CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 120: Ask her to quit

Chapter 120

"How?" He Fen looked up at her daughter-in-law. "If you were me, what would you do?"

She asked Luo Qingyun this question instead.

She had never thought about what she would do if she encountered such a thing.

However, she knew very well that she was absolutely unwilling to fight against an innocent little life.

But the person who suffered this misfortune was not herself, so she didn't need to ask her mother-in-law for the bottom line in her heart.

After all, people are different.

Different ideas, different identities, and different positions, so the decisions that will be made must be different.

When He Fen saw Luo Qingyun's beautiful pair of big eyes, her dark eyes were turning slowly, and she looked very distressed, so she no longer forced her to answer her question, only promised, "Tell your mother, help me get that Women find out, I will not treat her. "

"Would you like to tell Qi Ze about this? Maybe he has a better way to handle it?" Luo Qingyun felt that Su Qi Ze had the right to know what went wrong with his parents.

As soon as she said so, He Fen interrupted coldly, "No, you can't tell him."

Before Luo Qingyun asked why, she heard that she said again and again, "Qi Ze has always felt that my relationship with your father-in-law is very good. If he knows that your father-in-law has betrayed me, I'm afraid he can't take the blow. You know he has a heart attack and can't stand any stimulation. "

This is the case. It's all this time, and she is still thinking about her child wholeheartedly. When she thinks of her biological mother, Luo Qingyun finally understands the gap between people. Sometimes, it ’s not really what she asked of her mother. Too high, but Xie Yue'e, as a mother, paid for their brother and sister, too little and too little.

"Okay, I know. I won't tell Qize. Don't be too sad. I think the father-in-law just didn't want to understand some problems for a while. When he thinks about it, he will return to you." Luo Seeing He Fen's low mood, Qingyun could only persuade her.

"He doesn't come back to me. I don't care anymore, but this family must not be scattered." There is such a front car there in the big house, and she definitely does not allow herself to be abandoned by her husband like Bai Cihui , Become the laughingstock of the entire high society.

Luo Qingyun looked at He Fen's determination, and knew in his heart that Jiang Yanxin had kicked the iron plate this time.

It's not easy to be a junior, especially if you want to marry a wealthy man, it will be even more difficult.

Jiang Yanxin, why do you fall like that?


With He Fen's order, Luo Qingyun set off the next morning and went to Jiang's house.

She was not prepared to tell Xie Yue'e about He Fen's entrusting her to investigate who the Suwan Bo lover was.

She knew very well that if such a person like Xie Yue'e had all interests as her priority, if she knew that He Fen had commissioned her, she would spare no effort to confess Jiang Yan's heart, and she would also show a kind of righteousness. , To bring people to He Fen to thank him in order to protect himself.

But Luo Qingyun didn't want to do that for the time being.

She wants to minimize the harm to solve the problem.

And the best way is to let Jiang Yanxin pull off the cliff and break the connection with Su Wanbo. As long as Su Wanbo returns to the family, then He Fen may only make a messy thing if he is as greedy and fresh as before. Will delve deeper.

The car stopped at the door of Jiang's house.

Get out of the car, Xie Yue'e knew she was coming, already waiting at the door to greet him.

Today's Luo Qingyun is no longer the poor child that the father did not hurt, and the mother did not love.

She returned to her maiden house as Mrs. Su and was respected by a married daughter.

As soon as the two women met, Xie Yue'e looked at her with a smile and looked up and down, then nodded her head straightly, "Yes, my belly is big, but my body hasn't been out of shape. It seems that your mother-in-law takes good care of you."

Luo Qingyun just smiled slightly. After entering the room with her, Xie Yue'e ordered her servant to put on the juice, and then pulled her to sit and chat on the sofa.

"Where's Jiang Yanxin?" Luo Qingyun sat for a moment before asking.

Xie Yue'e raised her finger to the direction of the second floor, and lowered her voice. "I'm afraid I haven't got up yet. I'm pregnant and sleepy. I have to sleep until noon before getting up."

"Can the maid call her? I want to talk to her." She didn't have time to wait for her to wake up at noon.

"You want to talk to her? I don't care, that girl has a bad temper now, even her dad is afraid of her, too, and now someone is covered behind her, naturally walking sideways." Xie Yue'e said, one Despised face.

"What's going on with them? Didn't I think she hated my father-in-law before? How did it get mixed up later?" Luo Qingyun couldn't figure it out until now. Why did these two people suddenly look right? Eyed it.

