After getting confirmation from Sister Ran, he leaned back and closed his eyes to rest.

He had expected this situation. The two messages from Sister Zi were enough to explain everything.

Qian Wuxian felt a little disdainful.

「Suppressing resources? Is this such a low-level method?…」

「However... it is intriguing that the"Three Major Families of Binhai" and other families can act together.」

「One of the Twelve Pillars …」

「Is this the work of the other four major families far away in the imperial capital?」

「… …」


More than an hour later, at the gate of the Qian family's land.

The sports car had been replaced by a commercial vehicle.

Sister Ran got out of the car with a gloomy face, and there was a cut on her lip.

On weekdays, she would not show her emotions, but today she was really disgusted.

Originally, the distance from the job transfer tower to the Qian family's land was less than 10 minutes at most by sports car, but on this way,"strange things" happened at least 10 times!!!

First, she ran over something and had a flat tire, and then... a few blind hooligans wanted to tease her, but they gave them a lesson and twisted their wrists...

There was no place where there would be a transport vehicle, but suddenly one rushed out and directly knocked the sports car away!

If the young master hadn't taken action in time, I'm afraid both of them would have suffered some injuries; but when asked, it turned out that the driver was a newcomer, the navigation was broken, and he took the wrong road...

Just after asking someone to replace the commercial vehicle, she encountered another"professional self-explosion" incident?!

A professional who had been"licking his ass and giving away money" for many years was broken up by his girlfriend, and had no choice but to self-destruct...

The young master immediately hugged her and dodged. Under the protection of the gold sand, the two were very close, and there was some ambiguous atmosphere. They had already kissed each other...

As a result, the"self-destruction" caused a secondary explosion in the nearby"food restaurant". Under the severe shock, she bit her lip...

Later, there were several"dangers that were not dangerous" in succession, which made her mentality collapse...

After opening the car door, she looked at the young master who was trying not to laugh, and quickly turned around.…


"Blame me for what happened just now. I will talk to you later~" After saying this, Qian Wuxian walked into the clan land, and a certain amount of gold sand was always around him.…


Meeting room.

When Qian Wuxian just walked in, he already felt the solemn atmosphere.

Everyone seemed to be discussing something important, and his return immediately made the meeting room quiet.

This time, an elderly man sat in the main seat.

Qian Wuqing sat on one side, and on the other side was his eldest sister 'Qian Weiyang'.

None of the other elders of the family were absent, in addition, all the middle-level staff of the Qian family were also present.

Qian Wuxian glanced around casually and found that except for the 'four brothers and sisters', all the other middle and high-level members of the family were present.

He sat in the only vacant seat and did not speak first.

At this time, he wanted to see what the attitude of his family was.

""Let's get started."

The old man said calmly.

After receiving the order, the second in command of the family, the fourth elder, spoke.

"Regarding the assassination of the Ouyang Family, the higher-ups have given instructions that no one should be held accountable."

The fourth elder glanced at Qian Wuxian and added,

"The ancestor agreed."

He paused for a moment, and seeing that no one spoke, he continued,

"Qian Wuxian's trip to the secret realm has caused a special impact. The matter is still under investigation. The Qian family needs to compensate the Ouyang family with some resources to make up for their losses."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed significantly. Most of them were helpless, and only a few were indignant.

Qian Wuxian's heart moved slightly.

「Suppression to this extent?"

The special impact is nothing but the disappearance of the 'radiation vein'.

But this matter has turned into 'Qian family compensation'.’?

"Another instruction from above..."

The fourth elder shook his head slightly and sighed silently.

"The college entrance examination will be held soon. Before entering the"Secret Realm of College Entrance Examination", the Qian family's supply of resources to Qian Wuxian... Pause"

"In terms of resources, whether openly or privately, the Qian family would not allow them to have any convenience."

"The official purpose is to ensure the authenticity of the college entrance examination and eliminate the situation of piling up resources and mismatching ranks."

The fourth elder breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair, feeling a few years older.

He was one of the elders that Qian Wuxian was close to. After Qian Wuxian completed his job change, he specially prepared a wave of"gifts" and planned to give them to him in the next few days. But who knew that a"big shot" suddenly came and not only made some extremely harsh requirements, but also took away the good things from many senior executives of the Qian family...

Who would believe the words"temporarily kept and returned after the college entrance examination"?

At this time, a voice that was neither humble nor arrogant sounded in the meeting room,

"The family will issue a statement tomorrow."

"In the future, anything I do has nothing to do with the Qian family."

"You can even expel me from the Qian family directly!"

Qian Wuxian stood up and looked directly at the Qian family's ancestor.

Compensation for the Ouyang family?

Temporary supply of resources?

The authenticity of the college entrance examination?

He didn't believe these nonsense at all. These were just notices to the Qian family on the surface. The actual situation would only be worse. Just from these aspects, he has been suppressed to death, not to mention that there must be other means in secret. Instead of shrinking back like this, it is better to let go directly!

Resources? Can't he do it himself?

Isn't the radiation vein an example?

Qian Wuxian sneered in his heart. He had already expected this result.

This kind of pressure, as well as the family's compromise, everything was within his expectations.


Qian Wuqing couldn't help but speak,

"Does it have to come to this?"

"Taking a step back will open up a new world. We can take our time. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

"You need time and resources, so that you can have this decade’!"

"If you act rashly, you will encounter more resistance than you can imagine now!"

—— Bang! Snap...

In just one breath, a 'Golden Sands hand' slapped the conference table!

The table instantly broke into pieces, and everyone scattered in shock.

Qian Wuqing stepped forward and shouted angrily,

"What are you doing?"

What responded to him was a piece of wood rolled up by a 'golden sand tentacle', floating there.

Qian Wuxian walked a few steps to the center of the broken conference table, looking at the piece of wood,

"The current Qian family is like this table."

"I compromised and endured, but what I got in return was only a shocking blow!"

""You don't even have the qualifications to resist."

He stopped talking and turned to look at the old man who was sitting firmly in the main seat. Only the old ancestor's chair was intact.

Qian Wuxian's tone became cold, with a hint of sharpness.

"You are you and I am me!"

"People are putting pressure on me, and I should remain silent?"

"I will fight back in front of everyone!"

"Grievance? I can’t stand even a little bit!!"

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