CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 157: Any price

Chapter 157

Tuan Tuan was taken away, Qiu found that the atmosphere in the hall was not right. This low-pressure environment made him feel depressed. He didn't dare to swim in the muddy water, he just made an excuse and went out.

The hall was quiet for a while, and Su Yinghao stepped up to the sofa and sat down.

The two long legs were folded together, and Erlang's legs were tilted elegantly.

"Say, what are you doing here?" He couldn't even raise his eyes, he stared at the mobile phone in his hand and asked.

"Hao Hao, can you ... give me the ball, I can't live without him ..." Luo Qingyun knew that this was unlikely, but she still wanted to try again at last, always holding her luck in her heart In my heart, what if he agreed?

"Give it back to you?" Su Yinghao stared at her beautiful face, repeating her words one by one, showing a sneer on her face, as if just listening to the funniest joke in the world.

"It is inconvenient for you to take him. If you are seen, how do you tell people the identity of the group? Do you say he is your illegitimate child?" Luo Qingyun seized what she thought was Su Shihao's biggest weakness.

After all, he is a man with a status and status. The most taboo for men like him is to expose such scandals.

"This doesn't seem to be a problem you should worry about." Su Minhao coldly squinted at Luo Qingyun in front of him, he found that after four years of absence, this woman became much smarter than before.

She knew how to find each other's weaknesses to attack each other.

Maybe a single mother made her grow.

But she did not like this growth.

Even, a bit annoying!

"Well, if you must leave the group, then I have no opinion, but can you please let me stay with the group. In the past two years, his body is under my care. I am better than the nurses you invited. Know more about his physical condition. "Luo Qingyun knew that Su Shihao could not return Tuantuan to himself, so he had to take the second step.

He did not agree to her request, but suddenly asked: "Why come back?"

These days, he has been thinking about this issue.

Luo Qingyun listened to his voice, opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer it was the best.

"You're pregnant with a child that can save the regiment, why do you want to come back?" Su Minhao continued to ask, this time his voice is a bit higher than before.

Luo Qingyun just bowed her head, but did not say a word.

Su Yanhao was angered by her silence. He stood up, grasped her wrist, dragged her directly in front of her, stared tightly at her pale face, and said coldly: "Why not answer My question? Do you think it's enough to remain silent in front of me? "

Luo Qingyun felt that his wrist was hurting by his grip, but she didn't frown. She slowly raised her head and looked at him with water mist in her eyes and asked: "Maybe I really shouldn't come back, I kept looking I want dad. I was just trying to perfunctory him and take him back to China. I didn't want to bother you and let you know about this ... "

"This is your answer?" Su Yinghao looked at Luo Qingyun, and apparently, he was not satisfied with her answer.

No, it should be very angry.

So, she never thought about going back to him, letting Tuan Tuan know who her biological father was!

"Yes, this is the answer. I know I was wrong, rest assured, after I give birth to this baby, I will leave this child to you. As for Tuantuan, he is already so old, I hope we can respect his choice Let him choose whether to follow me or stay with you, okay? "This was the best solution she could think of. The child in her stomach was originally born to save the regiment. Since it was Su Shihao's flesh, she was willing to leave it to him. As for the group, she could not let go anyway. In the past four years, if he was not with her, she would not have been so happy and active. She could not lose the group and she believed that the group could not be lost. her.

"I wanted to deal with these two children so quickly. It seems that I underestimated your resilience. What do you want only to be in groups, but you are afraid that the belly will be inconvenient for you, right? Actually from the beginning, he planned to separate the two children. "Su Minhao was disappointed that she wanted to give up the child in her belly so easily, and he sneered coldly.

"It's not that I want to separate them, but that you won't give me any chance to have these two children. If I could be with the children, I would pay any price for it. But ... I know you don't Probably ... "Luo Qingyun eagerly defended.

"Any price?" Su Yinghao seemed to be testing Luo Qingyun's determination.

"Yes, any price." Nodded heavily, she felt like she was struggling.

"Very well, then let me see how much your sincerity is." Su Yanhao said, holding her face with a big hand, and kissed her cherry lips with her lips.

"Hmm ..." Luo Qingyun was taken aback by his sudden movement, and his neck condition reflexed back. But he didn't allow her to escape, her lips sucked her lips as if they had some magic power, and their lips and tongues tangled together instantly.

