Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 212 Ling Feng is here!

"Ling Feng!"

"Ling Feng!"

There were sounds of expectancy and pairs of expectant eyes!

This was the first time Ling Feng appeared in the public eye after he fell into coma that day.

"Here he comes, Ling Feng is here!"

"Hmph, there is hope for our East Campus!"

A student from the Mingdong Academy gathered around him, and Zhou Kai clenched his fists. When he saw Ling Feng, he saw hope.

On the sword fighting stage, Jiang Xiaofan and Liu Yunfei each showed a smile.

They didn't persist until now in vain, because Ling Feng is here!

"Humph, this little bastard is finally here!" He Zhonglei cracked his joints, "I will let him know that if he offends me, the consequences will be very miserable!"

"Ling Feng! You are finally here!"

Su Qingxuan strode up to Ling Feng and glared at him angrily, but after seeing everyone's expectant eyes, she didn't say anything critical. She just bit her lip and said lightly: "Okay, here you go. Come on, let’s fight for our east courtyard!”

"Teacher Su, let me go up too! Please!" Zhou Kai also clenched his fists and begged again.

Su Qingxuan turned around and looked at a student from the East Campus who was lying on the ground groaning. When she saw the three injured students on the stage, she finally nodded, "Okay, then you must be careful!"


"Very good!"

"The east courtyard is saved!"

Amid the cheers of a famous East Campus student, Ling Feng and Zhou Kai strode onto the sword fighting stage.

It was originally a five-on-five battle, but unfortunately, it has now become a two-on-five battle!

He Zhonglei kicked Jiang Xiaofan away and grinned, "Very good, very good! The one who is going to die is finally here!"

The few Xuanzi disciples around also raised their heads and laughed, "Boy, you are a Huangzi disciple, aren't you just bringing humiliation to yourself!"

"It's really ridiculous. Every year there are a few rookies who don't know how high the sky is!"

He Zhonglei's face suddenly became distorted, "Ling Feng, you dared to use a knife on me yesterday, today I must destroy one of your arms!"

"Trash, are you going to use your mouth to destroy me?" Ling Feng's eyes flashed with anger.

If he wasn't at Tianwei Academy, he would have chosen to kill this idiot without hesitation.

In the audience, whether it was a student from the East Campus or a student from the West Campus, the atmosphere became completely serious.

The real battle has just begun now!

In the open space on the other side, Gu Tengfeng suddenly stood up with great anticipation, and the heavy sword in his hand trembled slightly.

"Good, the beast is coming!"

The man with the Chinese character face next to him frowned and said, "But, it seems that they have hooked up with someone who is in the early stage of the Pulse Condensation Realm. Do you want to fight with the Xuanzi disciple like this?"

Gu Tengfeng shook his head and said calmly: "Miyagi, you are wrong. Didn't you notice that when that guy appeared, the momentum of the entire east courtyard became different? If the young man just led Anger, and this man, he is like sunshine, shining everywhere!"

"Captain, do you think too highly of him?" Miyagi blinked, completely unable to see why a small Ling Feng could turn things around.

"Then let's wait and see." Gu Tengfeng narrowed his eyes and said very seriously: "I suddenly felt that he might be the person I need to find!"

On the sword fighting stage.

Ling Feng slowly drew out his sword, Red Fire Gold Wind.

He didn't intend to use Destruction in All Directions, because the opponent was not worthy enough to let him use this sword; secondly, the appearance of Destruction in Ten Directions did not look attractive enough.

It's like when a master is dueling, both sides are murderous, and one of the masters suddenly takes out a watermelon knife, and suddenly the fight is over, right?

"Brothers, take action later, don't show mercy, destroy them!"

He Zhonglei retreated directly to the back. In terms of strength, he was no match for Ling Feng and Zhou Kai, but don't forget, this is a team battle.

He only had to stand behind and watch the four Xuanzi disciples murder Ling Feng and Zhou Kai.

As for Liu Yunfei and the other three, they are now useless and cannot help at all.

"Boy, if you offend Mr. He, you're in trouble!"

A Xuanzi disciple with a scarred face on the left laughed ferociously and was the first to attack with his sword.

In his opinion, he could win the sword fighting competition by teaching Ling Feng and Ling Feng a lesson immediately, and then easily chop down the dragon flag in the east courtyard.

Although the big bully bullies the small, there is nothing to be proud of, but finally being able to please He Zhonglei is equivalent to pleasing He Zhongjie behind He Zhonglei.

"Zhou Kai, you are responsible for guarding the flag. Leave the rest to me." A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he took a step forward and stood on the middle line.

There is a kind of situation where one man can block the barrier and ten thousand men cannot break it.

Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment, then jumped back and jumped next to Zhan Longqi, without any doubts about Ling Feng's instructions.

"What's the situation? He wants to fight one against four?"

In the audience, whether it was the students from the East Campus, the students from the West Campus, or even Su Qingxuan and Li Muqing from the West Campus, they were all shocked.

In the early stage of pulse condensation, one versus four?

Is this a joke?

Those Xuanzi disciples are basically masters with more than ten meridians, and these four guys have opened fifteen meridians, and the most powerful one has eighteen meridians.

At this level of Pulse Condensation Realm, even the first and second levels of the Normal Transformation Realm can be faced head-on.

"Hmph! Looking for death!"

Scarface swept out his sword, trying to knock Ling Feng flying, and then the others swarmed him and beat him into a cripple.

However, plans are always good, because as soon as he struck out with his sword, Ling Feng had already circled behind him, and then——


Blood spurted out, and he was hit by a sword in the back.

Before he even felt it, he was cut down with a sword.


Scarface was chopped to the ground, his whole body twitching, he exhaled a thick breath, and could no longer move.

The moment Ling Feng drew his sword, he had already used his true energy to condense into needles and sealed several of this guy's large acupuncture points.

This sword was enough to keep him in bed for a month!

" is it possible?"

The eyelids of several others were twitching wildly. They didn't even see clearly how Ling Feng drew his sword.


"Very good!"

Suddenly, a burst of cheers erupted from the audience. On the other hand, the students in the West Campus all had their heads drooped, like eggplants beaten by frost.

"So fast!" A hint of surprise flashed in Su Qingxuan's eyes. Is this really the speed that a warrior in the early stage of the Pulse Condensation Realm can possess?

Not only was she a tutor in the history of the empire, in fact, her strength was not even under the guidance of that devil Leng Jianfeng.

However, in comparison, she still prefers to teach students cultural classes.

Not far away, in the open space where the Tianzi disciples were.

" can't be right?"

Miyagi's eyelids were also twitching, staring at Ling Feng in disbelief. He swallowed hard and turned to look at Captain Gu Tengfeng, "Captain, did you know that he is so strong?"

Gu Tengfeng's face turned slightly red. He actually didn't expect Ling Feng to be so strong, but he still pretended to be so. Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Intuition! A swordsman needs to have keen intuition. Miyagi , your cultivation level is still weak!”

"That's what the captain said! That kid might be the savior of our East Campus Sword Team!" Miyagi's eyes flashed with excitement as he analyzed: "The speed and explosive power of the sword just now, at least Has it reached the level of twenty chakras?"

"More than that, far more than that!" Gu Tengfeng said solemnly: "Don't forget, he just struck at random. In my opinion, this kid has hidden a lot of his strength. If he uses his full strength, he can reach four levels in an instant. Explosive power of more than ten pulses!”

"Forty pulses! Hiss..." The surrounding Tianzi disciples all took a breath of cold air.

Because, with this kind of explosive power, he can actually be promoted to Tianzi disciple!

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