As he spoke, Qian Wuxian put the cake on the fork into his mouth.

As he chewed, the room was very quiet, and the mayor was waiting for his next words.

After a while, he took a sip of coffee, put down the cup, and suddenly raised his head, looking at the mayor with sharp eyes.

"A big pie from the sky? I don’t need it!"

"What do you want? Let me see your sincerity."

"I will consider it later."

The mayor came back to his senses and looked at Qian Wuxian sincerely.

"I will pay any price to help you grow!"

Qian Wuxian was speechless, glanced at Sister Ran next to him, and picked up the coffee again.

Seeing this, Sister Ran notified the people on standby in the two families in front of the mayor and issued an invitation.

The mayor was very tactful and stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, I'm leaving now."

As he approached the wall, he spoke again.

"The potential test is over, and the college entrance examination league will start soon. Be careful of your dean's mortal enemy, Ying Tianming"

"Ni Tianxing and I have a life-long friendship, so we can be trusted."

Then, the four disappeared into the box.

Qian Wuxian walked to the French window with coffee, and Sister Ran pulled the curtains open with great foresight.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at the street outside the coffee shop, and thought.

He was not interested in the"revenge target and confidential incident" mentioned by the mayor.

Since the higher-ups will pay special attention to him, he will meet this"high-level" sooner or later. If the situation reaches that stage, revenge may be done easily, so he will not agree to anything from the mayor, and how sincere the mayor is depends on how real his hatred is. The mayor and he are tacitly understood

, and neither side said much nonsense.

In the following conversation, he made his attitude clear, and the mayor must have understood what he meant.

After a long time, the box welcomed people from the"Ouyang and Long" families.

The status of the people who came was not low, and they were the heads of the families.

After a long time.

The heads of the two families left the coffee shop angrily.

Sister Ran looked at the smile on Qian Wuxian's face and couldn't help but sigh at the young master's courage.

"Go home."

Qian Wuxian said calmly.

"Don't worry, it will come sooner or later."

"But before that, let's go to a place first."

Hearing this, Sister Ran's eyes flickered slightly.


"Job Transfer Tower"


On the other side.

The two poor little ones went home separately...

When Ouyang Zhi got off the car, she saw the situation of the clan land, and her heart skipped a beat. She ran in quickly, only to find that many clan members had already begun to rebuild houses and courtyards.

After waiting for a long time,

Ouyang Zhi saw her father return angrily.

Then, Ouyang Zhi followed her father into the study with a nervous look. As soon as they entered, Ouyang Wunian raised his hand and waved, and three translucent light shields covered the two of them.

Ouyang Wunian excitedly held Ouyang Zhi's hand,


"I'm so glad you're okay!"

"I thought…"

"Did you think I was dead?"

The question made the air suddenly freeze.

Ouyang Wunian suddenly realized that his daughter's attitude was even colder than usual?

"Tell me about the secret realm.…"

"I felt dizzy when I entered the secret realm and I didn't know anything."

"… …"

"If you don't want to talk about it, forget it."

"I heard that you were bewitched and brought a bag of things in…"

Ouyang Zhi interrupted directly, and her voice changed significantly.


"What do you want to know?"

"Did you have any relationship with Qian Wuxian?"

"Did you agree to the marriage?"

"Do you still want me to…"

Before she finished speaking, Ouyang Wunian suddenly stood up and turned his back.


"The family leaders asked you to go to him and stabilize him first."

"The family has a plan for the future, and it cannot be hindered!"

Ouyang Zhi finally couldn't hold it anymore,


"You're still thinking about your family now?"

Her voice began to tremble.

"Have you asked me how I am?"

"Have you asked Grandpa Huang?"

After she finished speaking, she ran out of the study without looking back.


Meanwhile, in the Long family's punishment room

—— Pah!

On the strong wheat-colored back, a bloody mark left by the fourth"steel whip" was left.

"Did you understand what the Third Master arranged? Ah!?"


—— Snapped~!

"Either expel the Long family, or do"

"Think about it yourself, if you want to escape from your status as a waste, this is your last choice!"

—— Pah! Pah!

After several whips, Long Bufu fainted.…

"Okay, the person fainted."

"Call Long Xie over and leave the person to him…"


Half an hour later, the Qian family's sports car stopped in front of the only job transfer tower in Binhai City.

Inside the car, Sister Ran's voice rang out.

"I'll go buy the things that the young master mentioned, and I'll be back later."

Qian Wuxian nodded, pushed the door open and got out of the car, and walked into the job transfer tower.

He entered the tower, and soon came to the reception position of the last job transfer, and happened to hear the voice of the receptionist.

She was concentrating on writing the record form, talking to herself,

"Are the newcomers so strong nowadays?"

"Just had one come two days ago, and today two more came~!"

"Are the newcomers this year so strong?"

Qian Wuxian walked to the reception desk and asked softly,

"Is there a new person coming today?"

The sudden voice startled the receptionist. When she looked up at the newcomer, her face flushed.

"Hey? Handsome guy, you're here again?"

"Um, that……"

"It was Long Bufu from the Long family and Ouyang Zhi from the Ouyang family."

Hearing this, Qian Wuxian was a little surprised.

「It seems that these two people have been here before going home?"

He actually ignored the matter of these two people. During the previous trip to the secret realm, he killed so many monsters, and he must have reached the requirements of the first level.

"Handsome guy, why are you here today?"

"Second turn."

The receptionist's eyes widened in shock!


Second turn?!

Didn't he just get the first turn?

In just one day, he reached the second turn requirement!

Oh my god, this is too incredible!

The blonde girl came to her senses and found that Qian Wuxian was gone. She wanted to leave, but suddenly remembered that she didn't see Qian Wuxian last time, and she couldn't miss him this time!

After looking around, she turned around and found a corner to record the communication information.…

This time, Qian Wuxian walked in by himself just like last time. Anyway, this 'blonde girl' was not professional.

Entering the job transfer space again, Qian Wuxian said lightly,

"Submit the job transfer task."

In the space, there was a familiar light and a familiar voice.

"Congratulations, you have completed the job transfer task!"

"Job transfer begins..."

As the mysterious voice gradually faded, eleven beams of different colors appeared in the space... red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, black, rose gold, cherry red, and mixed white.

The beams flowed, and a touch of red shot out, circling around Qian Wuxian's body, and finally merged into his body...

The red halo representing"Bronze Level 1st Transfer" became stronger and submerged him.

He only felt that the power of his whole body was growing explosively, with an extremely comfortable feeling, constantly improving, just like...

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