The transaction had to be aborted!

"Sir, the robber called just now, he said~ he said~" "What did he say?"

"He said they were going to take off one of Mr. William's arms as a warning because we didn't keep our credit and didn't take out the $50 million deal on time." Arm off? "Fake~"

Neo resounded in the manor. Roman roared angrily, his face was like eating people, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The fourth-generation head of the dignified Roman family turned out to be a one-armed hero?

Think of it, Neo. Roman hated to death.

"All those **** kidnappers should go to hell!" "God! Why not take them all away?"

Neo. Roman cried bitterly, but the bad things were far more than that.

The new assistant's phone rang again soon, and the assistant's expression changed drastically during the connection.

Carefully to Neo. Roman said: "Mr. Roman, Mr. Tori, the deputy general manager, called and he said~" "He said that many customers just came to the bank and wanted to transfer their deposits, and more and more people came..." ?

Hear this, Neo. Roman's face was pale and trembling all over. The most feared thing in a bank is a run.

No bank can come up with so much cash in a short period of time, let alone Roman Bank at this time.

He knew that the Roman Bank was over, and the efforts of the three generations of the Roman family were also over.

Think of the consequences, Neo. Roman couldn't hold it any longer. "Ah~"

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body fell straight to the ground! ,

Chapter 201 Midnight, gunshots in the hospital

Fishing reels affect people's hearts.

Many people saw the news on TV, that the Romain Bank vault was robbed and the reserves were burned, and the first thought in their minds was to gloat.

Those **** vampires and capitalists finally got their retribution.

Immediately afterwards, he was worried about his savings in the Romaine Bank.

Rohmann Bank is one of the most powerful banks in Turkey and Australia, with depositors - at least millions.

The news that Luo Liang Bank was robbed was like a match that lit a gun battle, igniting their emotions all at once.

A large number of people gathered at the entrance of Roman Bank, and they flocked to the bank lobby to demand their money.

And there are more and more, but where is there any money in the current Roman Bank?

The bankers naturally wouldn't draw them out.

As soon as the crowd refused to give money, they immediately frowned.

One by one, indignantly quarreled in the bank, the lobby of the Roman Bank was blocked, people were noisy, and it was impossible to work normally.

At this time, a reporter came over and took pictures of the angry crowd. The next day's newspapers had even more explosive headlines.

"Because of the impact of the robbery of one billion US dollars of Roman Bank, depositors worry about the safety of their funds, and there are runs on major branches across the country.

"The people couldn't get money from the bank, and the angry people kept crowding, and eventually a stampede occurred, killing three people and injuring more than ten people." "The reserves of the Roman Bank were burned, the funds were depleted, and it was suspected that it was about to go bankrupt. "

As soon as this report came out, there was an uproar in Tu and Australia, and almost all the depositors couldn’t sit still and ran to the bank to withdraw money.

It's only safe to get cash.

But the more they do, the less they can get the money.

Depositors surrounded banks everywhere, and the police had to mobilize a large number of police forces to maintain order.

And the police in Turkey and Australia are not welcome. In just a few days, there have been many incidents of assaulting the police.

As a last resort, Rohmann Bank had to close the doors of all branches.

But things obviously won't end there.

Without access to their own money, millions of local and Australian savers will not give up.

And Neo. When Roman heard the news, he was directly attacked by qi and blood, passed out and was rushed into the hospital.

Coupled with the kidnapping of his son, there is no news for a long time, Neo. Roman was even more anxious. In just a few days, he lost weight and his hair turned a lot white.

In the suburbs, Su Shaoze's lair!

In the living room, Hou Weidong told Su Shaoze the news he had inquired.

"Neo. Roman is now in Santa Maria Hospital, the intensive care unit on the tenth floor, surrounded by more than 20 bodyguards." "The surrounding wards are also their people, even doctors and nurses, want to Approaching him also needs to be checked."

Hearing these news, Su Shaoze smiled lightly: "Neo. Roman, this old man who is afraid of death, just went to the hospital to be quiet." The current Roman Bank is a mess. To bear the wrath of millions of savers across the country.

Neo. Roman must have wanted to pretend to be sick, hide from the limelight in the hospital first, and then try to clean up the mess after a while.

But since he had already entered the hospital, Su Shaoze didn't plan to let him out alive. Wouldn't it be better to go directly to the morgue?

Santa Maria is a famous private hospital in Kaibera, with strong confidentiality, and even doctors and nurses have to be checked by bodyguards.

Well want to be in Neo. Roman's drug poisoning, I am afraid it is difficult to operate.

Then there is only one way left!

"Strike, tonight, kill Neo. Roman!"

Su Shaoze said heavily, picked up the gun on the table and aimed it at Neo on the TV. Roman's photo. "Bang~"

At night, one o'clock!

St. Mary's Hospital has completely quieted down, most of the doctors are off work, and the patients are resting.

In front of the hospital: only a few sporadic security guards patrolling.

Under such circumstances, two white ambulances suddenly drove into the hospital yard. 0... ask for flowers...

