The box office on the first day was 3.42 million!

A whole increase of 700,000!


After Du Qifeng, Wu Mengda also laughed excitedly.

He knew exactly what the number represented.

The final box office of Gangfeng Rescue is likely to surpass the Terminator and become the box office champion of Hong Kong Island film history.

At that time, he will star in the movies ranked first and second in Hong Kong Island's film history, and Wu Mengda will become the top male star on Hong Kong Island.

none of them!

And Du Qifeng!

Will become the number one director on Hong Kong Island! ,

Chapter 161 The Villa Was Stolen

The first-day box office of Choke Rescue surpassed the Terminator, and it was no surprise.

When the Terminator was released, almost all the main creators were newcomers with little reputation.

Du Qifeng, a young director who has made a street movie.

Zhao Yazhi is just beautiful, and has never had any shooting experience.

Zhou Runfa, a small supporting role in Wireless.

Wu Mengda, the only one that can be remembered is Hu Tieshu in Chu Liuxiang. Even the audience didn't know his name, so they directly called him Hu Tieshu.

Such a main creative lineup also won the box office of 3.42 million on the first day!

What's more, how many audiences have been attracted to the cinema by just one Wu Mengda?

With the bonus of star effect, the box office on the first day can reach 4.12 million, so it is not so difficult to understand.

However, whether Zefeng rescues this film can truly break the Terminator's record and become the box office champion in Hong Kong Island's film history, depending on the follow-up trend.

And it's not just Du Qifeng and the others who are waiting for the box office on the first day of the hurricane rescue. Shi Nansheng, the general manager of Su's Pictures, is also waiting for news.

When she learned this number from the theater, she was also surprised.

Four hundred and one hundred and twenty thousand, it was a bit beyond her expectations.

"Maybe, the final box office of the hurricane rescue can really surpass the Terminator!" Heather said in surprise.

At the beginning, many people swore that no one could break the box office record of Terminator within ten years.

But in less than a year, Terminator's box office record is in jeopardy.

Fortunately, the director who may break this box office record is Du Qifeng himself.

The film company is still Su Film.

Then Shi Nansheng turned to his boyfriend Xu Ke and said, "Have you seen it? Su's Films is about to set records again." "How much box office can other film companies on Hong Kong Island have?" "You really Consider my suggestion." Consider Heather's suggestion?

Xu Ke is confused!

Xu Ke is somewhat famous in the Hong Kong Island film industry and has made several films.

The new Shushan Swordsman, which was released with Happy Ghost last time, was filmed by him, and he was directly beaten by the Terminator.

Kankan didn't let Jiahe lose money, and then Xu Ke's career plummeted.

On the other hand, Du Qifeng, Wang Jing and others who started later than him have now become great players, and Wu Yusen's vertical and horizontal filming has also been completed.

Du Qifeng even has the momentum of approaching the throne of the largest director on Hong Kong Island.

And he Xu Keni?

After breaking up with Jiahe, the small film company couldn't get enough funds for him to shoot.

Do you really want to go to Su's Films for a meal in the future?

The only concern is that the general manager of Su's Pictures is her girlfriend, Shi Nansheng.

Damn machismo!

On Hong Kong Island in November, it has begun to become a little cold. Su Shaoze's villa is located on the hill, surrounded by many trees.

In the morning, the branches of the trees rustled by the autumn wind rustled.

Su Shaoze, who was sleeping late, shrank into the warm bed, and used to grab the pair of treasures that belonged to him, but unfortunately, he felt empty.

When he opened his sleepy eyes, there was still Zhao Yazhi on the bed. He scratched his hair in frustration and looked at the light shining through the gaps in the closed curtains.

He sat up, lifted the quilt, picked up a very thick white nightgown from the side, put it on, wrapped it tightly, and walked out of the bedroom yawning.

In the open kitchen on the first floor, Zhao Yazhi was wearing pajamas and wrapped in a thick nightgown, busy with breakfast.

Hearing the footsteps going downstairs, he stuck his head out from the bar and shouted to Su Shaoze, "Go wash up first, breakfast will be ready soon."

Su Shaoze walked to the bar, leaned over and kissed Zhao Ya's relatives, and said, "Why do you get up so early?"

Zhao Yazhi rolled his eyes at him and sneered, "I don't want to be tossed when I open my eyes early in the morning!"

Su Shaoze smiled helplessly, turned around to wash, went to the sofa and picked up a newspaper and read it.

The first-day box office figures for the hurricane rescue have already appeared above.

0…. Ask for flowers. . .

"Four hundred and one hundred and twenty thousand? Not bad!" Su Shaoze nodded in satisfaction.

It's funny to say, Su Shaoze, the big boss of Su's Films and Su's cinema chain, actually knew this data from newspapers!

Who asked him to be at Hipi last night, he had already told him not to disturb himself with these little things.

Soon, Zhao Yazhi prepared breakfast, came behind the sofa, and wrapped his arms around Su Shaoze's neck.

He said in a tone of amazement: "4.12 million, which is even higher than the first-day box office of Terminator!"

"I don't know if I can break the Terminator's box office record in the end."

"It would be great if we could achieve this."

0 Zhao Yazhi is envious.

And Su Shaoze stretched back, patted her buttocks and said, "Don't be greedy, the best resources on Hong Kong Island are given to you." "Legged rescue is really not suitable for you."

"As far as the world is concerned, the box office figures are probably not as good as Hurricane Rescue." Hurricane Rescue is a selling point of this film, which is a tense and exciting fight!

The tense plot, ferocious action, and hot atmosphere directly ignite the selling point of the whole film.

What the audience sees is a delight!

Cool from start to finish.

