Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 846: Thousands of pains and pets seduce (5)

  Chapter 846 Thousands of pains and thousands of pets to seduce (5)

  The boy used to have the habit of taking a nap, but today, he was so restless that he couldn't fall asleep no matter what!

  He opened the cabinet door lightly, carried all his clothes to the next door, changed them one by one, and asked Dongmei to be his adviser.

Dongmei thinks that everything looks good, mainly because the handsome man has a good background and can wear any color, and those clothes are all made for him by the young master. The young master's vision is definitely not good. !

   "Hey, don't you think this color makes me look too tender?" The boy pointed to a set of white brocade clothes on his body.

   "You are very young!" You are only seventeen years old, you are a hairy child!

  The young man threw Dongmei out, and spent a long time in his room tidying up. He used to wear whatever clothes he got, and thought he looked good in whatever he wore. After comparing them carefully today, he found that none of them seemed handsome enough.

   Alas, what if Lanzhi doesn't like him?

   After tossing all afternoon, the dark circles under the eyes came out.

  Ning Yue looked at his silly and bear-like appearance on the bed, and burst out laughing.

  Ning Yue sent news to Dongmei and Xuanyin, asking Xuanyin to come to Ma's house for dinner at night, while she boarded the carriage with Rong Qing and the boy.

   " can't go empty-handed, you have to buy some gifts." The boy said with a troubled expression.

   "You are a gift, you don't need to buy it." Rong Qing said calmly

  The boy's eyes lit up: "Really?"

  Rong Qing smiled lightly: "Yes, suddenly she has a grandson, she must be too happy."

  The boy turned black!

   Gifts must be bought. Ning Yue asked the carriage to park in Huichun Hall, took some newly developed creams and beauty pills, and then took Rong Qing and the boy to buy jewelry and satin elsewhere.

   "Is it okay to just walk on the street like this?" Ning Yue looked at her elder brother sitting in a wheelchair and asked softly.

Rong Qing held Ning Yue's hand, and smiled softly: "It's okay, I'm the son of the Ma family, and I have nothing to hide; I have been a military advisor in southern Xinjiang, and I have nothing to hide. Then I am disabled, and I have nothing to hide That's right. Is Yue'er afraid?"

  Ning Yue held her hand back: "Don't be afraid, Yue'er will be there wherever your elder brother is. If you are criticized, Yue'er will accompany you to be criticized."

Along the way, many people stared at Rong Qing. This is a man who has been kissed by the heavens. He is as beautiful as pearls and jade. Just looking at him makes people blush. not good. The man pushing the wheelchair behind him was also very beautiful, but his eyes were always staring, so fierce that people would shy away from him.

  The disabled man was accompanied by a little girl. The little girl was wearing a blue dress and a white dress.

  Some people are envious, some are jealous, and some speak sour words.

  The brothers and sisters didn't care, and walked into a jewelry store calmly. The boy was very annoyed, not because he wanted to see Lanzhi in a good mood today, he had to beat them all into meatloaf!

The clerk welcomed the three of them into the cubicle at the back: "Which one wants to buy jewelry? Or all three of you?" Jewelry shops are not only for women, men's hair crowns, hairpins, fan pendants, jade pendants, Jade belts and girdles can also be found here.

  Rong Qing looked at Ning Yue with a smile, and Ning Yue said to the clerk, "We want to buy it as a gift."

  The guy smiled brightly and said, "Can you tell me about the other party's age and situation?"

   "It's for my mother, she is forty years old, she likes simple and elegant things, and don't want emeralds."

  (end of this chapter)

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