When the security saw this situation, he let it go without thinking much. "Stab~"


An ambulance stopped, followed by the sound of doors closing.

Four men in white coats and masks got out of the car and pushed a cart into the lobby of the hospital.

Under the surprised eyes of several nurses on duty, they stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the tenth floor. "噔銤~"

The two elevators opened one after another, and Su Shaoze and the four walked out pushing a car.

It was like pushing a patient to the tenth floor.

Not long after walking down, I saw six bodyguards in black suits sitting on the lounge chairs in the corridor.

Seeing this big night, so many doctors appeared outside the ward, and they were not in charge of Neo before. The doctors who were sick of Roman.

A few bodyguards instinctively felt something was wrong, and immediately stood up and said, "Stop, which department are you from?"

"This is a private ward, and there is something for Dr. James to come here."

Listening to the bodyguard's words, several doctors in white coats did not stop at all, but walked towards this side faster.

"Not good~"

The bodyguards realized that something was wrong and were about to take out their pistols, but Su Shaoze and the others on the other side were faster than them.

Raising his arms, he took out a few AK47s from under the cover of the white cloth on the cart. He fired directly at the bodyguard.

"Da da da da~"


At midnight, in the silent hospital, fierce gunfire suddenly rang out.

Several bodyguards were caught off guard, and blood flowers exploded on their chests instantly, and one by one fell to the ground in pain.

And Neo in the ward. Roman was also awakened by the sound of the gunshot.

"What's the situation? Where did the gunshots come from?"

Neo. Roman screamed in horror. So.

Chapter 202 Fierce gangsters, killing the Quartet

In the silent midnight, gunshots erupted in the hospital that was treating the sick and saving people. Several angels in white coats were holding sinful weapons and shooting frantically in the corridor.

Bullets were fired one by one, and the bodyguard's body exploded with blood, and he died on the spot.

In the next room, several bodyguards rushed out subconsciously to check the situation, but they were also greeted by a round of bullets.

"Da da da da~"

Without saying a word, Su Shaoze directly pulled the trigger and fired a clip of bullets in a row. Seven or eight bodyguards more than 10 meters away were shot upside down and flew out.

The number of casualties made the bodyguards in the next few rooms sober their brains that were about to burn.

The firepower of the opponent is very fierce, and the corridor outside is not easy for the killer to attack without a bunker, and it is not the same for them.

"890" rushes out so rashly, the whole **** thing will become a target!

No one would doubt the marksmanship of the gangsters outside, and the corpses on the ground have fully proved this.

You must stay in the ward, and you can still be safe, at least with the cover of the wall to protect your life.


Remove the magazine and replace it with a new one. The action is done in one go, less than three seconds.

The group of four held the AK47 like this, strode forward, and kept shooting. Any bodyguards who appeared in front of them were directly killed.

I don't care about the sporadic counterattacks of those bodyguards, and they have already approached Neo in a short period of time. Roman's room.


Joseph, the captain of the bodyguard, looked out and saw that a bullet hit the door frame more than ten centimeters away from him.

He was so frightened that he instantly retracted his head, his face was full of fear, and he almost didn't kick him.

"No, Mr. Roman, it's a group of killers, all with AK47s!"

Withdrew his head and turned around to face Neo. Roman shouted, terrified.

And Neo. Roman was also dumbfounded, holding a pistol in his hand, but it didn't give him any sense of security at all.

Killer? Still holding all AK47s?

"What's going on? How could a killer come to the hospital?" Neo. Roman said in horror, his face was pale, and his body was constantly shaking.

The dense gunshots were telling him all the time how fierce the fire was outside and how fierce the killer was.

And these are all to kill Taneo. Roman?

What is going on in all this?

The son was kidnapped, and there is no news yet, whether it is life or death.

Banks were robbed by gangsters, vaults were burned down, and nearly a billion dollars was lost.

Countless bank depositors came to run, hoping to demolish the Roman Bank. The news was right, Roman Bank was about to go bankrupt.

And now, several killers armed with AK47s came to the hospital to kill Thaneo. Roman!


What is going on in all this?

Why all the bad things happened to me.

Have you sinned against God?

"What's the situation now?" Neo. Roman asked in horror.

"The brothers in the corridor are all dead, we can't stop them at all!" The bodyguard stood behind the door. Although he had experienced many big scenes, he was very nervous at this moment.

At that moment, he saw the corpses of his subordinates in the corridor, which were all smashed into plugs.

But the killers were still firing continuously and intensively, as if they were not afraid of wasting bullets at all.

The bodyguards were completely suppressed, unable to show their heads to fight back.

And the killers are still rushing forward, and will soon approach the ward, not just Neo at that time. Roman is going to die, and he, Captain Bao Xiang, must die in front of Neo. "what!"

Neo. Roman stood up abruptly, shock and fear written all over his face. "Quick, they must be blocked, and those killers must not be allowed to rush in." "Quickly call the police station and let them come to support~"

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