Chang’an’s First Beauty

Chapter 77: (Catching bugs)

On the fifth day of June, the scenery is endless and the weather is very good.

In the early morning, Emperor Cheng Yuan set off with hundreds of officials in Beijing, rushing all the way, and came to Qingyun Temple.

Sitting on a horse, Lu Yan looked at Mushan, the green mountains and grasses were endless, and occasionally one or two white rabbits shuttled between the willows. Everything was full of business, just like everything in his dream.

The **** twittered non-stop, and everyone dismounted.

The gate of Qingyunguan closed, and there was silence around him. The emperor gave an order, and several servants helped to arrange the formation. Tianshi Ge stroked his beard with his left hand and walked slowly to the center of the hall.

At this moment, Zheng Jingzhao covered his chest, and fell down in a daze. His breath became weaker than a sound, and his entire face was held back in blue, as if he was about to stop breathing...All around him suddenly became a panic.

Lu Yan's eyes were stagnant.

He has sent people to pay attention to Zheng Jingzhao's diet in the past two days, and there is no difference. If he is still sick at this time, it can only show that Mr. Zheng does have a heart disease.

Lu Yan shifted his gaze to Ge Tianshi.

Sure enough, Ge Tianshi pushed away a waiter in front of him, walked straight to Zheng Jingzhao and squatted down, pressed against Master Zheng’s chest, and then pressed his lips again. After a while, Zheng Jingzhao slowly opened his eyes. .

The officials around were stunned.

After the uproar, Ge Tianshi took a more leaky look, then sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and muttered something silently in his mouth.

Lu Yan knocked on the table impatiently with his index finger.

It's about to start.

After a long while, Emperor Cheng Yuan said, "I don't know what the heavenly master can see?"

"Poor Dao dare not speak."

Emperor Cheng Yuan said: "But it doesn't matter if you say it."

Ge Tianshi frowned, shook his head, and sighed: "In the seventeenth year of Qingyuan, there will be four great calamities in the Jin Kingdom." There was a rustling sound around, some sneered, some questioned, and some sucked. A cold breath.

Lu Yan raised his head and met Zhou Shuan's eyes. Then he looked around and saw the smiling face of the Sixth Prince's mouth.

Those things that he hadn't noticed in his previous life, now it seems to be more clear.

As the sky gradually turned and the rain was about to come, Ge Tianshi stood up, shook his robe, raised his hands, and said word by word: "In June of the seventeenth year of Qingyuan, there will be a plague in Chang'an City."

The voice raised another height, shouting: "July! There will be a flood along the Yellow River. This flood is no better than before. Once it happens, it will last for several years."

"But in September..."

Before Ge Tianshi finished speaking, Hong Yushi sneered and laughed loudly, "Next! Do you want to say that there is still another earth movement in the Jiuyueshu land!"

As soon as he said this, Ge Tianshi's eyes clearly flashed a panic, and the pace of God's nagging could not help but he staggered, "You, how do you know!"

The smile on Emperor Cheng Yuan's face disappeared in an instant, and his face sank, and said in a cold voice: "Hong Yushi, why have you tested the national fortune?"

Hong Yushi stepped out and bowed and said: "Return to your Majesty, a minister, a civil servant, who dare not talk about the national fortune, but this person! The minister dare to conclude that he is just a liar!"

Emperor Cheng Yuan shook his eyebrows and said, "What about this?"

"Weichen returned home at the time of Mao yesterday. As soon as he entered the door, the child in the family mumbled the'national destiny' which Ge Tianshi had just tested. The minister was shocked. The youngest son in the family was only seven years old. How could he say such unconventional words? When I came, I immediately sent people to investigate, trying to stop the rumors, but the rumors were like a plague, spreading ten to ten, and they couldn't be prevented at all. At the moment in Changan City, they must be aware of it."

A hundred officials whispered, nodded and seconded, it seems that many people have heard of this.

Emperor Cheng Yuan slapped the table case vigorously and said angrily: "Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

"This matter is strange and has not been found out yet. Weichen wanted to report it to Your Majesty tomorrow morning after the investigation..."

Emperor Cheng Yuan said slowly: "I ask you, where did this rumor first come from?"

Hong Yushi said: "The minister only knows that a new Taoist surnamed Zhu has arrived at the Chiditan of the South Gate. The rumors have spread from then on... The rest has not been investigated."

Hearing this, Ge Tianshi stepped back and murmured: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

"Your Majesty!" Ge Tianshi tremblingly said: "What the poor Dao just said is the meaning of God, every sentence is true!"

"Enough!" Emperor Cheng Yuan said to Zhou Shu'an: "This person deceives the crowd and plays mystery, and immediately put him in Dali Temple Prison and hang him!"

