"Come in, the door is open."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. He heard that the voice was that of a woman, and since she was looking for Zhou Kai, she was probably Zhou Kai's sister.

The next moment, a slightly shy girl walked in from outside the yard, her head slightly lowered, looking a little shy.

Ouyang Jing was practicing his sword. When he saw this girl, he dropped his sword to the ground with a "clang".

This is a very innocent-looking little girl. I can’t say how stunning she is, but she is very attractive and has a delicate face. She feels like Xiaojiabiyu.

"Where's Zhou Kai?" The little girl looked around the yard with her big beautiful eyes. She didn't see Zhou Kai. She bit her lip and frowned.

The girl raised her head slightly, looked at Ling Feng and the others, and said weakly: "Excuse me, do you know where Zhou Kai went?"

"It is said that he went to the sword fighting field." Ling Feng saw Ouyang Jing standing there dumbly without saying a word, so he had no choice but to answer.

"I just came from the sword fighting ring. My brother had a fight with He Zhonglei from the west courtyard on the sword fighting ring because of me, and He Zhonglei's front teeth were knocked out. I heard that He Zhonglei wanted to take revenge on my brother, so I came here to take a look. , It’s best for my brother not to be alone recently.”

The girl said, frowning more and more, "I know that He Zhonglei's brother is a disciple of Tianzi in the academy, and their He family is also very powerful in the imperial capital. I am really afraid that something will happen to my brother..."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. This girl was indeed Zhou Kai's sister.

I have to say that that guy Zhou Kai looks like a bear, with a strong back and a strong waist, but his sister is actually so pretty.

Ling Feng was about to answer when he heard a loud "bang" sound. Someone kicked the door of the courtyard hard, and the door panel fell heavily. Fortunately, Ling Feng pulled the girl standing by the door in time. At this moment, the girl is afraid that she will be injured by the door.

"Damn it, where is Zhou Kai? Where is that bastard?"

I saw four tall, fierce-looking guys walking in swaggeringly behind a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

The leader with a mustache opened his mouth and something leaked out. It turned out that two of his front teeth had been knocked out.

It seems that this person is the student from the Western Academy mentioned by Zhou Kai's sister, He Zhonglei.

As soon as He Zhonglei entered the door, he cursed and yelled: "Where is Zhou Kai? You have the guts to knock out my front teeth, but don't you have the guts to come out and take the fight?"

Suddenly, He Zhonglei's voice paused, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Eh? Zhou Yun? Haha..."

He Zhonglei's mouth immediately dripped with tears, and he sucked hard, "Little Yunyun, you are here too! Very good, little darling, as long as you are willing to follow me, I can forget about your brother's matter, and I can also guarantee that you The two brothers and sisters are very popular in the imperial capital! In Tianwei Academy, they can even walk sideways!"

With that said, He Zhonglei came up to grab Zhou Yun's little hand.

Zhou Yun trembled nervously and quickly hid behind Ling Feng, her eyes full of fear?

When Ouyang Jing saw this, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward, shouting at the arrogant He Zhonglei: "What are you doing? Do you want to cause trouble?"

"I'm just making trouble, so what?"

He Zhonglei casually stretched out his hand and flicked Ouyang Jing's forehead a few times, "You country bumpkins, why don't you go out and ask, who is the eldest brother of my He Zhonglei? How high is the status of our He family in the imperial capital! Damn it, you want to Do you want to be a hero? Just you? Hahahaha..."

The tall bastards behind him also laughed contemptuously.

Ouyang Jing clenched his fists, his joints making a popping sound like fried beans, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Before going to the Imperial Capital, the elders in the family repeatedly warned that the Imperial Capital was not as good as Cambrian County and they must not offend anyone at will. Otherwise, their small Ouyang family would simply not be able to bear the other party's revenge.

He doesn't have to do it for himself, but he must also consider it for his family.

"Hmph, trash!" He Zhonglei pushed Ouyang Jing aside casually, rubbed his hands excitedly, stared at Zhou Yun with a pair of evil eyes, and said with a evil smile: "Baby, come here!"

Zhou Yun was so frightened that her face turned pale and her whole body trembled, "You... don't come over! Otherwise I... I will fight with you!"

"Fight? Hahaha..." He Zhonglei laughed with a silver face, "Okay, come to my bed and fight with me. My bed is big and comfortable!"

He Zhonglei grinned evilly, and the scoundrels behind him whistled unscrupulously. They were all dirty bastards.

"You...you are shameless!"

Zhou Yun was so angry that she couldn't speak, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"You haven't seen anything more shameless!" He Zhonglei saw that Ling Feng had been silent and completely ignored Ling Feng's existence, so he reached out and grabbed Zhou Yun's wrist.

At this moment, He Zhonglei suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and he instinctively stayed where he was.

The next moment, he was shocked to find that there was a sword with a cold light on his neck. It was the fine iron sword that Ouyang Jing had dropped to the ground before.


He Zhonglei swallowed hard. How dare a guy who didn't take him seriously at all dare to kill in public?

It's crazy, this is Tianwei Academy, how dare he kill people in the academy?

Within Tianwei Academy, private fights are strictly prohibited, and killing among students is not allowed. Unless a life and death certificate is signed on the sword fighting platform, if this happens, the punishment will be extremely strict.

"You...what do you want to do?"

He Zhonglei's arrogant arrogance suddenly weakened, and the losers who came with him were also stunned with fear.

"Blow, keep whistling!" A cold glint flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "What's wrong? Isn't it nice to whistle?"

The corner of He Zhonglei's mouth twitched, but his life was in the opponent's hands. He didn't dare to do anything random. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Who are you? I advise you not to do anything random!"

"Are you messing around?" The long sword in Ling Feng's hand rubbed against He Zhonglei's neck, and the cold sword edge rubbed against his neck, making He Zhonglei tremble all over.

"If you have the guts... don't do sneak attacks!" He Zhonglei clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth: "Tomorrow at noon, our West Campus will challenge your East Campus for a team sword fighting competition. If you are brave enough, you can When we go to the sword fighting platform, we from the West Courtyard will break all the trash like you in the East Courtyard!"

Seeing that He Zhonglei had no intention of taking action anymore, Ling Feng pushed him out casually and said calmly: "I'll be with you anytime!"

Seeing that He Zhonglei was released, He Zhonglei's thugs pulled out their weapons one by one and stood at war, "Damn it, you dare to attack our boss!"

"Take it back!"

He Zhonglei turned around and glared at those scoundrels, then turned back and stared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Okay, boy, you have the guts! I, He Zhonglei, will remember you!"

After saying that, He Zhonglei took a group of his men and turned around and left.

This guy finally kept his word.

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