Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 243 Remarks on the launch!

January 16, 2018!

After a free period of nearly three months, our "Chaos Heavenly Emperor's Art" is finally going to be on the shelves.

Yes, listing it means starting to charge.

I won’t say much more about the words “One chapter is very cheap, please subscribe.” Because maybe everyone is tired of hearing and seeing too much.

So, I'll keep this short.

For more than three months, it can be said that this book has not made a dime.

I am not my fictional character Ling Feng. I cannot cultivate immortality, move mountains and seas, or fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

I am a normal human being. When I write books, I must at least fill my stomach, at least be able to pay the rent, and at least be able to pay the Internet fee...

At least, I need to support my family...

I know that some readers may say that they have no money and cannot support it, so although I feel heartbroken, I can only say, goodbye.

But I want to say that it’s not even ten or eight yuan a month. I don’t know how to describe it. Going to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet for a few hours, smoking a pack of cigarettes, and eating a pack of snacks is more than this money... …

Not to mention some bosses, yellow diamonds, members, svip, King of Glory skin bosses...

Genuine consumption is a kind of consciousness. I think some friends may not have graduated, but you should also understand that there is no salary for work. Will you be willing to work?

Ahem, I accidentally said too much.

I am grateful to my friends who support me. After it is put on the shelves, I will try my best to give back your support with faster updates and more exciting and interesting stories.

To the friends who are leaving, I wave my hand and say: Goodbye, thank you for your support.

But please don’t leave any curse words in the book review area when you leave.

Because every author needs to make a living, and the final payment for listing is inevitable.

I still want to thank the brothers who have always supported "The Art of the Emperor of Chaos".

Thanks to my editor, Hu Dada. If it weren’t for him, my book would never have been seen by everyone.

I would like to thank the leader of this book and all the readers who voted and rewarded it. Of course, I hope to see you all again after it is put on the shelves.

Maybe, yes~

The story of "The Art of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor" is still very long. I hope there will be you and me along the way...

Again, I have a story, and if you are willing to support it, I will continue to tell it to you, that’s all.

Finally, it breaks out at 12 noon, twenty updates!

My coding speed is very slow. Since the editor notified me that it would be published, I started coding almost in the morning, at noon, and at night. Only then, while ensuring updates, did I save more than twenty chapters. This is my greatest ability.

Subscription is the biggest source of income for the author, so I hope that friends who like Ling Feng and "Chaos Emperor Jue" will support it!


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