Chariot of Doom

Chapter 822: star

The dark golden universe rushes directly to the sky of leaves. In front of the sky of leaves, there is a magical sword, and there seems to be a whole sky around it. Now the sky has collapsed, the sky has been robbed, and there is a virtual shadow in the sky, which looks like an infinite brilliance, trembling under this sword, unstoppable collapse, and the final power burst. Is a lunatic. The indestructible battle with the sky, the firmament of the sky is broken,

"Shhh." At this moment, a sudden dark golden light gushed out, and Ye Hao also raised the sword in his hand. The burning sword or the sacred light reached its extreme, with the determination and aura to be unbeaten by Flicilodo. , Ye Hao roared and chopped out a magic sword with a knife, a magic sword with a red light, and a magic sword with a dark golden brilliance. Two powerful murderers were facing each other in the empty sky. hit. Becoming a saint Sagittarius split the gap, so time and space are cut off by this sharp front, but on the opposite side, what destroys the sky and the earth is the killing of the world, and the breaking power of the sky is once again exposed to the leaves In front of the sky. Only the incomparable Holy Spirit was chopped off and collided with destruction,

"Bang" with a heavy explosion, this is not the junction of two self-invented sky warfare technologies, but a node outside this junction. The power of the big bang was so great that the stone wall that built the sacred waterfall was completely shattered at this time. The entire waterfall was shaking. Suddenly, it became a dam, and countless holy water poured down from here. But before it came, the terrible energy of dark gold and blood poured into the sky. The killing power of the two most powerful world-class geniuses was terrible, and the power of the sacred waterfall was trembling. This force has surpassed the normal state of air combat, but both have reached the limit of 38 men.

You know, Ye Hao and Frazido only have 21 gods and 22 gods, but the threat of 38 sacred powers broke out. What a terrible concept, even the unfettered gods, the greatest genius in the world, such as Emperor Wulin, will be shocked by his appearance, because this is the place where the greatest genius in the world is besieged. The fate of the world's most powerful genius has led to an astonishing increase in the strength of both sides.

The "hissing" time and space are distorted, and there are countless spatial cracks and spatial black holes on Ye Hao's side. The turbulent power of this turbulent time and space was enough to kill the super metaphysical god, but Ye Hao stood inside and took a firm foothold. Even if they have their own pressure, they can also suppress all the forces of time and space riots, so it is, but Ye Hao holds the inflamed sword in his hand, still exerting amazing power, he said: "You are not as good as me."

This sentence seemed to be just a provocation, but Flesido did not answer, but smiled. At this time, it shattered the firmament of the sky, and the force of destruction destroyed the firmament of the sky. Roaring here, Ye Hao seemed to have found it. Own answer. At this time, the incomparable brilliance of the Holy Spirit is still exploding, and these two self-creation and rebellious heavenly warfare techniques are so powerful that they are unparalleled.

But at this point, Ye Hao really had real confidence. Ye Hao is now 21 gods, and Flesido is 22 years old. Both sides use the power of inventing enemies to collide with each other. But at this time, when the fighting power was 10% different, Ye Hao and Freixido were connected, which meant that Ye Hao's incomparable holy spirit was more broken than Fresildo's sky.

With such confidence, Ye Hao suddenly let out a roar, and the pair of wind dome Yanliao behind him was also violently shocked. At this time, all the magic power rushed to the terrible holy sword, stretched into a space, and a knife was chopped off. In order to smash this devastating storm, the powerful power fluctuations caused by self-confidence and excitement seemed to increase the power of a knife, and at this time, the intermittent power of the sky was vaguely broken. Ye Hao gritted his teeth, the power of the four laws of starlight and the knife bloomed on the top of the peak, this power was destined to be unstoppable.

