[Detected that players have randomly descended into the dungeon,].

[Dividing the camp for player Su Tian…].

[Player Su Tian, human camp! ] 】

The light brain prompt sound ringing in Su Tian’s ears at this time was something that only he could hear

Other players will have the same tone

Only you can hear it

[The factions have been successfully divided, please check the quest content by yourself.] 】

After this prompt of the light brain is sounded, there is no sound.

Su Tian immediately opened his copy temporary interface

Sure enough, the interface has changed.

[Player: Su Tian! ] 】

[Dungeon Faction: Human Faction! ] 】

[Teammates: four! ] 】

[Mission content: Kill the creator of the mysterious organization! ] 】

Creator of a mysterious organization?

Su Tian’s eyes froze

Through the background introduction of the copy,

Most of the human beings in this world were transformed into Orphieno by this mysterious organization that suddenly appeared

And as the founder of such an organization,

The strength is certainly not weak.

“And teammates…”

“Only the quantity is shown, but not who it is?”

Su Tian’s brows furrowed slightly

In this case,

Each faction only knows how many teammates it has

I don’t know who my teammates are.

That is,

If you meet another player,

It is possible that the other party is a teammate, or the other party is an enemy

Can’t be sure!

“So ah…”

Su Tian’s slightly frowned brows gradually soothed, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly


“Or fight as a personal copy!”

Su Tian’s favorite is a personal copy

Everyone else is an enemy except yourself!

“But now it’s better to talk about advanced cities.”

Su Tian glanced at it, and the place where he came didn’t seem to be very good

Although the city can be seen faintly, it is not a small distance.

If you walk, it will take a lot of time and effort

“Boom !!!”

Just after Su Tian’s words,

The roar of a locomotive gradually came from the front towards this side

Fix your eyes and look,

I saw that in the distance, a motorcycle was speeding towards this side

The locomotive is heading away from the city

The locomotive seems to have undergone modification,

Driving with a roar to the sky.

“This is… Novice monsters? ”

Su Tian said half-jokingly

The background has already been illustrated,

The vast majority of this quest world is Orphie-Enoch!

There are only a very small number of people

Su Tian didn’t think he was so unlucky

As soon as I came to this world, I met a human being.

Standing in place, Su Tian did not move.

The motorcycle is getting closer and closer to Su Tian,

Su Tian also saw clearly what the person riding the motorcycle looked like

is a girl with a good face,

Perhaps because it was driven too quickly, the girl’s expression was difficult to pass.

“Tsk… Riding a motorcycle so fast,”

“But I don’t even have a helmet,” he said

“At first glance, you know that you are not human!”

Su Tian shook his head lightly and muttered.

At the same time,

The girl also discovered Su Tian’s existence

Stepping on the brakes, he stopped at a distance of about ten meters from Su Tian

“It’s not good to get in the middle of the road, friend!”

“Or is it… Are you human? ”

The girl still had a smile on her face at the beginning

But when it comes to the word ‘human’,

The smile on his face disappeared instantly,


There are also weird patterns.

“Sure enough, it’s Orphie Enoch!”

Su Tian did not answer the other party’s question

Smiled slightly and said:

“Your locomotive looks okay,”

“Borrow me to use it?”

“Don’t worry, I will definitely pay you back when I get to that city!”

Su Tian said, and pointed to the looming city behind the girl

The girl heard this

Sneered, and the pattern on his face was even worse

The next second,

The young girl turned into a gray-white monster.

This off-white monster has a hideous face

The protruding mouth is full of fangs,

The body is covered with fine hairs,

And on her back, there is also a slender tail.

“Ohieno the mouse?”

“It’s ugly enough!”

Su Tian pouted

This girl became the mouse Ofe Enoch

The shape is definitely not related to the high value,

It’s hard to imagine,

The mouse in front of him, Aophie, will be the girl with a good face just now.


“What do you know?”

Hearing Su Tian’s words, the mouse Aophie Enoch immediately retorted.

“I’m ‘evolution’!”

“‘Evolve’ from a lower human to a superior Orphieenus!”


Su Tian raised his eyebrows and chuckled:

“You shouldn’t be called a superior Orpheenoch!”

Superior Orpheenoch,

It is the more powerful existence of Ofe Enore

It is generally the native species of Orifeenos.

There are two kinds of eccentrics such as Orphie

One is the native species Orphieno that became after the natural death of humans

Strength, potential, etc. are usually strong,

This Orphieno is also rare.

The other is through a method called ‘apostolic regeneration’

By Ophienoch by injecting energy into the human heart

If this human withstands it, he can become Orphie.

The mouse in front of you, Ofion, is most likely the second,

Because the strength of the other party is very weak!

“I’m not even superior Orphieenoch,”

he said

“But it’s also stronger than humans!”

“Bastard !!!”

The mouse Aoife Enoch seemed to be said to be a pain point by Su Tian

With a low roar, he rushed towards Su Tian

The distance between the mouse Ofhienoch and Su Tian was only a dozen meters

Such a little distance,

The mouse Aophie Enoch rushed to Su Tian in almost a few blinks of an eye

“It’s just a human being,”

“You actually dare to provoke me!”

“I’m definitely not going to give you the chance to ‘evolve,’

“I’m going to break you up layer by layer!”

The right paw of the mouse Ofe Enoch flashed

With the sound of breaking wind, he grabbed Su Tian’s head.

The next moment.


A dull voice came,

I saw the mouse Ofe Enoch standing in place

Still maintaining the action of waving his claws

And look at his paws,

Su Tian’s arm just blocked the arm of the mouse Aophi Enoch

“You… You are a human being, why do you have such a great power? ”

Mouse Ofe Enoch was incredulous

Then something seemed to come to mind,

Shocked to Su Tian asked:

“You’re not human? Are you also Orpheenus? ”

“Orpheenoch? Excuse me…… I’m not that kind of thing. ”

The corner of Su Tian’s mouth pulled out a nuclear smile

Softly said:


“It’s just a passing Kamen Rider.”


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