CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 185: Don't ask

Chapter 185

Su Shihao nodded. "However, it seems that Li Xiang is not willing to lose. It was because he wanted to pay for Mu Mu that he asked me to come and pick him up in person."

"That's the case, so you're here to serve him as a bodyguard? He would make people appeal." Huo Xiwen heard that while admiring Fu Muyi's IQ, on the other hand, he also despised him a little.

Want to buy another company? Have to engage in hostile takeovers.

"I'm here to see your boyfriend." Su Shihao said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"... It's not really a boyfriend." Huo Xiwen was a little speechless, Fu Muzhen was really a big mouth, and he sold her as soon as he spoke.

"What's going on?" Naturally, Su Yunhao didn't believe this girl would find a boyfriend without saying a word, and didn't let him know.

Huo Xiwen then told Su Junhao about himself and Zhang Junxian again.

After listening to Su Yinghao, she pondered for a moment, "So, you believe he just wants to cooperate with you?"

"Believe it, he said, he has another girlfriend, and it's not one, but a bunch. A dude like him, found me, but also to stop the family's mouth." Huo Xiwen could understand Zhang Junxian's thoughts.

"Since you think so, there is nothing wrong with it. However, I will still find someone to investigate his situation, and you should keep some distance from him first." Su Yinghao said.

Huo Xiwen heard the words and couldn't help laughing, "Brother, do you know who you look like now?"


"My dad! He, I am the most reassured person in my life. Brother elder brother, if you become a father in the future, you must also be a very good father." Huo Xiwen looked at Su Yehao's concern for himself and couldn't help it. I remembered his deceased father again.

He clearly remembered that before his father was dying, he clasped her hand and Su Shihao's hand tightly, and told Su Shihao that he must take good care of her.

Indeed, Su Haohao did the same. Even though their marriage relationship ended shortly after the death of their father, Hao Ting and Huo's cooperation became increasingly strong.

"I have something to tell you." Su Shihao saw her talking about the topic of "father" and suddenly said.

"Huh? What?" Huo Xiwen asked.

"I'm a father." Su Yinghao said.

"Oh." Huo Xiwen responded subconsciously, and when she reacted, the whole person was shocked. "What? What did you say? Did you just hear it again? Are you a dad? What dad? ? Who's father? "

"Qingyun is back."

"Qingyun is back? When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me?" Huo Xiwen heard the news with a look of astonishment again. "Wait a minute, I'll take care of it first, you said you were a father, then you said Qingyun is back, so ... it's because Qingyun is back, that's why you became a dad? The child in the stomach before Qingyun was yours? "

"Yes!" Su Yinghao nodded.

Huo Xiwen heard the words and clapped his hands. "I said, Qingyun likes you very much, how could they really be with Qize. They are just like us, they were fake marriages, right?"

"It should be." Although Luo Qingyun didn't say it explicitly, he believed that nothing had happened between them.

"So haven't you wronged her all these years?"

"Injustice?" Su Shihao didn't think so.

"Yeah, don't you think she abandoned you with Qize's child and ran away? Isn't she always angry about it, and still picking up girls outside?" Huo Xiwen knew the lace news of Su Yinghao very well.

Because he was her ex-husband, every time he heard from him, Tina always sent the briefing to her desk as soon as possible, so that she had to pay attention to his personal affairs.

So much so that she really thought that Su Yihao was injured by Luo Qingyun, and she sent him a woman to heal herself.

"Miss Huo, do you believe the contents of those gossip magazines?" Qiu Yan, who was driving in the front row, could not help laughing when he heard Huo Xiwen mention Su Suhao's picking up.

"Why don't you believe that? I didn't accept the model I chose for my elder brother that time, too." She didn't give the woman Su Suhao, she didn't know, but she herself did, and Su Suhao No rejection.

The woman later took money from Assistant Sun.

"The president has nothing to do with those women, he just ..." Qiu Yue was about to explain, Su Yinghao suddenly coughed heavily, then reminded Shen Shen, "drive carefully."

Seeing Su Yanhao not letting himself say, Qiu Yan had to swallow the words to his mouth.

When Huo Xiwen heard that there was a hidden emotion in it, he couldn't help asking, "Brother, what's the matter? Tell me."

"Nothing." Su Yinghao refused to say, and turned his head out the window.

In fact, what Qiu Yan knew about him and those women was only superficial.

