Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 154: spiritualism

"You should help me find my mother's soul first!"

A day later, Charlotte got a reply from Charlize who was visiting at her home.

"Although the recovery time may be a bit longer, at least that way can be more at ease."

The girl’s face is a little haggard, she should have been thinking about it.

"I would rather wait for a while than if I was uncertain."

"okay then!"

Charlotte sighed, and simply took out two jars from under the bed and placed them in front of Charlize.

"Choose one, Sally!"

"This is--"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and when she looked at it, she found a large emerald green praying mantis in one of the two jars. This insect catcher with two long knives was facing her.

In the other jar, there was a big gray spider with fur. Charlize was frightened just by looking at its front claws.

"what do you mean?"

The girl looked cautiously at the two jars containing the large insects, as if she wanted to avoid it.

"I will cast a spell to attract part of your mother's soul that has been separated from the body, and then attach it to the insects you choose."


Charlize's mouth twitched.

"Does it have to be an insect?"


Charlotte, of course, could see that Charlize seemed to be a little scared of these two bugs, and he gave a wry smile.

"Because apart from bugs, the soul of the spine is relatively strong, and it is easy to reject the attached soul. In fact, it is crickets that are most suitable for attaching to the free soul of patients with this type of soul disorder."


"Yes, because this is a precedent."

Charlotte nodded and continued,

"In the past in China--"

"and many more!"

Charlize interrupted him suddenly,

"Let’s make it clear first, is there another scene in your story where the heroine and heroine go to bed? I’m not in that mood now."


Charlotte was speechless for a while.

Only then did he realize that in the girl's mind, every time he tells a story about a ghost, it is to seduce the other person to bed...

"But not this time!"

Charlotte seemed very innocent.

——Indeed, this is one of the rare stories written by Pu Songling’s elders without being a human being.

"Then talk about it!"

The girl looked at him suspiciously.

"...Sally, if you keep doing this, you will completely lose my interest in storytelling."

Charlotte gave the girl a helpless look before continuing.

"To put it simply, it is a child who committed suicide because of conflicts with his family. Although he was rescued, he became a vegetative state, that is—"

"Lost soul syndrome!"

Charlize immediately realized that what Charlotte said this time was actually an example, and she asked anxiously.

"Then what?"

"Then the child separated part of the soul from the body and attached to a little cricket. Later, the little cricket also helped his family, won many cricket matches, and brought a lot of bonuses to the family."

"Then this kid has finally recovered?"

Charlize's biggest concern is still this issue.

"back to normal."

Charlotte Nodded,

"It took more than a year, and then he still remembers what happened when he became a cricket."

"So you said it will take about a year..."

Charlize understood.

"Is it estimated using this story as an example?"

"That's right! So—"

Charlotte grinned smirkly.

"Choose, Sally!"

He once again placed the two jars with bugs in front of the girl.


Charlize was helpless,

"Why not choose a cute insect?"

"For example?"

Charlotte asked, rolling her eyes.

"Can you name an insect that you think is cute? In advance, flying insects such as butterflies are not good, because of their nature, if they are trapped in one place for a long time, they will die."

"The ant—"

"An ant or the like is too small. Can you imagine me attaching your mother's soul to it, but because the attachment is too small, you can't see her at all?"


Charlize looked at the plausible Charlotte, suddenly wondering if the guy in front of him was on purpose.

However, she also knew that there was no point in doubting Charlotte in matters related to ghosts and spells.

The girl who actually has no choice can only choose a jar at will.

"Just this spider!"

——At least I heard that this thing is easier to raise.

The girl can only comfort herself so.

"very good!"

Charlotte laughed.

"Sally, I know you may be a little afraid of these insects, but when I summon the part of your mother's separated soul to the insects, you will wait for regular contact with her to get her back as soon as possible."

"I, I know."

Charlize's answer stammered, obviously losing his former momentum.

"Then let's start calling souls next!"

Charlotte did not continue to embarrass the girl, he took out a puppet made of straw,

"Sally, before you came, I actually made some general preparations. Now I need you to help me complete the rest!"

As he said, he handed the girl a note and a pen,

"Write down your mother's name and birthday first, and then write your own."


Charlize very honestly followed Charlotte's request and wrote down the relevant content. Charlotte took the note and stuffed it into the stomach of the Scarecrow.

"Then you need the hair on both sides."

Charlotte continued,

"I actually secretly took a piece of hair on your mother's day. As for you—"

Looking at the girl who was about to pull out his hair, the corner of his mouth tilted.

"In fact, the hair there is better than the hair!"


The girl's face turned red all of a sudden.

Although the two have "helped each other" many times, Charlize was still not ashamed to do it directly in front of him.

Fortunately, this is Charlotte's home, no one else. The girl went to the bathroom and stayed for a while. After she came out, she handed Charlotte a curly golden retriever.

"very good!"

Charlotte didn't say much. He knew that at this time it was a bit embarrassing to say everything.

"Now let's start!"

As he said, he closed the curtains, lit two candles on the table, and put the puppet scarecrow in the middle of the candles. Then waved his hand--

The light of the candle turned green!

The atmosphere in the room instantly became dark and strange.

And it was not over yet, Charlotte distributed the hairs from Charlize and her mother to two candles. The hair was quickly burned by candlelight, and two wisps of blue smoke lit up.

The green smoke did not rise vertically as normal, but like two spirit snakes, rolling towards the scarecrow in the middle, and finally entangled it.

"The place where your loved ones are is where your home is! So, go home!"

Charlotte muttered softly.

After speaking, he bowed to the scarecrow on the table.

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