The sky was clear, cloudless, and the sky was blue.

Above the empty sea, a yacht is floating gently.

Although it is already September, the weather on Hong Kong Island is still over 20 degrees, and the sea breeze is blowing, which makes people feel comfortable.

There are only two people on the yacht.

Su Shaoze lay on the deck to bask in the sun, Zhao Yazhi knelt beside him and rubbed sunscreen on him, Zhao Yazhi was wearing a swimsuit, showing his plump figure.

This angle just allowed Su Shaoze to see the spring light in front of him, but when he looked at his waist, he found that it was full of clothes.

The swimwear of this era is still the kind of conservative one-piece, which is like the later generations. There are several ropes on the upper body and several ropes on the lower body. If you want to find a swimsuit, you need to open it up to find it.

"You can turn it over, I'll paint your back." Zhao Yazhi said softly.

Su Shaoze turned over, there was a newspaper beside him, Su Shaoze took it and opened it.

Hong Kong Island Times!

This is a newspaper that Ye Tianci acquired not long ago, and its circulation on Hong Kong Island ranks among the top five.

It has belonged to Su's Media Group.

The headline in the newspaper is very eye-catching.

"Lone Wolf Security, the protector of customers, your most trusted security company."

As the number one flag bearer under Su Shaoze, the Hong Kong Island Times will naturally spare no effort to advocate for the big boss.

First, I introduced the whole story of the Gao Xiong incident, and then I introduced the history of Lone Wolf's security and its great effect on the tranquility of Hong Kong Island.

Following Su Shaoze's instructions faithfully, the Kaohsiung incident was entirely caused by the Wandao gang and the Wandao police's inaction, a criminal incident that seriously threatened the personal safety of Lone Wolf's clients.

In order to protect the safety of customers, Fulang Security had to act too excitedly.

This is a normal security operation, no other conspiracy.

The concept of Lone Wolf Security is: "Do everything possible to protect the interests of customers". ! After reading the report, Su Shaoze smiled.

The strength of a company is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it must have character. As a security company, Lone Wolf Security must show a tough side, so as to establish an image in the hearts of customers.

If a security company is always timid in doing things, then who can trust you, and how can customers find a sense of security in you.

The two bodyguards dared to face hundreds of gangsters, and they showed their prestige and fame, so Su Shaoze wanted to reward those two bodyguards.

Using helicopters to shoot, I want everyone to show the strong strength of Lone Wolf Security, and they will dare to protect the interests of customers in any situation.

It also gave a great shock to many forces. Su Shaoze took down a powerful gangster with resoluteness. It was like chopping melons and vegetables. If he provokes him, will he suffer the same treatment.

Do not doubt.

He really will, because he has already demonstrated.

At least Shao Yifu was deeply touched. When he saw the news, his face twitched and he thought of some bad memories.

This guy Su Shaoze is really not something that ordinary people can afford.

If the right is not good, he will play the yin, and if the yin is not good, he will directly play the horizontal. Anyway, in Shao Yifu's opinion, Su Shaoze hides as far as he can.

Although the High Bear operation this time offended the Bay Island side, it established the image of lone wolf security.

After all, in this era, gangsters in both Bay Island and Hong Kong Island are very rampant.

And it will become more and more rampant in the future.

The Sino-British negotiation is in-depth, and the return of Hong Kong Island to the north has almost become a foregone conclusion.

However, the Japanese side was powerless to stop it, and could only find a way to disgust the north side.

Didn't you say that the stability of Hong Kong Island society could be guaranteed?

OK, I don't care!

Under the deliberate indulgence of the Japanese authorities, crime on Hong Kong Island increased sharply throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and the gangs became more and more powerful.

Crimes occur frequently, and the personal safety of the people on Hong Kong Island is seriously threatened.

More importantly, those rich people on Hong Kong Island deeply felt the malice from the underworld forces.

What's the point of bullying the poor?

A poor ghost only has a few dollars for hard work all year round.

