"Someone asked me to give you a word."

"Tang Haifeng greets you."

"Greetings to your eighteenth generation ancestors~"

Hearing this, Wolf MacDonald's eyes suddenly widened, and he understood in an instant.

Why was he attacked inexplicably, and why was he taken to this **** underground prison.

It turned out that it was all ordered by that **** Tang Haifeng.

He kidnapped his daughter himself, and that **** let someone kill him?


Wolf MacDonald scolded angrily, and the next second, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet hit him directly between the eyebrows.


Chapter 550 Starting Hell Difficulty, Ultimate Violent Death - Su Shaoze [For flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

A bullet hit Wolf MacDonald between the eyebrows, blood spattered, and his eyes gradually became dull.

His body fell to the ground stiffly, his eyes fixed on him.

In the last second before dying, his lips seemed to be whispering softly: "Jiangyuan, declare alone~"

Some people say that at the last moment of a person's death, what he imagines in his mind will be the deepest obsession in his heart.

Emotions such as anger, resentment, reluctance, fear, etc. radiate out.

And obviously, Wolf MacDonald's obsession is what he calls these treasures.

US dollars! Declaration of independence!

Two key clues!


The body was disposed of, and Su Shaoze left the underground prison.

With Chen Hongjun beside him, he said deliberately, "Boss, is what the foreign devil said true? Maybe there are such treasures?"

Su Shaoze stopped, turned his head, looked at him calmly, and said in a light voice, "How do you feel? Is this true?"

Chen Hongjun was one of the earliest members of Lone Wolf. Although he followed Su Shaoze very early, his temperament and aura were also changing with the change of Su Shaoze's status.

Being stared at by Su Shaoze's indifferent gaze, Chen Hongjun felt his scalp tingling and was under great pressure. 18

"I, I don't know~"

Chen Hongjun shook his head with a wry smile.

This thing sounds a bit absurd, more like a funny story made up.

But there is no harm in trying, what if there are such treasures?

If they were found, it would be billions of dollars!

According to the Lone Wolf tradition, for every windfall, the participating operatives can get a hefty bonus.

Depends on the value of the treasure!

Su Shaoze shook his head: "It may be true, or it may be nonsense. This matter can be investigated slowly, but that foreign devil can't stay."

He didn't explain much and left the secluded building, escorted by a group of bodyguards and Lone Wolf operatives.

In the car, Su Shaoze sat on his back and closed his eyes, but his head was turning frantically, setting off a huge brainstorm.

"It turned out to be true~"

Su Shaoze whispered in his heart.

Just now, although Su Shaoze looked disbelieving, he thought that what the foreign devil said was nonsense.

But in fact, some important things have already been thought of in my heart.

Recalling some memories from previous lives.

"Treasure of the Knights Templar, the founding three heroes, the war of independence, the US dollar, the declaration of independence~"

Su Shaoze kept flashing these terms in his mind, recalling more and more things.

Wolf MacDonald isn't lying, there really is this treasure.

And it was buried somewhere in this land.

"The time and space seem to overlap with the movie. What's the name of the hero?"


Su Shaoze frowned, thoughts rolling in his mind.

It all started with a legend, a secret guarded by a family era.

This secret is about national treasures, and the clues are hidden in the dollar and the declaration of independence.

A boy grows into a man with longing, and resolutely embarks on the road to find treasure.


Su Shaoze suddenly opened his eyes and said to the security captain, also his confidant, Li Chengkun, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Go and investigate a man, his name is Ben Gates, an explorer, and his family has some reputation in American historical circles."

"Okay, boss!"

Li Chengkun nodded lightly, and began to pick up the big brother and arrange it.

As for what Su Shaoze instructed him, he never asked why, and would only faithfully implement it.

Ben Gates, explorer~

All Su Shaoze recalled was this news, but he had narrowed it down to a very low level.

With the power of a lone wolf, it is enough to easily find such a person.

Then, taking this as a clue, quietly and quietly following him, the explorer would naturally help Su Shaoze find the burial place of those treasures.

