Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 164: Nodame Cantabile

Winona Reid was lying on the big soft bed, tossing and turning.

"Why do one or two of them want us to get back together!? Does this have anything to do with you!?"

She wanted to throw the pillow out screaming, but she didn't know who to throw it to.

"Judy is so troublesome!"

In desperation, she had no choice but to cover her face with a pillow weakly,

"So troublesome!"

Today, Judy Foster, who is a friend of her, handed her a script, saying that she wanted her to be the leading actress.

Winona started to be a little interested in the script called "Drop Head", but after reading roughly the description of the male protagonist——

"This feeling is tailored to him, right?"

Realizing that it might be her ex-boyfriend who had broken up with her, Winona couldn't help but feel awkward.

It's not that she has no nostalgia for Johnny, but...

The irritable mood made her unable to sleep, but in the middle of the night, she couldn't leave the bed uninterested.

Half asleep and half awake, she suddenly felt a strong force coming from under her body——

The soft big bed opened a big mouth, swallowing Winona all at once.

The next moment, blood gushed out from the big mouth on the bed like a fountain.

The blood was sprayed high and directly onto the white ceiling.

At this moment, gravity seems to have reversed, blood spurts out endlessly, then reverses gravity, gathers on the ceiling, and gradually forms a pool of blood...


Winona screamed and sat up from the big bed.

"It's this dream again!"

It was not the first time she had this dream. At first, she thought it might be related to her and Depp's relationship.

After all, this dream is very similar to how the character Johnny Depp died in "Hunter Street"...

"But we have broken up!!!"

Although this is not the real reason for the two of them breaking up, Winona, who is a little nervous, does have lingering fears about this dream.

However, even now that the two have broken up, this nightmare will still come from time to time.

"It's not a way to go on like this!"

Winona sighed subconsciously.


Also sighing is Johnny Depp.

He also had a nightmare that was swallowed by the bed and then turned into a pool of blood.

Unlike Winona, who is easily panicked, she doesn't know if it should be calm or unresponsive. Depp's reaction after awakening is calm.

He even had time to light a cigarette and lay down on the bed and spit out mist.

If you don't look at his trembling hands, you might not realize that he had a nightmare.

"It would be great if there was something more powerful!"

Depp thought regretfully.

However, thinking of his friend Ruifan Phoenix who died behind his bar because of a drug overdose, he felt that he could hold on again.

"This may be a sequelae caused by the withdrawal reaction! Otherwise, I won't think of "Meng Ghost Street" again."

The big-hearted Johnny comforted himself so much, but he forgot that it was neither the first time he had this nightmare, nor was he alone.

So when Charlotte visited the next day, he said nothing.


Charlotte's visit was just for "Dropped Head".

After discussing with Judy Foster, he quickly wrote a more detailed script based on the previous draft.

Because of the "Guillotine Valley" movie in the original world as a reference, his script was written quickly.

What's more, he also has a human paper, and he can verify the script at any time to see if there is a rhythm problem after it is transformed into a dynamic picture.

——According to the results of the deduction using the human leather book, Charlotte fine-tuned many details of the script, not only solved many possible rhythm problems in advance, but also determined which shots should be emphasized.

This time, with a detailed script, Charlotte specifically registered. And now, Judy Foster is trying to make investments based on his new script.

As for the heroes and heroines of the script, because of the pre-determined before, he and Miss Shadow Queen simply did a division of labor——

He got Johnny Depp!

After all, during the filming of "Happy Death", the two established a good relationship, not to mention that Charlotte had a ready-made excuse to persuade Depp——

"I brought the screenplay that promised you, Johnny!"

As soon as Charlotte entered the door, he took out the script with great magnificence and straight to the point.

"The hero is you, and the heroine is Winona Reid!"

——The opportunity has been created for you. See if you want to take it?

In the end, Charlotte didn't say this, but Depp could see it clearly.


Although Charlotte did promise to make a movie specifically for them to create opportunities, Depp took that remark more as a joke.

After all, how easy is it to make a movie of your own volition in Hollywood?

But now, this guy not only got it done, but it didn't take long.

"You really are a quick-witted person!"

Depp, who is still running a bar, can be said to be an out-and-out slow man. He admires Charlotte's mobility.

"However, have you solved the funding problem?"

"Can I still come to you after it's solved?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes and sprayed Depp straightly.

"If you didn't promise to create opportunities for you, what do you think I am coming to you for in such a hurry?"

Obviously because of insufficient funds, I wanted to get the actors first, and then use the actors to fudge the investment, but the director fought back.

"Only when the investment is not in place, I, as a director, can fix the actors first, and then through a fait accompli, can I force the producer to accept the protagonist I——"

"Otherwise, we will have an open audition!"

Depp, who has gone through many auditions, naturally knows the production process of Hollywood movies, and he also knows that Charlotte’s words are not lies.

In the crew, it is the management who represents the producer, not the director, who really holds the highest ruling power.

Of course, because of the ability and expertise, most producers will not interfere too much with the director during the filming process.

The influence of the producer on the film is more reflected in the pre-preparation and post-editing.

An important part of the preliminary preparations is the selection of actors.

However, unlike post-editing, which is difficult for the director to intervene, the director's opinion is still very important when casting a cast.

But even so, it is not possible that the producer will veto it because of some commercial or even private factors.

However, if the director can come up with a very good starring list before the producer intervenes, and even reach an agreement verbally, it is generally not too troublesome for the producer, and it will save trouble.

This is what Charlotte means.

Depp thinks Charlotte’s words make sense, but--

"I always think something is wrong!"

PS1: "Nodame Cantabile" is a live-action movie adapted from anime by RB, which is pretty good. PS2: In "Nodame Cantabile", the symphony is music, and here, the symphony is a nightmare. PS3: This dream is indeed the way to die for Depp's character in "Most Ghost Street", not made up by me. PS4: Ruifan Phoenix is ​​a golden boy of the Hollywood generation. Because of the death of the drug, it is said that several roles that Xiao Li picked up later were originally from this product. PS5: Depp took drugs. It is said that he died because of his friend Rui Fan's death, but he should not be completely quit.

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