"This is just the beginning, show it well, maybe I will consider letting you stay." After a long kiss, he finally let go of her, then threw down such a sentence, then turned and walked upstairs.

Luo Qingyun stood in the hall, watching the back of his departure quietly, but for some reason, he felt some pain in his heart.

How could they become like this? This was not the result she wanted, absolutely not.


Because Su Haohao did not drive her away, but finally said that she would perform well, which meant that she could stay for the time being.

Although it was awkward to face Su Yinghao, she was content to be able to guard her.

Su Haohao fired all his servants and housekeepers that day.

His intention to do so is obvious. With Luo Qingyun, the rest will not be needed.

From this move, Luo Qingyun also understood what he was doing to keep her.

In the afternoon, she started the work of housekeeper and servant directly.

In the evening, a "happy" family of three sat in the dining room next to the living room in the villa.

"Tuan Tuan, do you like this house?" Su Yinghao contacted his son while eating.

"Well, it's more beautiful than our Spanish home. Dad, is this your home?" Tuantuan nodded while eating delicious food.

"This is your home from now on." Su Yanhao corrected him.

"But, shouldn't I be in a hospital?" Tuantuan said, still secretly looking up at Luo Qingyun's expression, as if waiting for her to give her a positive answer.

"You don't need to live in a hospital, there will be a doctor to check you every day, and you will be able to live at home in the future." Su Yinghao said.

"Really? I don't really need to stay in the hospital? Yeah, yeah, but then, I won't see that beautiful nurse lady, it's a pity ..." Tuantuan said, regretful .

"Then I'll send you to the hospital." Luo Qingyun heard it and teased deliberately.

"NO NO, don't, I don't want to stay in the hospital ..." Tuantuan's head shook like a rattle, and followed him curiously and asked Su Yunhao: "Does my dad also live here? In the future we will be family Yet?"

"I ..." Su Yinghao just wanted to say that he didn't live here, but he caught the eyes full of longing for his father's love, and immediately swallowed the words to his mouth, and changed his words: "I will often come and live of."

"That's great, I will be a happy child with mom and dad in the future ... yeah, yeah ..." Tuantuan clapped and shouted happily.

Luo Qingyun suddenly felt a little bit upset. She remembered what Su Yinghao had said before. After the baby in her stomach was born, she would leave, and the happiness that Tuan Tuan wanted only lasted only a few months. How can she get Su Yinghao to remarry her, and they really become a complete family?

After dinner, Tuan Tuan watched the cartoon for a while, played with Su Yinghao for a while, and was taken to the bedroom by the nurse to sleep.


The next morning, in the president's office, Secretary Li held a notepad and said to Su Shihao: "President, tomorrow, Mayor Zhao ’s son ’s big wedding dinner will be at 8 pm. I do n’t know if your female partner already has it. Need Help prepare the dress? "

"Is it tomorrow night?" Su Yinghao didn't think about it and said, "You can ask Director Chen's assistant to see if she has time tomorrow night, just let her go with me. My dress, you help me decide. As for Her, just talk to her. "

"President, do you mean to have Director Chen be your female companion?" Secretary Li asked and asked with some doubt.

"What's wrong? Any questions?" Su Yinghao raised her head in disapproval and asked her.

"The problem is okay, but ... this is the mayor's family marrying a daughter-in-law. Who would bring their employees to participate, and spread it out, others might think that the president is not attractive, even a female partner at the wedding No one can find it ... "Secretary Li said deliberately gossip.

After listening to her, Su Yinghao frowned and asked, "In the end, do people think I am uncharismatic, or do you think I am uncharismatic?"

"Ah? How is it possible, president, in my eyes, you are the most attractive man. If I weren't married and gave birth to a baby, I would definitely chase you down, as long as you don't dislike me ..." Secretary Li With a smile on his face.

Su Yanhao laughed at her remarks, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I can't accept you."

"Otherwise, I invite Miss Huo to accompany you? She should have also been invited. I heard one of my girlfriends working at President Huo said that Miss Huo seems to have not been working well recently, and those older Huo people have not made less for her. Trouble, you attended with her and let those people know that although Ms. Huo divorced you, you still covered her. "Secretary Li rolled her eyes and said.

Having spent a long time with Su Shihao, like Qiu Yue, she knew the relationship between Su Shihao and Huo Xiwen.

Outsiders only thought that the two were divorced, and the relationship broke down. Only they knew that the relationship between the two was never maintained by a marriage contract.

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