At this point, the three ferocious forces below are also surging madly, that is, the sky is broken, the sky belonging to the crazy devil is broken, and the incomparable terrifying power erupts from the bodies of the three crazy demons. The witchcraft dome of Dragon City was blown into pieces for the first time, watching it was about to be shattered. Qingchen held the Qingyun sword in his hand, bringing the emperor's six swords back to the same place, able to withstand the horror of these two demons. But the broken sky of these three crazy demons faintly echoed. Compared with the sky that broke the crazy demons themselves, it has a kind of nurturing effect. Ye Hao can be sure. Only the sky, which is forbidden by the four demons, is broken, is the strongest. For Ye Hao, resisting the destruction of the sky at this time is not something to be commended.

"In that case, spare me." It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength, and then he burst out with a roar, except for the power of the law of anger at its highest peak. There is also a fierce force suddenly appearing on the leaf sword. This is a magical law. It swayed, effectively clearing the magic power around it, and a deadly sword destroyed the storm of destruction. At this moment, you can see a black shard flying up, the blade of the blood stick bends slightly under the overwhelming force, there seems to be some painful wrinkles on his face, and then he smiles. Showing his tiger teeth, or his fangs again,

"Law of Destruction", the crazy demon is examining the power of the law among the incomparable holy gods. The core of which is the four ultimate laws of the star burning sword, and a very violent law, the law of anger and fierce power. . This is the law of power, there is a gentle force, the law of life, the law of power, the law of majesty, but at this time, there is such a violent and terrifying law that fluctuates, as if to destroy everything around it. This law is the law of destruction,

In the power of Ye Haokong, the law of destruction was revealed. Although it is only the law of destruction at the level of the first law, it is surprising enough. This law of destruction is one of the most destructive laws in the world. Generally speaking, only a few demons can be controlled, but at this time, Ye Hao understands that,

"I'm dealing with you, but I don't know how to deal with destruction," Ye Hao said, looking at Frasildo vaguely. This was the law of destruction he came into contact with after Lei Hai's nightmare, but he hadn't really understood at the time. at this point. But at this time, facing Flesido, the geniuses in the world realized the existence of the strongest law of destruction. In the epiphany of this broken kingdom, the law of destruction appeared, and naturally joined the incomparable Holy Spirit. , Although Ye Hao's law of destruction is not as good as Fleixidor's, at least Ye Hao is so powerful. Whoever masters this law will make the attack stronger. It also reduces the threat of brute force killing.

Frankido shrugged at this moment, and then smiled at Ye Hao. There were even more terrifying waves on that broken sword, and the final power of the broken sky broke out, heralding the next big collision. Either you die or I die

Ye Hao felt the terrible threat, and the unparalleled power of the Holy Spirit broke out directly. It was such a brilliant and gorgeous knife, Frasildo was also shocked by this wild and ferocious knife. When the terrifying powers of these two invincible heavenly warfare skills really met, the two greatest geniuses in the world suddenly retreated, and a terrible wave of destruction followed. As if to form a vortex of destruction, the node has entered the abyss of destruction centered on two main self-created sky warfare technologies. The entire space and time are declining, and Ye Hao clearly feels how terrifying this power is. Even with the power of the Star God, it is difficult for him to survive, which is why Frasildo also resigned.

A violent destructive explosion created a source in the gap. The source of the destruction was so terrible, swallowing and swallowing the laws around it, Ye Hao was holding the sword, but found that a crack on the blade blocked the hilt. It has almost completely penetrated, but people are worried that another blow to the holy soldier who is about to become a super artifact will be shattered, and a force will flow to the burning sword to repair it, but this is a drop in the bucket. Or change the knife,

The earth-shaking influence continues. The power of the source of destruction is unimaginable. The entire sacred waterfall collapses at this time and continues to destroy, even the power of the law of destruction spreads into the waterfall. So the water here is no longer calm and violent. The battle between Ye Hao and Furong changed the nature of the sacred waterfall. It was terrible.

The source of destruction is still raging, with hundreds of thousands of foreign currencies at its end, and the source of destruction is like a silver heart, surrounded by a shock wave of terrible energy. How terrible it is to destroy the sky, even if you are far from the void, where you dare not approach anything, even the silent king's armed department is trembling and fearful.

