Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, and then said modestly: "Sister is too praised." Daojun, my sister often mentions you!"

said, pulling Xiaobai in a daze.

"Sister, I haven't seen Daojun yet!"

Xiao Bai woke up in shock and bowed slightly: "I've seen Daojun." "

"Xiaobai doesn't have to be polite. "

The green snake standing behind was a little anxious, and when he saw that the two had met the courtesy, he hurriedly pulled his sister forward.

My sister is really.

Obviously happy in my heart, but I still have to pretend, you look at others, and if you like it, you will go up.

Look at your style of play, without my Xiaoqing playing next to you, you have no chance of winning at all.

"Bai Suzhen has seen Daojun!"

"Xiaoqing has seen Daojun. "

"You're welcome. Zhang Taixuan responded, "Let's all take a seat, the people who come here are all old friends, so you don't have to be so angry." Come on, serve!"

With an order, all kinds of fruit plates and delicacies were delivered.

This banquet brings together the essence of cuisine from all walks of life, and is carefully cooked by the chefs of the two cuisines of the world, which can be said to be extremely luxurious.

Just smelling the smell made the mouths of the first-time banquet drinkers cry out that they can't stand it.

"Lingzun, this kind of meal is really an immortal delicacy. Dao Xuan admired.

050 Lingzun said proudly: "What is this, if I want to eat, I can eat it every day." Everyone in the group has sent food red envelopes. "

When everyone heard this, they were immediately envious.

The other side.

The two pairs of blue and white snakes are much better.

Both of them are sisters, and there is food, so Xiaoqing naturally tasted it a long time ago.

As for Nie Xiaoqian, her expression was surprised and her face was full of nostalgia.

She hadn't tasted food in years since she became a ghost.

After all, ghosts are not the same as people.

People can taste the taste, but ghosts can't taste it, so they can only absorb the smoke and fire in the food to satisfy their hunger.

"Before the feast, there is one more thing to do. "

Zhang Taixuan waved his hand casually, and suddenly, a ray of light fell, falling on the spirit fruit and the dishes, making the aroma of the dishes several times more numerous, "The world of halberds is special, I use the light of food to light up these foods." Now, the dishes are only delicious, but there are no more adverse reactions. "

After all, the cuisine of the halberd world is terrible.

It's nothing to eat in private, and that reaction at the banquet is really...

He didn't drive that kind of stomach.

"It's still Daojun who is thoughtful. "

The crowd responded with a look of gratitude (abdi).

"Let's have a feast!"

Zhang Taixuan did not hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, everyone started moving.

"Wow, sister, this is delicious, even better than before!"

"Lingzun, this dish is simply superb. After eating this dish, I have no regrets in my life. "

"Wow, Sister Kikyo, thank you for bringing me over. These dishes are so enjoyable. Kagome exclaimed, "If I can't eat it in the future, my life will not be fun." "

Angel of Joy: "Xiaojia, this banquet is really good, there is this kind of food, I didn't know I loved to eat so much." "

Jia Baili sneered: "Eat hard, wait a minute, you should become a big fat man." "

Le Zi Angel smiled for a moment, looked at Jia Baili with white eyes, and hummed softly: "I'm an angel, so I won't get fat!"

"Sister, this food is even better than usual. Xiaoqing admired, "Daojun's banquet is just different. "

Xiaobai smiled: "It should be Daojun's supernatural power, right? I remember Daojun said that this supernatural power is called the light of food, and it can cook everything into food." "

"It's great. Xiaoqing envied, "It would be nice if I could too, and I would have something to eat every day in the future." "

In fact, for the change of cuisine, the most surprised Liu Pleiades and Erina Nagikiri.

Naturally, they know best the cooking skills of the chefs who prepare the Holy Feast.

Daojun's supernatural power has at least made the dishes taste many times better, and there has been a qualitative change, from a human delicacy to a fairy delicacy, which really shocks people who learn cooking. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the method of the fantasy world, which is still much stronger than ordinary chefs.

"If only I could learn this supernatural power. Liu Pleiades and Erina Nagi looked at Daojun on the high platform, looking forward to it.

A feast, the guests and the host are happy.

After most of the day's work, there was nothing left in front of everyone's table, only empty plates and empty bowls.

"Today's banquet ended successfully. Zhang Taixuan got up, "However, there is still a small gift for everyone at this gathering, please come to the Earth Immortal Realm with me." "

As soon as the thought moved, a portal opened.

Zhang Taixuan entered it first, and everyone was full of curiosity and followed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I should open up the Netherworld and improve the Taixuan World. The world should rise to a small level, and when the time comes, the innate aura will emerge, and how much you can absorb depends on your creation. "

When the words fell, some people looked overjoyed.

Innate aura, what a chance.

Not only is the quality extremely high, which can improve mana, but even the innate root foot may also change.

In most of the world, people have never even heard of it, and this is a great opportunity.

"Lingzun, what is innate aura?"

"Sister, I want to ask this too?"

Xiao Bai explained softly: "Chaos evolved heaven and earth, and then turned into innate aura. Innate aura, the supreme aura, has evolved over many years before it evolved into the current aura. A wisp of innate aura can save everyone a lot of hard work. What's even more rare is the change of innate aura on the body. "

"At the beginning of heaven and earth, there were countless gods and demons, and many of them were because of the creation of innate aura. "

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but come over with shortness of breath and looked at Zhang Taixuan.

In the void, Zhang Taixuan held the stars in his hand to measure the ruler of the sky, and as soon as his thoughts moved, the law of the netherworld emerged.

With a stroke of the measuring scale, a chaotic netherworld space emerged.

Zhang Taixuan kept moving, waved the measuring ruler again, and in a moment, a dark and vast land was opened up.

"Netherworld, stand!"

Mobilize the authority of heaven and earth, and the next moment, the Three Realms will shake, integrating the Netherworld into it.

Joining the Netherworld, the laws of the Taixuan World are stricter and more orderly.

Between heaven and earth, there is an aura rushing in.

The onlookers had already been waiting for a long time, sitting cross-legged, and when they saw the innate spiritual opportunity emerge, they hurriedly ran the exercises, for fear of missing a single thing.

"It's so strong!"

"With just one breath, my cultivation has increased a lot. The most important thing is that the muscles and bones of the body seem to have been improved in essence, and they have the qi and blood like a divine beast. "

After absorbing the innate aura, everyone's hearts were even hotter, and the praise for this banquet reached its peak.

As the master of the world, Zhang Taixuan naturally got the most creation.

Needless to say, World Ascension is the main gain after opening up the Netherworld.

His strength has also been rising, reaching the Ninth Heaven of the Holy King, and he is only a trace away from consummation.

PS: Thank you for sending an open-minded and windy reminder, thank you for being ^O^ the god of sleep, and the reward with the wind, and thank you for your support.

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