In his memory, this guy encountered a lot of obstacles in the process of searching for the treasure, and he solved them all dangerously. Otherwise, how can the protagonist's wisdom be highlighted?

Among them, the biggest crisis came from an antique dealer who learned about the treasures and wanted to **** them at all costs.

It is considered to be the biggest villain in Yuan Time and Space with a violent death, which almost made the protagonist fall short.

Fortunately, the protagonist has the aura of the protagonist, killed the villain antique dealer, and successfully got the treasure.

Now it seems that the antique dealer is the Wolf MacDonald who has just been killed by Su Shaoze.

He is dead, Su Shaoze is here!

In this matter, what role will Su Shaoze play?

A violent death that is infinitely more terrifying than Wolf MacDonald! !

The destiny protagonist named Ben Gates will usher in a hell-level difficulty start.


Su Shaoze returned to his manor and began to prepare to attend the reception party prepared for him by David Rockefeller tomorrow.

At the same time, in a place of ice and snow, close to the Arctic Circle, a stern man in a heavy padded coat and covering his face stepped out of the car.

This man looked around thirty years old, very thin, but it gave off a heavy feeling.

He is the Ben Gates that Su Shaoze is looking for!

Full name is Ben Franklin Gates!

He is an explorer, and he is looking for an important thing with his friends at this time, which is related to whether he can find the important clues of the treasures in the family legend.

"It's almost here."

After Ben Gates compared the map, he shouted to several partners: "Guys, start to work~ It must be here."

"Ben, this is the third time you've said something like this."

"How could that thing be here? There's nothing here but snow or snow."

A guy complained that they had been in this ice and snow for two months.

Really pale dog.

How could he have listened to Ben's nonsense and come to such a place to find treasure.

That is clearly a story that some people made up after being bored, and the poor grandfather took it seriously, and it was passed down from generation to generation.

Everyone thinks that this legend is ridiculous, it is nonsense at all, and there is no treasure during the founding war at all.

But Ben was convinced of it.

He believes that the treasure is real, and he must find it!

Not just for wealth, but also to wash away the ridicule their family has endured over the years.

He wants those so-called historians to be beaten in the face.

"Okay, Charlie, don't complain, if there's still nothing here, then let's go back to the United States first, there's not much supplies anyway."

Ben Gates hugged his companions by the shoulders and started calling them to work.

Chapter 551 The clue to the treasure, the declaration of freedom [Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"This is the Charlotte!!"

In the icy snow field, in the vast expanse of white, a dilapidated sailboat was excavated and spread out in the snow.

A few men in solid cotton-padded coats looked at it excitedly.

"Ben, we found the Charlotte, hahahaha~"

A man laughed excitedly. His name was Ian, and he was a partner of Ben Gates.

Unexpectedly, they actually found the legendary Charlotte.

It is very likely that the treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden on this ship.

"Yeah~ I finally found him."

Ben Gates also breathed a sigh of relief, remembering a sentence passed down from generation to generation in his family.

"The secret is with Charlotte."

The wreck, named Charlotte, likely contains the secrets of the Knights Templar treasure, or even those treasures.

Finding these treasures and slapped the so-called historians who laughed at their family's daydreams was the goal that Ben Gates had promised since he was a child.

Now, he finally did it!

Several people took flashlights and slowly walked into the Charlotte.

This is in the snowfield, and the cold air prevents the growth of bacteria, so although two hundred years have passed, some of the things in the Charlotte are still relatively intact.

Rag sails, barrels, some cargo in the warehouse, between the beams and columns, the hammocks that the crew used to sleep...


Suddenly, a man screamed in horror.

Everyone looked tight: "What's wrong?"

"This, this~"

A few people took a flashlight to look at it. It turned out that next to the guy, there was a mummified corpse lying on the hammock.

There is no flesh and blood, only bark-like skin wraps the bones, withered yellow hair, sunken eye sockets, teeth and nails are very obvious, like a vampire.

No wonder this guy was taken aback.

Ben shook his head gently: "Man, it's just a mummified corpse, relax."

Even so, there was still a flash of disappointment in Ben Gates' eyes.

There is nothing here.

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