Ye Hao and Frigildo are standing on both sides of the source of destruction, as if they are the watchmen, as if on the other side, the two greatest world-class geniuses are looking at each other, looking at each other through crazy destruction . Ye Hao saw the **** eyes, and there was a kind of hotness in them. I don’t know whether to destroy or fight, but one of his wishes was that Ye Hao decided to respond.

"The First World War Six," Ye Hao smiled and looked at Navran Siludo. With a sudden kick, the wind behind him, Yan Liao, suddenly burst out a particularly powerful force, causing Ye Hao to suddenly break through the constraints of time and space. It is in this virtual air that it breaks through the boundary and reaches another dimension, time and space,

There is still a terrible wave of destruction in front of us, but the wave of destruction here is not as terrible as the previous dimension, but Ye Hao is still on the wings, and the surrounding empty power appears. The unfamiliar space-time tunnel once again bears the days of leaves. This time, the wave of destruction still exists, but it is already trivial and sporadic.

Then, a blood shadow appeared in front of Ye Hao. It was Frigildo who was wearing a blood suit, but his clothes were a bit torn at the time. In such a fierce battle with Ye Hao, even if his appearance could not be kept perfect, there seemed to be some people who cared about him patted his hands and wore new clothes, and then this crazy demon stared straight at Ye Hao. There is a smile that looks like a beast,

"Oh," the color of light and shadow suddenly shuttled past. Ye Hao only felt a strong pain at this time. He passed through the body at an alarming speed, and managed to tear off a piece of flesh, at the cost of a crack in his abdomen and new recovery. A flaw in his dress.

At this time, a piece of meat appeared in his hand, he smiled and swallowed it directly, and then the scarlet in his eyes became deeper. It is also a powerful and powerful horror, manifested in Franido,

At that time, Ye Haoming’s Fraquilodo felt the strong impact of the world’s air transportation. His eyes flashed with dazzling light. Ye Hao and Fricito opened their mouths, as if proclaiming, the voice of gods and the voices of demons. Shaken nothingness.

Self-improving sky battle skills, spirit, disappearance, emptiness, absolute, sword, tattoo, dance, self-invented combat skills against the sky, red, fog, extinction, absolute, prison, "Hoarse!" The color of blood, like a worm or a bar The dragon snake, like a worm or a dragon snake, swaying like a worm or a dragon snake, suddenly a thick layer of blood appeared around Francido, and a layer of red mist appeared in the world, more than ever Sometimes it's thicker and more obvious. There are many humble peoples here, there are many super races, there are people from birth, there are also empty people, there are protoss, there are evil, there are the most orcs, and there are a lot of animal roars and roars. From the existence of terraces to super metaphysical gods, these creatures were all killed by Frankido, all of them are a picture scroll, controlled by a blood stick in his hand. The disaster of blood flowing into a river turned into a painting brush, outlining the primitive body, the mountain of bone, the sea of ​​blood, and there was another terrible evil in front of Ye Hao in the world. [See this chapter to 800]

This is the red mist extinguishing prison, surpassing the terror of hell, and the red mist appears again. The place where Ye Hao was was also shrouded in heavy fog. Regarding what kind of effort it is difficult to break through, Ye Hao felt that everything around him became thicker. A disgusting force was squeezing myself. At this time, a sharp edge came from the leaves of the body. Some knives suddenly split. Several lines of knives occupy the entire gap densely. Such a ferocious enemy, in the **** fog of killing, out of the red fog, out of the angry roar of life, the fire of revenge. But in front of these knife marks, it was like being frozen, even if they were dead, they felt a terrible sense of oppression.

In this **** scroll, there appeared a noble gold skeleton, a deformed blood corpse, a huge beast that seemed to be a sculpture, and even a protoss who was still covered by a sacred soul. These blood-stained creatures were advancing in the red mist. At this time, Frasildo seemed to be the king of all of them. His attitude changed dramatically. He proudly looked at the sky of leaves. He said: "How dare you say'ugly'?"

