0…. . Ask for flowers. . . "whoosh"


In the next second, the individual howitzer was fired, and the first vehicle was directly hit by the front. A huge explosion roared in an instant, and a huge fireball rose.

The driver and bodyguard inside must be dead!

Although this vehicle is bulletproof, it is certainly not immune to the bombardment of artillery shells.

The sudden attack made the convoy chaotic, and the people in the two cars behind were stunned, and then they felt cold.

"Fake, they actually have Rocket Jane." The captain of the bodyguard shouted angrily.

And William. Roman's face was also ugly, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

With just one cannonball, the car in front will be finished, if it is me who is hit instead...

The car in front was raging on fire, blocking the road directly, unable to walk.

And if you continue to stay in the car, you will definitely become a living target, and maybe the next shell will fall on your car.

"Mr. Roman, hurry up and get out of the car!" the captain of the bodyguard shouted loudly, preparing to protect William. Roman left. But he heard William. Roman shouted loudly, his face terrified, but he could only shout calmly: "No, I can't leave the car, I can't open the door!"

At this moment, his head is very clear, what does the kidnapper want to do?

kill yourself?

Certainly not!

Otherwise, the previous shell will land on his car.

Then they only have one purpose, which is to kidnap themselves and extort ransom!

So, the kidnapper well didn't want to hurt him William. Roman's life!

As long as the kidnappers don't use bazookas, it's safe to stay in the car.

Ordinary bullets can't penetrate this bulletproof car at all.

On the contrary, if he leaves this bulletproof car, he will definitely be caught by the kidnappers after going out.

He didn't think that Ge, who was a gangster who was banging with a rocket, wouldn't have other heavy weapons in his hands.

After these bodyguards go out, most of them are not the opponents of the robbers.

So, it's better to be safe in the car.

What he needs now is time. As long as the kidnappers are delayed for a while, reinforcements from the manor can arrive! So.

Chapter 192 Fake, I was kidnapped by gays

The remaining two cars have blown tires, William. Roman still maintained his sanity, knowing that the inside of the car was safe, and he did not go out blindly.

But the bodyguards in the cars behind were not so lucky.

They don't have William. Roman's good fate will make the robbers have scruples and dare not kill him.

If you stay in the car, you will definitely be killed by the howitzer.

But when they opened the car door, they ushered in the same nightmare. "Da da da da~"

Intense gunshots sounded, and bullets ripped through the void and shot through the bodies of these bodyguards. "what-"

Several grenades exploded directly at their feet. "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

In just a few dozen seconds of strafing, a group of bodyguards were all killed on the spot.

Now there are only "eight seven seven" under William. Roman was in the car.

At this time, he was sitting in the car, watching the tragic state of the bodyguards outside, and his heart was full of horror.

His handsome face was covered in cold sweat, his face was disastrous, and he roared frantically at the captain of the bodyguard: "How long does it take for the police to come over, let them hurry up." Now there are only him, the captain of the bodyguard and the driver three left in the car. Personally, it feels like every second he's going through right now is an ordeal.

Obviously, there is still a distance from the manor, the reinforcements did not arrive so quickly, and the police did not have time to dispatch the police.

The robbers have already started!

in William. In Roman's terrified eyes, he saw a group of gangsters wearing bulletproof vests, hoods, and holding AK47s rushing towards him.

Looking at the bulletproof car in front of me, the previous battle only left some pits on it, and did not really penetrate it.

Su Shaoze was not surprised, because he also has such a bulletproof car!

Therefore, he also knew better how to open the car like this!

At this time, Li Zhendong came over from the car behind, carrying the same AK47 in his hand, but with different ammunition.

It contains military armor-piercing ammunition!

This thing is not armor-piercing bullets for anti-tank guns, and it can't shoot through military tanks, but it is still easy to shoot through such bulletproof cars.

At close range, the muzzle is almost slanted against the glass to ensure an angle to prevent ricochet, in William. In Roman's terrified eyes, three consecutive shots were fired at the same position. "Whoa~"

There was a sound of glass breaking, and the bulletproof glass broke a big hole about ten centimeters.

At the same time, Hou Weidong, who was next to him, took out the tear gas canister that he had prepared for a long time and threw it directly into it.

In an instant, white smoke enveloped the entire car directly. "Ah-cough-cough-cough~"

"Help sound~Fake~"

Several painful calls for help sounded, and after a few seconds, the person in the car opened the door and rolled out.

The three of them were all blushing, their noses flowing, and they couldn't breathe.

Lying on the ground and feeling powerless, very embarrassed!

At this time, two lone wolf players stepped forward and held William down. Roman, gave him a big body search directly.

A pistol was thrown straight out, William. Roman didn't resist, he cared about his own life.

But he soon discovered that the matter wasn't over yet, these damned gangsters were still ripping off his clothes. "Fake~ You can't do this." Is this a bunch of gays?

At this time, Su Shaoze stepped forward and said in an indifferent voice: "Mr. Roman, please cooperate with us, otherwise, you may be the same as them." Su Shaoze's voice fell, and the two lone wolf players over there directly shot. "Crash~"

The two bullets penetrated the heads of the captain of the bodyguard and the driver in an instant. "Ah~"

william. Roman was taken aback and didn't dare to resist any more. He let the robbers strip off all his clothes, not even his underwear, and threw them all on the ground.

After all, as the heir of Roman Bank, who knows if he has something like a locator on him!

William, Roman's naked body, was dragged into the car by his hair, and the group quickly disappeared from the street.

All that was left was a messy scene and the bodies of eight bodyguards and the driver.

The entire operation has a clear division of labor and is well organized. From the beginning of the attack to the end of the loading, it took no more than 3 minutes. 0  …

When the police finally gathered their forces and rushed over, Su Shaoze and others had already used the old method to drive the car directly into the trunk of the truck.

Completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

Neo was the first to arrive at the scene. Roman, heard that his only son, his only heir, was attacked by robbers.

Neo. Roman was instantly furious, and the **** robber dared to touch the Roman family and his Neo. Roman's son, he must make those guys regret being born in this world.

It's just that when he brought someone to the scene, everything in front of him made his face pale.

The bodyguards are all dead, but his son is gone! "Fake, they kidnapped William..."

Neo. Roman growled angrily, William. Roman is his only son, he is his heir, and there must be nothing wrong with him.

Otherwise, those brothers of his would surely rush to him like sharks who have seen blood, and take it to him. Roman's family shares are divided up.

The family relationship between the big families is so indifferent, and it is completely possible to do anything for the sake of profit.

wait, bro?

Neo. Roman's face darkened, wouldn't it be his brothers who did this?

Not long after, the police hurried over to 2.1. Seeing the mess everywhere, they were equally astonished.

In Kaibera, the capital of Turkmenistan, such a bad gun attack happened, and it was the famous big banker Neo who was kidnapped. Roman's only son?

And Neo. Roman faced the police chief who came across his face with a burst of capital letters. "My son was kidnapped, Fake, are you cops a bunch of rubbish?"

"I pay so much tax every year, what do I keep you for? It's more useful to keep a dog than you." Neo. Roman growled: "You must get my son back safely."

The police profession has a bad reputation in Tu’ao and is very unpopular with the residents of Tu’ao. According to the survey, the number of police raids that take place in Tu’ao every year ranks first in the world! ,

Chapter 193 Ransom, fifty million dollars

"At 6 o'clock this afternoon, there was an attack on St. Prith Avenue. According to eyewitnesses, the kidnapped was Mr. Neo. Roman's only son, William. Roman!" "The robbers are extremely fierce, with submachine guns and grenades. , Bazooka and other powerful weapons." "William. Mr. Roman's bodyguards were all killed, William. Mr. Roman is missing."

"The entire attack process took no more than three minutes before and after. At present, the police and family members have not received further information from the kidnappers." William. Roman's kidnapping quickly became a sensation, and news about it was on TV all the time.

The people who eat melons in Tuao have come to the spirit.

The big banker's son was kidnapped? Which hero did it?

Qiu Fu has everything in his heart, not to mention the Roman family, like those on Wall Street, are vampires!

They were kidnapped, and the ordinary people of Tuao did not feel the same.

Even cheering, well done!

Outside 08 in the suburb of Kaibera, Su Shaoze turned off the TV and picked up the satellite phone on the table.

He was ready for the next move.

Roman Manor, Neo. Roman was anxiously waiting for news from the police, and even more so for a call from the robber.

If the robber really wanted a ransom to release his son, he certainly wouldn't mind paying a lot of money.

But it's been a day since it happened, why haven't these **** robbers called?

Neo. Roman became more and more anxious, and his patience was about to be worn out. finally……

"Ring Ling Ling ~" the phone rang!

"Hey, I'm Neo. Roman!"

"Hello, Mr. Roman, I am the kidnapper you are thinking of."

The kidnapper finally called, Neo. Roman breathed a sigh of relief, great.

"Mr. kidnapper, you better ensure that William is safe and sound, otherwise you will definitely feel the anger of the Roman family, and you will definitely regret coming into this world." Neo. Roman's low voice threatened. "The Roman family is very powerful?" "Of course!"

"Then we are doomed!"

"As long as you can let William go, I promise you won't die!"

"Well then, I'll let Mr. William go. No, no, no, Mr. William is our most honorable guest. We should treat him well, but you want me to let go of Mr. William? It's hard to do!" "Ah-by the way, I've thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. I can cut off Mr. William and send you half back, and I'll keep the other half for good hospitality." "Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Hear the low male voice on the phone, Neo. Roman roared angrily: "You're crazy, Fake!" "Damn robbers, you all should go to hell!"

"Don't be so angry, Mr. Roman, I'm afraid it will be very bad for Mr. William if you are so angry." "Just tell me, how much does it cost to let him go?"

"Can't we save us a lot of time by saying this earlier? Mr. William can also go back earlier!" Neo. Roman's face was dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How much do you want?" "Fifty million, US dollars!" Fifty million? US dollars?

Neo. Roman jumped up immediately. He thought that the robbers would definitely open their mouths, but he didn't expect them to be so greedy. "Do you know how a lot of money fifty million dollars is? Can you take it away?" Su Shaoze laughed: "I don't need you to care, I just want the money."

"Don't you think that your son, the fourth-generation head of the Roman Bank, is not even worth the mere fifty million dollars?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, 50 million dollars, either money or your son's body, get ready, I will call you tomorrow to tell you the transaction address!" After that, Su Shaoze hung up the phone.

And Neo. Roman slammed the phone on the ground, and his angry roar sounded in the manor: "Damn robbers, I must chop them all into meat sauce." No way, for the life of his son, this money Must be taken out.

And he has already planned that after his son is rescued safely, he must kill all those robbers. "The Roman family's money is not so good."

The next day, Su Shaoze brought people to Roman Bank again. According to their news, there was a huge vault underground in Roman Bank.

All the cash in the Roman Bank is kept inside.

And Su Shaoze's real purpose wasn't any **** ransom at all. How much was that?

Fifty million dollars was simply not enough to satisfy Su Shaoze's appetite.

This time, he's going to have a big sweep!

"Fifty million dollars is not a small sum, Neo. Roman will definitely use the underground vault of Roman Bank. When they enter the vault to carry the cash, it will be our chance."

The underground vault has layers of insurance, even with explosives, it may not be able to explode.

But this time, Su Shaoze wanted Neo. Roman took the initiative to help himself open the door to the vault.

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