As soon as he heard the word "hanging", Ge Tianshi knelt on the ground with a "puff", "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! There is no lie in the poor way. Your Majesty doesn't believe the channel. You can wait a little longer, if it is six. There is no plague spreading in Yuejing City. His Majesty executed Pang Dao Lingchi to death, and Pang Dao has nothing to say."

Hong Yushi smiled and said, "Even if there is a natural disaster in Beijing, it is measured by Taoist Zhu in the Chidi Altar. What can you do for you!"

Zhou Shuan winked at Chu Yi next to him.

Chu took a step forward and pushed Tianshi Ge to the ground. Tianshi Ge desperately struggled, Chu one could use his strength.

Above the hall, there was a seeping sound of bone dislocation, and Tianshi Ge kept wailing.

The Sixth Prince's face was green, and he clenched his fists.

The father was suspicious. After this happened, Ge Tianshi could no longer gain the trust of the emperor, but the mother said that this person is the key to whether he can get on the big treasure.

In desperation, the Sixth Prince had to pass a note to Li Di.

Li Di took it from the attendant, blocked it with his sleeves, and slowly unfolded it. He took a deep breath and got up and said, "Your Majesty Qi, the minister thinks that this person is suspicious and should be questioned carefully. Fan is, after all...he just used a spell to save Master Zheng's life."

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Zheng Jingzhao.

Zheng Jingzhao’s ancestors have been from the capital for generations, and he was brought up by Emperor Cheng Yuan. He has been an official for many years, and he is honest and upright. He will never collude with these crooked people.

"Yes!" Ge Tianshi cracked his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't believe it, dare you call Tianshi Zhu to confront the poor!"

Lu Yan's eyes darkened. This person must never give him a chance to speak again.

After thinking about it again and again, Lu Yan also got up and stared into Ge Tianshi's eyes and said: "I just ask, those predictions, but what you measured today?" He deliberately bit the word today hard. some.

Ge Tianshi shook his lower lips: "Naturally."


"Poor Dao is sure!" Ge Tianshi swallowed, and said: "The predictions just now were all made by immortals in my ears!"

Lu Yan nodded, and then said to Emperor Cheng Yuan: "Your Majesty, if these prophecies will come true, the minister thinks that the Taoist priest of the Chiditan Zhu is obviously more advanced than this one. After all, this prophecy also scores points. First come first."

Hong Yushi disdainfully said: "I see that he is a shameless person, taking the prophecies of others as his own!"

Ge Tianshi was anxious, and quickly retorted: "You are a shameless person! What Zhu Taoist! What Chidi Altar! All nonsense! These predictions I had already measured as early as the beginning of the year!"

Lu Yan looked solemn and said, "I ask you again and again, whether those predictions are what you have predicted today, and how did you answer them?"

The contradictions in Ge Tianshi's words can be heard by everyone present.

Emperor Cheng Yuan squinted his eyes and hated these monsters for a while, and said to Zhou Shu'an, "What are you waiting for, please hold it down!"

Li Di clenched a fist and wanted to say more, but he felt that someone tapped his shoulder.

He knew that the sixth prince meant that he didn't have to interfere anymore.

I was so stupid that I was caught in a few words, and there was really no need for further support.

Today’s matter quickly spread to the palace. Empress Xu was furious at the six princes and fell to the ground, shaking her fingers: "Why are you? Why don't you keep Ge Yun!"

The six princes got up and said: "The mother is afraid that it is a nightmare! How can the son protect the situation today! In Qingyunguan, the crowd rose up and attacked. The sentence on the left and the right. Except for Hong Yushi who is from the East Palace, the rest are all letters from your Majesty. Chen! One more word from the son! It is equivalent to telling the world that this Master Ge was found by his son!"

Empress Xu rubbed her temples with her hands and murmured in a low voice, "But he can't die, he can't die."

The sixth prince smiled, "I see, 80% of the mother's queen was deceived by this person!"

"What do you know!" Empress Xu said: "Since A-niang's spies met him last year, he has discovered that this man is a superb man, not only has superb medical skills, can detect world affairs, and can even make mines, Ye'er, that's. Landmines are so powerful that once they explode, hundreds of people can be seriously injured, as well as..."

"Enough!" The sixth prince sat next to Queen Xu, "The son knows that everything the mother does is for me, but the mother, if he really has the ability to win the world, why should he come to help me!"

Empress Xu said: "If Ge Yun can't enter the palace, then you have to confront the East Palace endlessly, your father..."

The six princes whispered: "My mother waited patiently. When the plague appears, why can't I bring down the East Palace? You and I know that this plague..." It was not a natural disaster.

At that time, the sky was dark, the bright moon was in the sky, and the gray clouds around it looked like barren smoke, and I couldn't help but look a little sad.

After returning home, Lu Yan sat on the couch, lit the lamp, and fell into contemplation.

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