Xie Yue'e listened to her asking this, and looked around to make sure that there was no servant around her. Then she whispered, "Don't you know? It seems that I heard what Zhou Yi found, and then she asked her to explain clearly. She How to say it clearly, so Zhou Yi is going to break up. The girl saw that Zhou Yi was out of play, and your father-in-law was catching up, and with her father's egg, it wasn't that he just broke the jar ... "

"So, is it because Zhou Yi gave up on her? That's what she did?" If that's the case, it probably means that from the heart of Jiang Yi, he didn't particularly want to marry Su Wanbo.

After all, it's a young girl. Who would be willing to be with a man who can be his father?

"It's not all. I want to say it, or she's too vain. I guess it's jealous that you married into Su's family. But let me say that Zhou Yi's stink boy deserves it. What he did to you at first was now Let him taste the bitter fruit, and this is the retribution. "Xie Yue'e's expression was very refreshing when she said this.

Luo Qingyun listened in his ears, but his heart was very unpleasant.


Is there really retribution in this world?

Xie Yue'e noticed that Luo Qingyun's expression was a bit wrong, realizing that she was not particularly good to her before, and she could not help but feel a little ashamed.

I was about to tell her something, but I saw Jiang Yanxin wearing pajamas and yawning down the second floor.

"What important guest did I come to my house? It turned out to be you." Jiang Yanxin walked down to the sofa as soon as he went downstairs, with a strange tone of yin and yang.

"Wan Xin, you're awake, I'll let the kitchen prepare your food for you." Xie Yue'e said mildly when he saw Jiang Yan Xin.

Jiang Yanxin just glanced at her lazily, without saying no to eat, nor to eat.

Xie Yue'e got up and went to the kitchen.

Luo Qingyun's eighteen-degree change in his mother's predecessor's attitude was a bit overwhelming.

Perhaps this is why she can survive in this home for so long.

At the critical moment, you can flex and stretch.

"Is there anything to come to my house?" Jiang Yan glanced at Luo Qingyun with an arrogant attitude, and his sister no longer kept screaming like before.

Also, she is now on Su Wanbo herself, so why flatter her again?

"There is something, I will come to you." Luo Qingyun looked at her with a full face, said.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yan asked casually.

"My mother-in-law already knows about you and my father-in-law. She asked me to come to you." Luo Qingyun knew that Jiang Yanxin was the kind of person who was hard to eat but not soft. She was shocked, and she was much easier to handle.

Sure enough, when Jiang Minxin heard Luo Qingyun's order from He Fen, his expression changed instantly, and his eyes showed timidity.

She is still a bit scared, after all, her identity is not so glorious, He Fen is the main room, and the noble lady born in the magnificent family, not to mention herself, it is quite remarkable that she is the maiden behind her.

Grab a man with her, relying only on the young beauty and Su Wanbo's heart toward himself.

But she also knew in her heart that these were not enough.

If He Fen knows that the woman outside Su Wanbo is herself, what she wants to do to her is really invincible.

"Did she ... know?" Although she knew Luo Qingyun was unlikely to lie to herself, she still had this suspicion in her heart.

If He Fen really knew her existence, why did Su Wanbo not mention this when she met with Su Wanbo last night?

"What do you say? Didn't my father-in-law tell you last night? They both had a big fight because of you." Luo Qingyun knew that Su Wanbo was so anxious and departed from home that he must have come to Jiang Yanxin the first time. , So intentionally said so.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, she saw Jiang Yanxin's expression become a little hesitant.

However, soon she calmed down and said, "What does she know about me? Wan Bo likes me, and she knows her, so she gives up her position."


Luo Qingyun heard her calling his father-in-law like this, and she felt sick in her heart.

"Do you really think you can be Mrs. Su?" Luo Qingyun looked at Jiang Yanxin, who didn't know how to die.

"Of course I can, why not? Even you are married to Su's family." Jiang Yanxin said with a look of consolation.

Luo Qingyun knew that she was still envious of her current identity.

"I am not the same as you. I married into Su's family and was married to Qi Zeming. And you? Do you really think that the primary three can get the respect of others?"

"Why not? As long as you have money, who will not respect you? Luo Qingyun, I know you are not convinced and I will be your new mother-in-law. However, it is useless if you are not convinced. I have no other way out. Now, I'm pregnant. "Jiang Yixin said with a frivolous smile on his face.

Yes, she is pregnant. Who can stop her from becoming Mrs. Su?

Even Master Su's father is not enough.

After all, she was pregnant with his grandson.

"You have a retreat, why not? As long as you are willing to quit."

"Quit? Then? What about the child in my stomach? Did you let him have no dad when he was born? Would you quit if you were you?" Jiang Yanxin felt that Luo Qingyun was persuading himself like this, he was completely speaking without back pain. .

However, Luo Qingyun understood that he had actually faced the same predicament, and that he really quit.

If Su Qize hadn't given her an identity, she might have taken her child and left for another country.

She can never do anything to hurt an innocent person for her own happiness.

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