Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 169: Car accident

Winona thinks she must be crazy!

Obviously I didn't really want to take over that role, but because of Judy Foster's persuasion, the ghost and the gods took it;

Obviously, every time I meet Johnny, I will have nightmares when I come back, but I still can’t help but meet him;

Obviously broke up...


Winona wanted to hold her head and shout, but she couldn't.

Because she is racing.

After deciding to accept the invitation of "Broken Head", her agent has begun to discuss contract details with Judy Foster and others.

Although she didn't need to care about these things, she felt extremely anxious while waiting.

Depressed, she decided to drive out for a drive.

Johnny told her to be able to decompress in this way.

Although, the latter actually does not have such a hobby. This hobby is his best friend Keanu Reeves.

And that guy is driving a heavy locomotive.

However, if this method is really effective, Winona has to thank God!

At least, this is a good hobby rather than stealing things.

Thinking of this, Winona felt bored again

She doesn't know why she has such a hobby.

That was when "Edward Scissorhands" was just released. She went shopping once, and she took a piece of Dove chocolate and stuffed it into her sleeve.

When she passed the cash register, she was so nervous, but she never returned the chocolate.

Fortunately, the cashier didn't find it.

When she walked past the cash register smoothly, she felt a pleasure from the depths of her soul, like...

In short, that feeling is more than physical.

Since then, she has fallen in love with that feeling.

Even if she knew it was wrong, sometimes, she couldn't help but "take" something, and the experience of never being caught even further contributed to this.

She just can't control herself.

"Why did I become like this!?"

Winona knew that this was actually a psychological illness called theft.

After realizing that something was wrong with her, she dared not tell anyone. Instead, she checked some books and finally came to this conclusion.

But this conclusion did not help her in any way.

She can neither relieve her psychological pressure nor control herself from stealing, let alone see a psychiatrist.

In fact, every time she suppresses her impulse to steal, she will inevitably have nightmares before long.

Compared to the terrible nightmare and the anxiety of not being able to sleep, she would rather steal things.

"But if this goes on, you will be caught sooner or later, when the time comes."

Even using her knees to imagine, Winona knew that by that time she would inevitably be criticized by the media, and then she would be described as a psychopathic female celebrity, and then...


Winona yelled, and the accelerator under her feet stomped even harder.

Her eyes turned red, as if there was a terrifying beast chasing after her...


"What? Winona Reid had a car accident!?"

When Charlotte received the news, she was modifying the character setting of the heroine Katrina in the script based on Winona's image.

After all, in the version of "Guillotine Valley" he had seen in the original world, the heroine was not Winona, but Christina Ricci.

The two are very different from appearance to age to acting skills. If you don’t modify some settings, just copy it...

"However, if the car accident is serious, I am afraid my efforts will be wasted again!"

Because she didn't have much friendship with Winona Reid, Charlotte didn't waste time praying for the former, but thought of the worst result for the first time.

For actors who rely on their faces to eat, accidents such as car accidents that can cause serious injuries are very scary.

Not to mention the danger of disfigurement, just local stiffness and deformation caused by facial injuries can completely destroy all the actors' acting skills.

It turned ugly in an instant with a zombie face, which was much more terrifying than the botox and hyaluronic acid used by older actresses to keep their youth and beauty.

In this regard, the most typical example is Mark Hamill, who is the protagonist or supporting role in the main story of "Star Wars", who is also the actor of Luke Skywalker.

This one thought that he was also a beautiful young man. Although the acting skills are indeed mediocre, at least it is enough.

As a result, before shooting "Star Wars 2", he was injured in a car accident and his face was injured. After the operation, he became a complete zombie face. Luke Skywalker was also ugly.

Thanks to the fact that the Star Wars series has always watched the special effects screens instead of the actors' acting, otherwise it is estimated that George Lucas would have killed his heart with a single shot.

But even so, because after turning into a zombie face, there is no way to control facial expressions, and Mark Hamill can only retreat behind the scenes after the Star Wars is about to pass.

By the way, after he retreated behind the scenes, he focused on dubbing the clowns in the Batman series of animations, and successfully became the childhood shadow of countless American teenagers.

As for the transition from being a big hit to only dubbing the clown, I am afraid that only Mark Hamill can tell the whole story.

"So, Keanu Reeves, who can only rely on his face to eat, but loves to play heavy motorcycles, is also a brave actor!"

Charlotte is still sighing meaninglessly here.

He was too lazy to think about if Winona was really seriously injured, the starring candidate for "Decapitated Valley" might have to shuffle the cards as a whole.


"What's wrong with her?"

When I really came to the hospital to visit, I saw Winona Reid’s situation, and Charlotte really wanted to spit out a few words starting with f.

The beauty of this classical temperament was actually very lightly injured. One was not broken, the other was no fracture, and there was no major damage to the organs. In terms of a car accident, she was already very lucky.

But she just didn't wake up!

"The doctor said that the cause of the coma is unknown, and I don't know when I will wake up, but it is estimated that the possibility of becoming a vegetative is not small..."

Outside the ward, Judy Foster whispered to Charlotte.

Upon receiving the news, the actress rushed to the hospital. After all, not only was she friends with Winona, she also invited the latter to star in "Dropped Head", and now in this situation...

"It seems that not only Winona, but Depp is hanging!"

Looking at in the ward, like a statue, Johnny Depp, who was guarding Winona without moving, Charlotte sighed.


Judy Foster smiled bitterly.

"He was the first to arrive. Winona's family had never liked him, but now"

This can be regarded as seeing the truth in adversity!

If Winona can wake up soon, this might turn out to be a good story. But if...

"The world is unpredictable!"

Judy sighed helplessly when he saw the really touching scene in the ward.

But Charlotte’s pupils shrank suddenly:

"This may not be a normal car accident!"


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