Ye Hao was surprised by the troubles of the tongue. The blood was still fierce, as if the blood of all contemporary world-class talents had not been diluted, so Ye Hao also laughed. "Ugly nature," said the mouth, "scroll of killing, beautiful!"

Oh! Flacido sneered, looking particularly fierce, a pair of black wings split apart, naturally turning the blood into a huge red mist, leaving only a trace of bright red in Ye Hao's eyes. Chapter Reading

"Ronal!" Roared one by one at the consciousness of being killed, but at this time, he walked towards the blade stripes of the blade, but in front of the existence of an empty monster, the whole body was close to virtual at this time, it was roaring, making the eardrum painful. Void language, this language is more disgusting than Morgulian language. Ye Hao looked at the group of empty monsters with eyes full of cold air, one hand, a sword suddenly surged, as if the autumn wind swept over the fallen leaves, and the empty monster was wiped clean. The blade passed and came back, but There seems to be no hindrance. This is a slaughter, the combat effectiveness of the Red Mist Destroying Prison has been reduced a bit.

But Ye Hao knew very well that the creatures in these **** scrolls were ferocious, but they were only the prelude to the attack on the Red Mist Exterminating Prison. When these creatures are killed by the Ministry of Magic, the power of this fog extinction prison will be truly released!

"Stop playing this kind of trick!" His eyes brightened, and Ye Hao manipulated the number of Dao Mang with a direct domineering aura, shattering the number of incoming creatures. They even increased the strength of the clouds and released the Protoss, even The noble light of the Protoss Armed Department! Only the eyes of these Protoss were numb and fierce, and they had lost what belonged to the Protoss and nobles. Ye Hao was secretly afraid. How many existences Flasilo had killed, even the Protoss had killed so many!

"You like it!" Francildo seemed to grin with great malice, a string of voices swaying back and forth, causing a blood-stained creature to rush in excitedly and ferociously. But all the enemies who attacked were killed sharply, Frasildo seemed to send all the blood-stained creatures into the fire of the knife mountain, and finally a dark and evil family also rushed into the sword. In the dark golden glare, it was extinguished before there was no time to scream.

"Hush!" This is the bright red blood pouring from the bodies of these creatures, where blood clouds are hovering and gathering, and the **** clouds gush out terrible light in the sea, and the sky of leaves feels that the corners of Frisildo's mouth may It will not break apart, which is very rare. The amount of blood mist was like the tide of the tide, submerged part of the magnificent God of Starfire-as long as the blood can break all the horror swords, it can be broken.

Ye Hao held a fiery red sword in his hand, as if he was holding a row of heavenly swords in his hand, forming a row of discs. A powerful divine power kept surging, when the number of knives suddenly released their fierce power. The terrible red fog came, but in the end, they were blocked by such a magic knife, and the thick golden fog rushed to the knife array, as if it had been washed away by the speed of cutting. Judging from such a scene, there are no unnecessary fluctuations in Flesido's eyes, and there is only one potential possibility in the inevitable murder intention.

"Bang!" It seems that the influence of the red mist has been exaggerated due to the display of the murder intention. Ye Hao knows very well that if he is trapped by the red mist, he will not be able to move and struggle, which was well proven in the last game against Fracillo. But this time, through Lingdian's dancing dance, Hongwu Ye Hao's antagonistic grasp was effectively broken.

"Bang!" Hong Wu continued to beat Ye Hao's cutterhead. At this time, the red fog was torn apart, emitting a bitter light, and the red fog seemed to appear on the human face. This was the virtual image of the beast's head, all of which were howling in anger. There was a light of revenge in his eyes, as if he was condemning their murderers. It is ridiculous that they once again helped the evil and pointed directly at the Star God. At this moment, Ye Hao felt that the power of the soul was attacking his heart. But at this time, the star-burning God did not waver at all, this time the tattooed angry blade was pushed to the front, giving up the firm spirit carving sword dance, and effectively tearing apart the red mist. But the price was that the original water did not leak out. A red mist penetrated through the gap and directly attacked Ye Hao's body. However, in the days near the leaves, a sleeping dark golden dragon suddenly ignited around his body. Swallow the blood mist that dared to approach.