Although Across the World is also very classic, it still has strong traces of Hong Kong films, and it is not a hot and exciting popcorn movie.

And the audience walked into the movie theater for one word, cool!

Relax yourself during the heavy work and let the tension release.

Therefore, in this regard, limited wind rescue has a natural advantage.

The two were eating breakfast, but Zhao Yazhi's phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, Zhao Yazhi found out that it was the nanny of her villa who was calling. "Miss Zhao, no, our villa was stolen!" What?

Hearing this, Zhao Yazhi's arm holding chopsticks stopped in midair, his mouth was slightly open, and his beautiful face was full of surprise.

Has her villa been visited by thieves? So.

Chapter 162 The scorched police

Zhao Yazhi is now a big star on Hong Kong Island, but after all, the time to become famous is relatively short. With the salary of three film and television dramas plus some advertisements she usually shoots, all the net worth is not enough for her to buy a villa.

Her villa was naturally given by Su Shaoze, and she and Ye Yingwen each had a set.

In order to prevent the two palaces from meeting, Su Shaoze specially bought them for the two in different places, far apart.

Zhao Yazhi's villa is in the Dazuishan villa area, surrounded by some rich people.

However, Zhao Yazhi doesn't go there often. Whenever Su Shaoze has time, she will live with Su Shaoze in this villa in Qingshan Bay.

After all, this is the place where the two of them were intimate for the first time, and there are many sweet memories.

Therefore, the villa in the Dazuishan villa area is just a property for Zhao Yazhi, and there are not many important things in it. After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yazhi just said with lingering fears: "It's good that I wasn't there last night." Otherwise, he might have met the thief.

Although Zhao Yazhi had four bodyguards assigned to her by Su Shaoze, two men and two women.

But no one knows how many thieves there are and whether they have dangerous weapons.

Therefore, Zhao Yazhi is still very fortunate.

As for Su Shaoze, thinking about the incident where He Jiahui met the robbers before, he frowned and said, "No matter where you go in the future, you must not be alone, you must bring bodyguards." "Now the law and order on Hong Kong Island is getting more and more chaotic." The police on Hong Kong Island are just a bunch of rubbish.”

More and more immigrants poured into the city, bringing a lot of cheap labor to Hong Kong Island, but also bringing too many unstable factors to the city.

Petty theft, robbery and kidnapping happened from time to time, and now they even dared to go to the rich villa area to steal.

However, the authorities do not care about the chaos on Hong Kong Island at all because they are about to lose their rule over Hong Kong Island.

And the police don't do anything, they're just a bunch of rubbish.

Su Shaoze feels that if his lone wolf security guards replace the police to maintain the law and order of Hong Kong Island, the citizens of Hong Kong Island will definitely live in peace and harmony.

Just like the citizens of the Great Celestial Dynasty 40 years later.

Have a strong sense of security, happiness, and pride!

But just when he was thinking like this, Zhao Yazhi suddenly raised his head and stared straight at Su Shaoze with big eyes, as if he had thought of something. "Aze, I, I, seem to have remembered something..." "There is something that I left in the villa last time."

Although the social status and financial power of the people living in the Dazuishan villa area are not as good as those of the people living in Taipingshan and Repulse Bay, they are not affordable for ordinary wealthy people.

Today, outside the courtyard of Villa No. 12 in Dazuishan, there were several police cars with red and blue lights flashing constantly, and several policemen were looking around.

And a nanny was taking notes against two police officers.

She always goes home at night. She only comes here during the day to clean up, or when Zhao Yazhi comes to live here, she is in charge of cooking.

But after waiting for her to come in this morning, she found that the villa was messy, and many things seemed to have been turned over.

The nanny immediately felt bad, and hurriedly called the hostess and called the police.

The efficiency of the police is still ok, after all, it was the villa area that was stolen, and it was the rich.

In the villa, Senior Inspector Huang Morun hung up the phone in his hand and glanced at the books placed under the lamp on the column next to the sofa in the living room, frowning slightly. "Boss, it has been found out. The identity of the owner of this villa is not simple!" A police officer who took notes for the nanny came over and said with a heavy face.

"You don't need to talk nonsense with me. No one who can live in a place like this has a simple identity." Huang Morun glanced at the police officer coldly and said with a choked voice, obviously in a bad mood. "The owner of the villa is called Zhao Yazhi, and this is the name registered by the Housing Authority."

Seeing that Huang Morun's face became surprised, and then turned black, the police officer nodded quickly to confirm what he was thinking. "That's right, it's that Zhao Yazhi."


Huang Morun cursed secretly, his face sullen.

There have been more than a dozen burglaries in his precinct this month, and police have been slow to catch the thieves.

Originally, the police were already overwhelmed, and those who were questioned by the public and the media were working overtime to find clues to solve the case.

Unexpectedly, the thieves not only stole a villa, but also stole the villa of a big star.

It is conceivable that it will not be long before the media on Hong Kong Island will report on this matter.

At present, the most well-known female star on Hong Kong Island, Zhao Yazhi's villa was stolen, I am afraid it will attract the attention of countless melon eaters.

There is bound to be a lot of pressure on the police.

Those brainless fans of Zhao Yazhi may be able to block the gate of the police station, so that they can quickly catch the thieves...

"Where am I going to catch these thieves!" Huang Morun said angrily.

If they can be caught, they won't let them do so many things. It is really cunning that the gangsters are very cunning. So far, the police have not grasped any clues.

Huang Molun is very clear that this should be done by the same criminal group, and the dozens of stolen properties before are worth about 100,000 Hong Kong cities.

But this theft case made him feel a little irritable in his heart.

"It's really time for the Hong Kong governor to order a wall to be built by the sea. Those **** stowaways don't even think about coming to Hong Kong Island."

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