Indeed, many people have given women to him over the years, and he has received them in full, but none of these women made him tempted.

However, even if he didn't like it very much, he would never drive them away. In his opinion, a woman may sell her body for money, and there may be some distress.

Maybe they are the same as Luo Qingyun at the beginning, because they have no choice but to choose this unseen path.

He left them and listened to them telling their own stories. Some were miserable, while others were obviously made up.

But it didn't matter. He used to like this feeling. Sometimes when he listened to them, it seemed as if time had reversed, and the other person became the poor, pitiful Luo Qingyun who was six or seven years ago.

In the end, he just regarded those women as Luo Qingyun's substitutes, creating a false impression that Luo Qingyun was beside him and never left.

Later, Luo Qingyun reappeared by giving him medicine and going to sleep. This made him angry. He also clearly realized that his previous state had been self-deceiving.

He was a little annoyed. This annoyance was to himself. He felt that he could let go of her and forget her.

Just then, Huo Xiwen sent a woman to her. In order to prove that he was not just in love with Luo Qingyun alone, he decided to have a relationship with a woman she didn't know.

It is a pity that God's providence caused people to find out later that the woman was not someone else, but Luo Qingyun.

Of course, he will never explain it to Luo Qingyun.

He was not afraid of what she had misunderstood, just as he would not care about anyone's eyes.

On the contrary, he hoped that she misunderstood that he had not lacked a woman around her these years, at least better than letting her know that he was the only one in his heart from beginning to end these years.

Anyway, when he was killed, he would not admit how much he cared about her and how much he couldn't let go of her.


After the car entered the city safely, Fu Muzhen's car stopped in front.

Seeing that he had stopped, Qiu Yu also parked the car by the side of the road.

Huo Xiwen was trying to ask why he suddenly stopped, but saw that Fu Muzhen had got out of the car, walked to the back door where she was sitting, reached out, and pulled the door open.

"Get off," he said.

Huo Xiwen looked at him with a sullen expression, "Why?"

"Take you home." He said.

"No need, I'll take my brother's car." Huo Xiwen answered.

"He doesn't follow the way, I follow the way!" Fu Muzhen said.

Huo Xiwen then suddenly remembered that Fu Muzhen's villa was not far from his villa.

Turning her head, she looked at Su Yinghao. "Brother Brother, then I will go in his car."

"Go." Su Yinghao nodded.

At this time, Huo Xiwen thought of something again, and blinked his beautiful big eyes and looked at Su Yinghao, "Qing Yun is back, where do you live now? I haven't seen her for a long time, I wonder her, when can I meet her what?"

"It's okay at any time, I'll send the address back to you." Su Yinghao said, without forgetting to add, "Remember to prepare gifts for children."

"Oh, yes, look at me, and forgot to ask, boy or girl?" Huo Xiwen laughed.


"Okay, I know what to send." Huo Xiwen said, got out of the car, waved his hand at him, then turned around and got into Mu Mu with another car.

Although the two were sitting side by side, there was almost a galaxy so far apart. No one wanted to be next to each other, and the atmosphere inside the car was scary.

When the car enters the urban area, the road conditions are not so good. In addition, it is only eight o'clock now, it is the evening rush hour, and the road is badly blocked.

The two were embarrassed to look at the traffic outside the window.

In the end, Huo Xiwen couldn't help but broke the extremely depressed atmosphere and said, "Why ... why did you suddenly return to China again? I thought you would always be abroad and not coming."

For his sudden appearance, I don't know why, she would be so happy in her heart.

Seems to wait a long time for this day.

But when she really saw him and stayed with him, she felt embarrassed and completely at a loss.

This feeling of expectation and uneasiness was unprecedented for her, and she was a little confused as to why she had such complicated emotions for him.

"Affects you?" Fu Muzhen didn't answer her question, but instead asked indifferently.

Huo Xiwen heard the words, his expression was awkward, and he waved again and again, "No effect, no effect, where did you affect me ..."

"So why do you want to know?" In a word, she was too gossip.

"Cut ... do n’t ask, do n’t ask, what ’s the big deal. It ’s as if someone wants to know.” Huo Xiwen was a little upset. She was n’t trying to relieve her embarrassment.

Don't forget it, then don't talk anymore, it's embarrassing.

"You know too much about my business, it's not good for you." Seeing her look of anger, he said indifferently.

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