"What a terrible fog!" But at this moment, with a voice of extreme fear, it spread to Ye Hao's heart. At this time, the arrogant and powerful Black Gold Dragon became a little scared of inflammation. Ye Hao immediately learned that in this red mist, the rules of blood fluctuate extremely terribly. Franierdo's law of blood has long been limited to the level of the limit law, mixing the terrible law of erosion, the law of destruction, etc., even if the dark golden dragon wants to swallow it, it will be subject to a strong rebound. At this time, there was a force in Ye Hao's body. Fortunately, it was not strong enough, and was suppressed by the inflammatory power of a few stars.

Haha! At this point, Frasildo approached the knife stripe with a smile. Ye Hao used the knife to stab him directly, but there was no negative sign that there was a terrible threat to Frisildo, just to stretch out a hand. As if he was about to touch the blade, there seemed to be a tendency to destroy the wheel. At this moment, Ye Hao's eyes flapped, but when he saw the white porcelain hand suddenly burst when it touched the front of the cutter head, it became **** again. Wings of Fear. A wing is held in the hand, it is so ferocious and terrifying. It exploded like this and bombed the cutter head, thus opening a breakthrough. This blood-stained force is like a long weapon, piercing the sky of leaves. However, under Ye Hao's control, the blade and awn were also blown away. From the perspective of ten thousand people, they ran past Frazido's corpse, and the sword and its awn were both brutal. Once it is hit, Fredo's magical body will be destroyed!

The **** bombing also brought a huge threat to Ye Hao. What you need to know is that this is a cage where the red mist is extinct. The self-improving skills of the sky in this field are gathered together, and the mighty pressure is concentrated on the eruption. At one point, it's hard to imagine how terrible this killing was!

"Shhh!" At this moment, Ye Hao took a cold breath, but the blood in his whole body was heated, finally suppressing the power of the previous red mist. The dark golden light in Ye Hao's hand turned into a river of stars. At this time, two star blades appeared in their hands, and two immortal star knives appeared in their hands. But these two swords are no longer limited to two, but four more than the star sword. The six-fold megalithic sword in the sky exploded, hitting a terrible scarlet blow! "

On the other side, Frisildo laughed, as if he had been modified on all sides, a particularly terrifying wave of destruction erupted around him, and then the blood torture broke out, and the power of the law of destruction penetrated him. Sword and the surrounding lawn. Everything seemed to disappear in such a powerful destruction, but a sword, spiraling up, pierced the light of several swords in the void, the broken wheel of the blade was swept by the third sword, shaking violently, and then suddenly Break!

Destroyed the trio, and the destruction of life by Yu Wei's Lingmiao sword dance!

And Ye Hao's six immortal star swords also directly cut off the remnants of the red mist. The brilliance of the star blade was so attractive that at the moment when the dark golden fragment was red, the big bang was born, but it was quickly suppressed by the starlight. With such horror, Ye Haoqiang endured the urge to spray blood directly on Flamishlido. At the same time, there were too many stars brightly appearing in his eyes. This was a sign that the anti-sky war technology was about to explode! The star light shines, and a strong aura belonging to Ye Hao is walking towards Flicilodo at this time, which means that Ye Hao no longer blindly sees this move, but takes the initiative to launch an attack, which belongs to the extinction of the Star God. Surging here. This is the embodiment of countless stars, rivers, stars and sky. At this time, the name of the trick has been exposed. Ye Hao first invented and opposed the sky war skills, and 100,000 stars fell on the earth.

