this tree, just like you did when you drove out ghosts at the crossroads. "

"Is it like the last time you exorcated ghosts?"

Charlotte stroked her chin.

"It seems, Alexis, you really want to "live"! That's why you are so sensitive to the gates of hell!"

"Hell Gate!?"


Charlotte pointed to the twisted tree of death,

"Under this tree, I have indeed arranged a **** gate!"


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