To rob is to rob the rich, and to kidnap the ticket is to tie the rich.

Since Su Shaoze committed the Guo Shaoheng incident, the rich people on Hong Kong Island have been in danger and have increased their own security forces.

But what they trust most is foreign security companies, and Lone Wolf Security has a small business share on Hong Kong Island.

But after this incident, the rich people on Hong Kong Island discovered that Lone Wolf's security was so powerful.

Gangsters are not easy to mess with, and Lone Wolf Security Company is even more difficult to mess with. They can spend money to hire Lone Wolf Security to protect themselves.

This morning, Su Shaoze received a call from Huo Ting'an, saying that the number of companies booking bodyguards and seeking cooperation had increased dramatically in the past two days.

He can't get so many people to take business for a while now, and he can only say that the publicity effect this time is too good.

Su Shaoze's order to Huo Heng'an was to continue recruiting people.

Recruiting veterans from the mainland does not need to be a scout or not. As long as the pistol method meets the standard of Lone Wolf's shield, after the second training of Lone Wolf, they can wear Lone Wolf Security's red shield epaulettes.

And the real elite force of Lone Wolf Security, Lone Wolf Commando's recruitment standards are very strict.

After this wave of Lone Wolf Security's reputation was out.

Then, raise the price!

Now Lone Wolf Security is a well-established brand-name company, and even going out wearing Lone Wolf Security's black security uniform can deter a bunch of Xiaoxiao, and naturally the price will increase.

After putting down the Hong Kong Island Times, Su Shaoze picked up a financial newspaper again.

The title above is more conspicuous.

"] The myth of wealth, the share price of Carrian Group has risen sixfold, and the Hong Kong Island stock market may usher in a golden age!"

Carrian Group?

Seeing these four words, Su Shaoze suddenly became interested.

He knew about the carrian scam. It is true that the Hong Kong Island stock market has ushered in a short-lived golden age, but the carrian stock may be about to collapse.

The Galaxy Fund quietly acquired the shares of Carrian in the market at the suggestion of Su Shaoze a long time ago.

The original purchase price was more than one yuan, and now Carrian's stock has reached nine yuan.

And it's going to be crazy for a long time for no reason.

Then, the blood collapsed!

Correspondingly, Su Shaoze's worth will usher in another surge.

Chapter 145

Zhao Yazhi applied sunscreen to Su Shaoze's generous back, read the newspaper with a smile on Su Shaoze's face, and asked, "What news have you seen that makes you happy?"

"The newspaper says Lone Wolf Security is the protector of customers!" Su Shaoze said.

Hearing this, Zhao Yazhi leaned close to Su Shaoze's ear and whispered, "I only know that you are my protector."

After a while of frolic, the two unknowingly came to the bedroom.

Su Shaoze came with Zhao Yazhi on vacation. After this incident, Zhao Yazhi was very frightened and was comforted by Su Shaoze for a long time.

She simply suspended her work for a period of time and took a vacation.

In the evening, when Zhao Yazhi came to the study with tea, he saw Su Shaoze writing something with his head down.

"What are you writing? Is it a script again?" Zhao Yazhi asked, suddenly interested.

Because she knew that her man was not only a rich man, but also a very talented rich man.

Su Shaoze wrote these films, including the Terminator starring Zhao Yazhi, Shanghai Bund, Across the World, and so on.

An outline he wrote to improve the company's preparation.

Seeing Su Shaoze writing quickly, Zhao Yazhi walked over to see if the content of 843 was written for himself.

Seeing her concerned look, Su Shaoze raised his head and smiled helplessly: "This movie is about you, but you don't need to play it."

"In the next period of time, your task is to have a good rest."

On the other hand, Zhao Yazhi acted like he didn't hear it, and looked down.

"black gold?"

What's the meaning?

Seeing this name, Zhao Yazhi was a little puzzled, black gold?

"Money under the dark!" Su Shaoze explained.

