CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 115: Did you give up?

Chapter 115 Give Up?

Peng Cailing nodded: "No wonder I just saw him a little familiar, and now I think of it, if I remember correctly, he should be the president of Mingyue Group, Fu Muzhen. Previously, our magazine wanted to give him an exclusive interview. So I prepared a series of information about him. I accidentally saw it. It seems that he only returned to China last year. He has been abroad, mixed with the mafia, and set up a gang in the United States. Yellow gambling drugs are all involved and made a lot Qian, later washed white, opened a trading company in the United States, business development to Europe, began to return to China to develop real estate and entertainment business last year, the strength can not be underestimated, you know that the city of Y is the most popular Prince Edward Garden Hotel It's under the control of Mingyue Group. I heard that there are casinos in it, which are specially used by some rich people to play.

After listening to Peng Cailing's introduction, Huo Xiwen immediately understood that he was a bad character this time.

In fact, by looking at his posture, he knew that he was not vegetarian.

It's just that their Huo family can be regarded as one of the best in the city of Y, so she doesn't need to look down on the average person.

But this Fu Muzhen, just his amazing resume, it feels scary enough to listen.

The point is, if she wants to intervene in this matter, she can only help him privately, not to alarm anyone, especially Su Yinghao.

But where is she going to get ten million in a short time?

Although Miss Qian Jin has nothing to worry about, she lives a pearly life every day, but ten million is not a small number. If she transfers directly from her card, she may be shocked by her parents.

But if she didn't turn from her card and didn't ask Su Yinghao, she could not think of where else she could go to make such a large sum of money.

How to do? What should she do now?

"Miss Huo, I know I'm wrong, I really know, I'm sorry, please forgive me ..." Ye Ziquan begged for mercy.

Huo Xiwen knows that he went the wrong way, not for himself, but for the rescue of a seriously ill mother. Although his behavior was illegal, it was about his mother. He was hot-headed and did this kind of thing. Can't help sympathizing.

Seeing the pitiful expression under his eyes, she could not help but finally softened her hand and lifted him up from the ground. She sighed: "Forget it, everything has happened. Fortunately, I arrived in time today, otherwise ... … I really do n’t know what the consequences will be. Now the other party only asks you to pay the money back and does n’t do anything to you. It ’s a blessing that we are unlucky. Now we just need to find a way to pay back the money. ”

When Peng Cailing saw Huo Xiwen so easily forgive Chen Zhenyu, he was a little hesitant: "Repay the money? Where do you go to find ten million to pay Mu Mu? Only two days, if it is not yet possible, the kind of people who pay Mu Mu, what Can't work out? "

Ye Ziquan heard the words and carefully proposed: "Miss Huo, why not ask Mr. Qiu Su, he is so rich, you are his wife, and he will be willing to ..."

"You're looking for death? Xi Wencai was going to introduce you to Mr. Su, and you gave her such a big brother basket? If she asks Mr. Su for money now and says it's to save you, what do you think Mr. Su thinks?" Scolded irritably.

"Isn't this more proof of Miss Huo's love for me?" Ye Ziquan didn't think there was anything wrong with his plan.

"I said why are you so stupid? If Mr. Su knows that you are a man who can only talk about Louzi and not at all, do you think he will rest assured that he will give Xiwen to you?" Peng Cailing gave him a white look, no Good airway.

When Huo Xiwen listened to the argument between the two, she couldn't help feeling a little bored. She waved her hand and said, "Don't make any more noise, I will find a solution to this matter."

After speaking, she turned and walked out of the door. Ye Ziquan and Peng Cailing followed quickly.


Hibiscus Garden.

Luo Qingyun looked at Huo Xiwen with a lot of thoughts in front of her. Although she was talking to see her, she hadn't said a word of convenience since the two met, only her head was raised, her brows froze, she seemed to be tangled thing.

"Xiwen, what's the matter with you? You haven't said a word to me since you saw me, is there any thoughts?" After a long time, Luo Qingyun couldn't help asking.

Huo Xiwen was waiting for her to ask, she looked a little hesitant, and seemed to have made a big determination before slowly speaking, "Qing Yun, I have a secret to tell you."

"Secret? What secret?" Luo Qingyun asked curiously.

"I ... I like a man ..." After a long struggle, she slowly spoke.

Luo Qingyun heard the words, his expression changed slightly.

She fell in love with a man?

What does this mean?

Seeing Luo Qingyun's look of doubt, she continued, "You should know that I'm marrying my elder brother, not because we love each other, it's just a combination of family interests."

