Chapter 2392 Treasure Room

The terrifying destructive power felt by these three sword talismans, white-clothed Chu Jianqiu felt that the threat to own by Yan Feng and Bai Yi was countless times stronger.

It is estimated that even Yan Feng and Bai Yi and other superpowers at the peak of the Heavenly Venerable Realm would hardly survive under the attack of this sword talisman.

With these three extremely powerful sword charms, one can say that he has three huge life-saving cards.

It’s just a pity that the number of this sword charm is too small, and it’s not a compelling moment of life and death, so use it as little as possible.

Otherwise, if the number of these sword charms is large enough, he can simply walk sideways among the two dynasties of Fengyuan Dynasty and Dark Demon Dynasty.

“Tian Yu, I have completely passed the assessment of the Inheritance Hall, and I can be regarded as the master of Yu Dongtian this day. Can you give me the treasures left by you as the master!” Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu Looking at the little Tianyu girl on the side, she said with a smile.

The last master of Tianyu Dongtian was definitely an extremely powerful person in the Tongxuan Realm, and the treasures left by those powerful people did not know how rich they were.

If one can obtain the treasures left by the master of Tianyu Dongtian, his wealth will skyrocket overnight, and he will be much more confident in dealing with the invasion of the Dark Demon Dynasty.

Seeing the unkind smile on Chu Jianqiu’s face in white clothes, the little girl in Tianyu couldn’t help but curl her lips and said: “My master did leave a lot of treasures, but I can’t give it to you. If you want, Go get it yourself!”

As the Tianyu little girl said, she stretched out a pink little finger and pointed in a direction on the fourth floor of the Inheritance Hall. A ripple of space suddenly appeared on the stone wall of the Inheritance Hall in that direction, and two pieces appeared on the stone wall. The closed door, on the banner above the door, is written in three large characters-Treasure Room.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu was overjoyed, and immediately ran over, reaching out and pushing towards the closed door.

Just under this push, Chu Jianqiu in white felt like a worm shaking the tree, unable to push the two closed doors at all.

Obviously, these two gates were imprisoned by an incomparably powerful force, and it was not at all able to shake the current strength of Chu Jianqiu in white.

Seeing this, Chu Jianqiu in white turned his head and shouted to the little girl Tianyu: “Tianyu, come and open this door!”

“Chu Jianqiu, I can’t open this door. If you want to get the treasure inside, you can only open it with your own power!” Tianyu little girl said helplessly.

“I can’t open it, why don’t I ask you to come over?” said Chu Jianqiu in white clothes with a speechless expression on his face.

“Then wait until you have enough strength to open it. My master also said that if the strength is too low, it is not a good thing to get too many treasures. If the own strength does not match the treasures you own. , It’s like a child who crosses the market with gold and invites himself! The master does not want the owner to rely too much on foreign objects, thus losing the Dao heart of the own martial arts!” Tianyu little girl put on an old-fashioned posture to teach Bai Yi Chu. Jian Qiu.

When Chu Jianqiu in white clothes heard this, he couldn’t help but a black line at one end, whether this f*ck should be such a pit, dare to feel like this is nothing but joy!

Looking at the closed door of the treasure room, imagining the treasures piled up inside, Chu Jianqiu in white almost slobbered out, but the two closed doors seemed to be blocked by a sky. He can only sigh with excitement.

White-clothed Chu Jianqiu knew that he had never wanted to get the treasures in the treasure room, so he could only wait until his own strength became stronger, and then try again.

Chu Jianqiu in white looked at the door of the treasure room, and then at the little girl Tianyu. At this time, the little girl pretended to look like a small adult with a serious face, and matched her cute look. Chu Jianqiu in white couldn’t help feeling amused.

“Little girl!” Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu immediately reached out and rubbed her little head, and said with a smile, “It’s all right, I will try again when I become stronger!”

Although Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu coveted the treasures in this treasure room, even if he couldn’t get them for a while, he didn’t care too much.

Anyway, this treasure room is here, and I won’t run away. Sooner or later, this will be in my own bag.

Chu Jianqiu in white did not continue to stay in Tianyu Dongtian, his figure flashed, and he left Tianyu Dongtian and appeared on the head of Formation Great Wall on the southwest border of Xuanjian Sect.

Gong Nanyan and Cangyuan Daoist were relieved when they saw his appearance.

To be honest, without Chu Jianqiu in white clothes guarding here, their pressure is also quite high.

Although they are now strong in the middle stage of the Celestial Realm, the higher the Cultivation Base, the more they feel that there is a terrifying threat lurking in the depths of the blood shadow alliance.

Once this threat broke out, they were not sure that they would be able to resist this threat.

And the control center of the Great Wall of Formation is in the hands of Chu Jianqiu in white.

Moreover, with their formation attainments, even if they have a formation center, they cannot exert the true power of the formation of the Great Wall.

Therefore, when Chu Jianqiu in white left here, Gong Nanyan and Cangyuan Daoist were like enemies, and they dared not relax their vigilance at all.

Gong Nanyan didn’t even dare to cultivate in the ninth-level Sword intent Body Tempering during this period. He kept his peak state at all times, ready to face the troubles of the terrifying existence deep in the blood shadow alliance.

At this time, seeing Chu Jianqiu in white came back, they were relieved.

“Smelly boy, where have you been and why have you been there for so long?” Gong Nanyan said a little irritably when he saw the appearance of Chu Jianqiu in white.

It has been almost three full days since Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu left here. Since she came here, she has never seen Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu leave this section of the Great Wall for so long, which makes her worried and worried. Is something wrong with Chu Jianqiu in white clothes?

“Naturally go to a good place!” said Chu Jianqiu in white with a smile.

In fact, he himself did not expect that it would take such a long time to pass the assessment on the fourth floor of the Tianyu Cave Heaven Inheritance Hall.

“Gong senior, come here, I have something for you!” Bai Yi Chu Jianqiu looked at Gong Nanyan, beckoning and saying.

“What good thing?” Seeing his mysterious appearance, Gong Nanyan couldn’t help asking suspiciously, but she finally walked in front of Chu Jianqiu in white clothes.

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