Charm King Poison Queen

Chapter 1020: He Hao Xuanyin is here (1)

  Chapter 1020 Reconciliation Xuanyin is here (1)

  Ning Yue hugged Sakura and groped in the aisles. The aisles turned around like there was no end.

  Huangfu Xin and Geng Ling'er followed behind them solemnly. Because of the pampering they had been enjoying all the year round, the two of them, who were healthy and normal, walked faster than a sick person with a child in his arms.

  By this time, what is fighting is not strength, but obsession.

Geng Ling'er wiped the sweat from her forehead, leaned on the wall and gasped, "Hey, Ma Ningyue, are you going to leave? Here and there, where are you taking us? If you don't know how to go, you should leave as soon as possible." Don't tire us out!"

  Ning Yue said indifferently: "I didn't ask you to come with me, I can walk as I like, if you don't like it, just go your own way!"

  Geng Ling'er smoked from his seven orifices, and was about to refute, but was glared at by Huangfu Xin!

   "Save your energy!" Huangfu Xin scolded.

  Geng Linger snorted disdainfully.

   I don't know how long I walked, so long that Ning Yue felt irresistibly exhausted, but suddenly, several black poisonous snakes crawled into the passage, as fast as lightning, and it was creepy.

  Huangfu Xin Huarong paled, took a few steps back, and pressed his whole body against the wall.

  Geng Linger jumped up and down in fright: "Ah—snake—snake—there is a snake—help—help—"

  Xuan Xiaoying plunged into Ning Yue's arms, hugging Ning Yue's neck tightly, her small body trembling slightly, but she didn't scream hysterically.

  Ning Yue was actually so frightened that her scalp went numb. No matter how she changed her mentality and how tough she became in her past and present lives, her fear of this kind of mollusk was still not weak.

"Hold tight, don't let go." After she ordered Xuan Xiaoying, she felt Xuan Xiaoying's small hand increase the strength to hold her neck, she let go of Xuan Xiaoying's hand, and took out the silver needle from her purse .

  However, just when she was about to make a move, she unexpectedly discovered that the poisonous snakes had no intention of attacking them. Poisonous snakes will not attack things that pose no threat to them. Many snake breeders have mastered this mentality. Even if they live in the same nest with a hundred poisonous snakes, they will not be bitten. Son, it's time to **** off the snake.

  Ning Yue collected himself, held up the glazed lamp to look, and saw the sign on the snake clearly. It was Sikong Shuo's poisonous snake. No wonder it didn't bite, it was well trained. These snakes probably crawled in from the cave where they had an accident. They were covered in bruises, and several of them even had their tails broken. They should have been hit by a suddenly falling stone. But even so, they still stubbornly carried out their master's orders, searching for the breath of living people deep underground.

  Ning Yue squatted down, grabbed a venomous snake with the most tenacious vitality, and stabbed a few words on its back with a silver needle.


  Outside the collapsed cave, the chief of the Li clan ordered people to build a simple shed, and sat in the shed with the emperor, Sikong Shuo, and King Zhongshan to wait for the results.

   Although it was late at night, no one returned to the station.

   King Zhongshan's expression was very serious. It has been three hours since the accident. I don't know what happened to Xiaoying and Ning Yue. They probably didn't have dinner. Are they hungry? The ground is so dark, will Sakura be afraid? Most importantly, is Sakura and Ning Yue stuck together...

  There are more possibilities, he dare not think about it.

  The Emperor's expression was a little more relaxed than his, and he patted Sikong Shuo at the side, and the Emperor asked: "Ai Qing, I have a doubt."

  Sikong Shuo nodded: "Please speak, Your Majesty."

"Your poisonous snakes can't talk, how do you know they went to a place ten feet underground?" This question has been on the emperor's mind for a long time, but he was busy saving people just now, so he forgot it for a while. It figured it out.

  (end of this chapter)

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