"Bang", the explosion of stars roared, Frasildo's horror and destruction came from the red mist, but once it touched 100,000 stars, it was easily torn into nothingness. How powerful is the power of 100,000 stars to drop the dust, which is different from the red mist extinguishing prison and the sword dance in Linghua Sky. One hundred thousand stars in the sky is a solid field, and the sky of leaves can definitely control this piece of time and space. Although this field of anti-celestial warfare is not strange and inflexible, it is undoubtedly the most stable field. At this time, holding the Blood Disaster with his hand, he directly attacked 100,000 stars. An amazing cut stopped on the outside of the starry sky, and the blood also stopped, which proved the amazing power of 100,000 stars.

"Hiss", but in the next moment, with a crack and a ferocious smile, Franido rushed into the dark golden sky with amazing claws, and a **** color poured into the starry sky. In Ye Ri’s eyes, Frisildo approached again, the blood plague trembling, as if to destroy everything around it,

"Blood Destroying Claw" seemed to hear this sound. Ye Hao was under heavy pressure all over his body, but his eyes were full of stubbornness, with extremely terrifying energy brewing directly on his hands. It was a silent act, killing The dead space was cut out, leaving alive knife marks on the destroyer's attack on Franodor, and then countless knives slashed, it seemed to want to use an inflamed sword to the flanks to live late.

At this time, walking into one hundred thousand stars, one hand opened a slit, and countless stars around him were squeezed, as if under the weight of deep water. At this time, the battlefield between Ye Hao and Furong was pure emptiness, and the shadow of the sacred waterfall could not be seen. In this state, all power could erupt without interference. So, for the first time, I really realized the power of 100,000 stars to drop dust. Now that he lost his wings, he had to open his arms as much as he could, as if he was pouring out his magic. Except for the blood claws, the cracks were torn open. But the rest of the 100,000 stars seemed invulnerable, and Ye Hao had not been able to exert the power of 100,000 stars for a long time.

"Take this knife," he roared, and Ye Hao walked towards Flamishli in his hometown. There was no accidental bloodshed that blocked the whole body of the blade, but the sword was more powerful than Frasil's body. The sudden downward impact was stronger. At this moment, a wrist suddenly exploded into a ball of blood, but in Ye Hao’s pupils, it was like a sickle of death, taking away his head.

Almost entirely relying on the instinct of fighting, the blood mist burned out in a series of dark golden dragons, but the lower part of Frigildo fell into a deeper starry sky, which was originally a good thing for Ye Hao. But at this time, it was clear that Frasildo was not a well-tied lamb that could be slaughtered, and the terrible Devi was shaking in the stars around him.

The brilliant stars that can be seen around him have become the gods in the starry sky. Even the brilliant stars are not by his side, and the stars in the place where Flesido passes by are also disillusioned. At first glance, it is enough to turn the galaxy into a river of blood, walking among 100,000 stars with this invincible power. It doesn't seem to be aimed at the sky of leaves, but the destruction of the beautiful starry sky. The blood claws of the disaster danced at the same time as the blood claws. The impact was devastating. One big star fell one after another, and even a sea of ​​stars could not support between the roads. In this way, Flecksildor could destroy 100,000 with Destroy the momentum of the stars.

The whole body of "Rumble" suddenly ignited. At this time, Ye Hao was proud, as if a meteor suddenly fell from the bombardment to Flasirudo. The inflamed sword in his hand was relatively still, but one after another, the divinity of dark gold It is becoming more and more dazzling. A starry universe directly surrounds Ye Hao's body. It is conceivable that the next attack on Ye Hao will be shocking and terrifying.

The young man stood in the space of stars, but he stretched out his hand, his hand was still bleeding, and suddenly squeezed it. In front of him, there were a large number of stars in the sky. All the stars burst and destroyed himself, a shameless, Even a ferocious smile surfaced. This is the power of the law of destruction, destroying the sky and the earth, and even the starry sky before. The next moment, the magic the end The latest chapter address of the Super God Chariot: Reading address of the full text of the Super God Chariot: Doomsday Super God Chariot txt download address: Doomsday Super God Chariot mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 822 Stellar) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Apocalypse Chariot", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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