Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 183: Wonderful image

When Charlotte rescued Gwyneth who had been hit by Depp and Winona before, she didn't clear the evil spirit from her.

And he didn't think that evil spirit would dissipate naturally.

"Could it be that the evil spirit representing the three original sins was transferred to other people?"

For a time, Charlotte was suspicious.

However, he also knew that this matter was unclear for a while.

And he still has work to do--

"I'm now saying, choosing Charlize as the heroine shouldn't be a problem, right?"

During the previous auditions, Charlotte hadn't talked much. Until now, he finally asked.

Judy Foster and Andrew Walker both nodded.

With the facts in front of us, there is nothing to argue about.

"Charlotte, how do you feel about going to the Hudson Gorge this time?"

Andrew Walker asked.

"This... what should I say?"

Charlotte scratched her head.

"The topography of the Hudson Gorge and the preserved architectural style of the ancient villages are in line with the original work, and they are similar to the requirements of the script. If it is a pure costume drama, it is enough."

"But what?"

Judy Foster asked with a smile.

"You would say that, there must be more, but right?"

"You're right!"

Charlotte nodded.

"However, what we are going to shoot is an ancient costume fantasy horror film. The normal scenery of Hudson Canyon alone may not show that dark and weird style."

The story of "Dropped Head" itself is dark and weird, even the original "Legend of Sleepy Hollow".

Therefore, even if Charlotte is not Tim Burton, and will not be able to make movies without the dark gothic style, he still can't directly use the natural scenery of Hudson Canyon.

"So, do you want to set up artificial scenery?"

Andrew Walker asked.

Charlotte Kanjing was there with the photographer Addison Young, who had recorded the recorded images that Andrew and Judy Foster had already seen this week.

Therefore, they were not surprised when they heard Charlotte's words, and Andrew directly asked follow-up questions.

After all, in this era, it is impossible to shoot images directly on location, so you can only set up a camera studio.

——Full green screen shooting. In this era, it is relatively difficult to achieve technically, and it has not become popular on a large scale.

But Charlotte shook her head.

"It would be too time-consuming and cost-intensive if all the locations were set up by the studio."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I plan to still shoot on location in Hudson Canyon, but I will use some technical means to render the picture to achieve the dark and weird style required by the story."

"Rendering!? Is it computer rendering?"

Both Judy Foster and Andrew Walker were taken aback.

The two of them are not completely untouched by similar technologies, but as far as they know, in order to achieve the desired effect in Charlotte's script——

"Should not be possible with current technology?"

Charlotte did not speak. He just turned on the equipment, and with the help of photographer Addison Yang, he put up a video...


Addison Young has been looking forward to this video.

When he and Charlotte were looking at the Hudson Canyon near New York, the two discussed how to make ordinary natural scenery dark and strange.

In addition to large-scale artificial setting, Addison did not think of other methods.

But Charlotte said that special effects technology can be used for rendering.

"Using the kind of technology I mentioned before for special effects rendering, it should be fine."

What he said was modest and eye-catching, which made Edison, who had been very skeptical, couldn't help but look forward to it.

And Charlotte did not disappoint Mr. Photographer's expectations.

"This is--"

As soon as he glanced at the video played by Charlotte, Addison was taken aback.

And soon, Judy Foster and Andrew Walker, who also watched a lot of videos and movies, also understood.

"This is the same segment as the recorded video we watched before!?"

"It's the same paragraph."

Charlotte nodded.

"The difference is that this section is rendered with special effects."

On the screen, the natural scenery is exactly the same as before, but it looks gloomy, gloomy and gloomy...

"How did it do it?"

Photographer Addison Yang pondered to himself.

He still remembered that many of the shots Charlotte asked him to take were a bit strange, most of which used a filter he hadn’t seen before——

"Is it related to that kind of filter?"

When shooting at the scene, he didn't notice any changes in the picture after going through that filter. But now, the processed picture has undergone such a magical change.

"Maybe the filtered, not visible light!"

As a photographer, Addison Young knows optics very well. He suspects that the filter Charlotte gave him filters out some invisible light like ultraviolet rays.

"It is estimated that those pop lights will affect the production of special effects?"

Addison Young guessed,

"In this way, the Alexis that Charlotte said is really not to be underestimated! Female programmers are just as perverted!"

——Well, although Addison’s thoughts are a bit sexist, his guess is indeed correct in a small part.

——Of course, not the part related to Alexis.

The filter Charlotte gave him can indeed cut off some invisible light.

But that is not the main function of that filter.

Its main function is to record Charlotte's image changed by the disguise technique into the camera.

——This is what Charlotte said before, the method of recording the changed image of the Cthulhu's disguise technique.

He turned the filter into something similar to the eyes of a living body.

Above it, there is a weak consciousness.

From Charlotte's own consciousness.

With the interference of conscious factors, the filter is like the human can receive the image changes brought about by Yirongshu.

The camera behind the filter will also be affected by the filter and record this change.

Of course, this is not the reason why the originally recorded natural scenery has become gloomy and weird.

But in essence, the principle is similar.

Since Charlotte’s little consciousness is attached to the filter, he can naturally take pictures of things that ordinary people can’t see according to his hopes——

At that time, he condensed the Yin Qi in the Hudson Gorge with his spells.

This kind of change is invisible to ordinary people's eyes.

However, if you observe it with a special spell, you can immediately see the yin wind.

Under the action of Charlotte's spell, Addison Young's camera actually recorded this scene.

It's just that the photographer himself can't see it.

But after Charlotte's treatment, this strange and terrifying scene finally appeared.

——That is the current period of influence.

"It should be said that this picture is indeed rendered!"

Charlotte muttered in her heart,

"However, it is not digital rendering, but magic rendering!"

PS1: "Fantastic Image" is a documentary in 2011, which contains interview records of many big-name directors and actors including Christopher Nolan and Tim Rose. PS2: Hudson Gorge is the place where the original "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" took place. When the filming of "Sleep Hollow", the director team did go wherever the scene was, and the conclusions reached are the same as those written in my book, but they I don't know how to spell like Charlotte, so I chose to go to London to build all artificial scenery. PS3: So, most of the sceneries in the movie "Guillotine Valley" are actually built manually, which is one reason why it costs a lot of money.

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