Situ Hong looked at the existence that looked exactly like himself

There was also a male corpse in his hand

I was immediately frightened

The body that was already curled up tightened even tighter.

Situ Hong (fake) glanced at Zhen Situ Hong with disdain

Then he put his eyes on Su Tian’s body

“Didn’t you say that you five Kamen Riders would just kill her?”

“Why look for the real Situ Hong?”

“And this fool!”

Situ Hong (fake) lifted the body of She Yuanlong in his hand

Pouting and continuing:

“This fool actually seems to be killing me!”

“It’s really overwhelming!”

After that,

Situ Hong (fake) threw She Yuanlong’s corpse to the side at random

It’s like throwing out garbage.

She Yuanlong after leaving the mall

Just go straight to Situ’s house

Want to kill Situ Hong (fake).

This copy is to protect Situ Hong not fake,

But the biggest threat to Situ Hong is the alien worm that mimics Situ Hong

Therefore, as long as this alien insect that mimics Situ Hong is killed,

Then you will get the maximum contribution value of this copy

She Yuanlong thought like this

He wanted to kill the alien worm that mimicked Situ Hong

Get yourself a good rating,

But She Yuanlong is for his own strength,

and miscalculated the strength of the alien worm that mimicked Situ Hong,

Lead to being killed back!

“Of the five of you, it seems that you are the strongest!”

Situ Hong (fake) looked at Su Tian with interest.

It’s the same as Su Tian thought,

The battle in the mall reached Situ Hong (fake) in the hands of Situ Hong (fake) in the form of a video

For Su Tian’s strength to kill two spiders and insects with one blow

Situ Hong (fake) is very appreciative,

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said:

“Would you like to consider working with me?”

“When I occupy the Situ family, the city will belong to us!”

“But before that, you have to kill both of them first!”

Szeto Hong (fake) is a character in the copy

I didn’t know that Su Tian and the others did not belong to their own world at all

That’s why he said that he could rule the city with Su Tian


Su Tian chose to respond to Situ Hong (fake) with the Pasha Merlin gun in his hand!

Press the trigger,

A few more water energy ejections,

Facing the extremely fast water energy bomb, Situ Hong (fake) frowned

His eyes became fierce, and he said coldly:

“It seems that you refused!”

“Anyway, I’ve already killed three Kamen Riders, I don’t mind having two more!”

As soon as the voice fell,

Situ Hong’s (fake) body changed for a while

From a delicate big beauty,

Changed into a blue-black weirdo.

This weirdo looked extremely disgusting

The hideous face has a pair of large eyes, and the mouth is a long mouthpiece

It is covered with sharp teeth.

There is also a pair of transparent wings on the back.

Fly alien worms!

The flies shook their wings and flew into the air

He also dodged Su Tian’s water energy bomb.

“It turned out to be a disgusting fly!”

“No wonder it’s so annoying!”

In the Kiva armor, Su Tian’s indifferent words were heard!

Su Tian said and glanced at Bingyan beside him

Bingyan will understand, and immediately takes out the Kabuto insect instrument to transform

Then take the real Situ Hong away from here

Situ Hong can’t be allowed to die,

Otherwise, the quest fails!

And Bingyan herself couldn’t understand why she understood Su Tian’s meaning

And also promised to come down,

Do not participate in battle,

Let Su Tian and the fly alien worm one-on-one.

“It’s okay to watch it first!”

“Maybe Su Tian is not an opponent…”

“I’m shooting then!”

After taking Situ Hong away, Bingyan comforted herself in her heart.

Then look into the battlefield.

In the middle of the battlefield,

The fly alien worm flapped its wings and stayed in the air

She did not attack immediately,

Instead, the shadow of the mimicking Situ Hong appeared in front of him

Opened the mouth:

“I can give you another chance!”

“Think about it, what does it mean to be a righteous Kamen Rider?”

“If you want to protect others at all times, it’s better to follow me!”

“After you take this city, you can do whatever you want!”

The fly alien insect said, pausing,

Staring at Su Tian with bright eyes, he continued:

“I can feel that you are not an ordinary human!”

“You are eligible to be my partner!”

Under the perception of the fly alien worm,

Su Tian’s body carried the temperament of a superior person.

It’s just that now this superior temperament is not so obvious,

Kamen Rider Kiva as the armor that Fangire (Tooth and Blood Spirit) built for King

itself with the breath of a king,

And Su Tian is carrying [All Knights Adapt to the Physique]!

Naturally, you can maximize the power of Kiva

This breath of the king is also faintly revealed

This is only the early days, and Su Tian is only Kiva’s Pasha form now.

If you wait for the [All Knights to Adapt to the Physique] to develop for a period of time,

Wait for Su Tian to obtain the form of the Demon Emperor Kiva

When the time comes,

With such a flies and insects, I’m afraid I don’t even have the courage to speak in front of Su Tian!

“Qualified to be your partner?”

When Su Tian heard this, he raised his eyebrows

A smile pulled out of the corner of his mouth, but his tone was extremely indifferent:

“Sorry, you don’t have this qualification!”

The Pasha Merlin gun in his hand was aimed at the fly alien worm again.

“Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

Several consecutive water energy bombs shot precisely towards the flies and insects in the sky.

“It’s useless!”

“You can’t hit me!”

The fly alien insect sighed, and its figure flashed

Just dodged Su Tian’s water energy bombs.

“Since you refused!”

“Then I’ll have to kill all three of you!”

While dodging Su Tian’s attack,

The mouthparts of the fly alien worm began to have black star energy condensation

It didn’t take long,

These black stars condense into a ball of energy.


The black energy ball shot out in response

Towards Su Tian extremely fast,

One shot out, and the other quickly condensed,

Then shoot again!

“Play with me with guns?”

Su Tian sneered

Kiva’s Pasha form is best at fighting with long-range shooting

Su Tian, who has the memory of the Hongdu battle, is very familiar with fighting in Pasha form

The accuracy of each water energy bomb is impeccable.

It may be difficult for these water energy bombs to hit the fly alien worm that can superaccelerate

But want to hit the black energy ball shot by the fly alien worm,

But it’s incredibly easy!

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

Su Tian’s water energy bomb and the energy ball of the fly alien worm collided in the air

The sound of explosions was incessant,

The sky was soon enveloped in smoke from the explosion.

Smoke filled the sky

And slowly moved down, and soon enveloped Su Tian below.


“You’ve hit the mark!”

“Like that TheBee, you will also lose to me!”

The arrogant tone of the fly alien worm sounded in the smoke

The voice just fell,

Su Tian felt a strong pressure pressing on his body

The legs and hands are like lead, and it is extremely difficult to move.

This smoke,

Can it restrict people’s movements!!!

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