Luo Qingyun did not expect that she would say such a word. In fact, she really didn't know that the combination of Huo Xiwen and Su Shihao was just a so-called marriage of interests.

Seeing Luo Qingyun's expression was a little dazed, she didn't seem to understand her, or because her words were too straightforward, which made her unbelievable. Huo Xiwen saw that she was slow to speak, so she said, "Well, I know You may find it difficult to believe this, but what I want to tell you is that there is no love between men and women, only brother and sister. He married me to help me, do you understand? "

Luo Qingyun heard that his eyes were wide and his head was knotted.

So, this is why Su Haohao refuses to marry her?

Because he wanted to help Huo Xiwen, he had to marry her?

"Did he tell you to tell me like this?" She asked, with a flash of light in her eyes.

Huo Xiwen shook his head lightly, "No, my elder brother didn't know that I would come to you."

When Luo Qingyun heard this negative answer, a bitter smile appeared on her fair face, "You don't like him, how do you know he doesn't like you?"

Huo Xiwen froze for a moment, and found that she seemed to have misunderstood something, and quickly waved her hand. "No, he doesn't like me, he likes you?"

"Really?" Luo Qingyun obviously did not believe such an answer.

If he really liked her, how could he hurt her so deeply.

From the rainy night that day, he drove her off the car, and she dared not have any illusions about him.

"Qing Yun, I ..." Huo Xiwen saw that she did not believe her words at all, and was anxious.

Luo Qingyun raised her eyes gently, and her clear eyes stared at her without blinking, "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Ah?" Huo Xiwen faced a small face, and immediately returned to God, remembering his purpose here, hesitated for half a second, opened his mouth, "Yes, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?" She asked.

"Can you lend me ten million?"

"Ten ten million?" The expression on Luo Qingyun's face became confused again.

"Yes, did I just tell you, do I have someone I like? But he owes someone ten million, if you don't pay back, others might kill him." Huo Xiwen said this, his face There was a look of fear after being extra worried. She hopes that Luo Qingyun believes that the person she likes is really not Su Yinghao, so at least it can give her hope and let her understand that it is not impossible for her and Su Yinghao.

"Why are you looking for me and not Su Yanhao? Ten million is not a big number for him."

"No, I can't let my elder brother know about this." Huo Xiwen waved hands again and again.

Luo Qingyun looked at her, his eyes gradually becoming clear, "Actually, you don't have to do this."

"What?" Huo Xiwen's little heart was inexplicably flustered, did she find her little trick?

"Whether he likes you or not, or whether you like him or not, it's a fact that you are married. In that case, why not cherish this relationship and continue your business?"

"But I was wrong with him. We should never get married."

"But you're done." Luo Qingyun's eyes became a bit hazy. She used to want Su Shihao to marry herself. "Sometimes, it's not a good choice to be wrong."

"So are you and Qi Ze the same?" Huo Xiwen could see that Luo Qingyun was really ready to give up her relationship with Su Shihao, and she was a little sad.

"I and Qi Ze are not wrong. He gave me a happy and perfect family. Do you think I can abandon him?" This question, she asked herself countless times in the days after Su Qi Ze's illness.

If Su Yinghao turned to look for her, could she really follow him without hesitation?

Difficult, too difficult.

One of the reasons is that Su Qize can't rest assured. Even if she can really let go and follow Su Yinghao, can the people in Su family accept it?

What should outsiders think of them?

The elder brother and the younger woman finally came together.

This will probably become the biggest laughingstock of high society. She doesn't know if Su Haohao has the courage to endure such stigma, but at least, she knows in the heart that she doesn't want him to be so proud to take on his own brother He is accused.

"Qing Yun, have you really given up on your elder brother? You don't want to be with him anymore?" Huo Xiwen heard the decision in her tone and suddenly found that she seemed to have made a wrong decision.

"I dare not think about it ..." Luo Qingyun dropped this sentence and looked up at the distant sky.

Su Yanhao, since you are willing to sacrifice our feelings to help her, how can I hinder you at this time?


Huo Xiwen was ultimately unable to borrow money from Luo Qingyun's hands, and her mood was a bit frustrated.

She refused to help herself only because Luo Qingyun had completely let go of Su Yinghao in her heart.

However, he did not understand that Luo Qingyun really did not have the money to help her.

Although she is now married to Su Qize, it is impossible for her to lend money without notifying Su Qize.

And once Su Qize is notified, this matter will no longer be a secret, which will definitely not be the result that Huo Xiwen hopes.

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