"I'm going to have the company use Deng Kui as a model to make a movie about how he's doing a lot of evil and bribing officials with monetary benefits to make it an umbrella for his crimes."

Su Shaoze explained it roughly.

The black gold he wants to make will not be exactly the same as that movie.

The Zhou Dynasty was dark enough, but not evil enough!

Even after the movie was released, many viewers thought that Zhou Chaoxian was the protagonist and supported Zhou Chaoxian's success!

I have finished speaking, who is for and who is against?

So naturally Su Shaoze couldn't follow the original work. He wanted to show Deng Kui's viciousness and ruthlessness.

The kind that makes people scared when they see it, and can't wait to be killed!

The most important content is all kinds of transactions between him and officials, all kinds of bribes and donations.

The government, which is in sympathy with the government, oppresses the good, and is supposed to protect the people, has instead become an umbrella for its criminal behavior.

The people of Bay Island are living in dire straits and are in urgent need of *** to save!

The entire outline was only a few hundred words. Zhao Yazhi read it quickly, and felt extremely uncomfortable after reading it.

Especially in some of the contents, the reason Deng Kui started his career was to undertake a demolition project to solve the troubles in the demolition process for the government.

In the face of some people who were unwilling to demolish the house, he even had a family of four doused with gasoline and burned alive.

After becoming the boss of the gang, he acts even more recklessly. His favorite thing is to drive on the street at night, and when he sees a beautiful woman, he directly pulls him into the car. In the face of the government, he ordered up and down, sent a large amount of black gold, and even asked the old man who was a chicken girl to accompany a certain official Zhou Chaoxian. Although he did bad things, he still had rules and would not disgust the audience, but Su Shaoze The Deng Kui who wrote this is different.

Arrogant and arrogant, ruthless and ruthless, the kind that makes people want to strangle to death.

It also exposed some dark transactions of the Wan Island officials.

All kinds of things made Zhao Yazhi very upset, and his pretty face changed slightly.

"Deng Kui did all of this?" Zhao Yazhi asked.

Su Shaoze nodded: "Not exactly! Deng Kui is also a leader of the society. Although he does things arrogantly, he is not at this level." Movies are not documentaries, they must be artistically processed. No matter how they change, as long as they can reach Su Shaoze purpose.

While the two were chatting about the movie, Su Shaoze's phone rang, and he said a few words after picking it up.

After hanging up, he patted Zhao Yazhi's thigh and asked her to get up from her lap: "You go to the bedroom for a while, I'll see some friends." "Okay."

Zhao Yazhi nodded, cleaned up the tea set on the desk, and walked back to the bedroom.

Not long after, Huo Ting'an and Hou Weidong came to the villa and met Su Shaoze in the study: "How is the situation?" Su Shaoze poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

"Boss, after inquiring, we found that a small island called Xinnan Island is more suitable."

"This island belongs to the Indian mud sea area, about 100 square kilometers, which is large enough, and the island environment is also very suitable for our wolf security station." "And most importantly, it is not too far from Hong Kong Island. You can fly from Xinnan to Hong Kong Island within an hour by driving a helicopter." Hearing this, Su Shaoze nodded lightly, he was quite satisfied with this Xinnan Island, and he had to check it out himself when he had time.

After all, this is related to the development of Lone Wolf Security in the next few decades, and it is not a small amount to buy such an island.

At least one or two million US dollars are needed, and Hong Kong dollars are also one or two hundred million!

Fortunately, it won't be long before Carrian's stock can be sold, and it will directly be a dozen times the profit.

Otherwise, Su Shaoze really doesn't have enough cash in his hand, so he will find a way to make another money.

After talking about the island, Huo Ting'an talked about the equipment. Lone Wolf's security is constantly expanding.

The battalion that Su Shaoze had acquired before had almost not enough military equipment for the Lone Wolf Security Development mercenary. After moving the station to the island, what was needed was heavy equipment.

Heavy machine guns, machine guns, gunships, ships.

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