For those little freshmen who lack exercise and have no strength to tie a chicken, they want to escape from the wet mud pit with just a hemp rope.

Truth is not an easy thing.

However, with mutual help and support, most of the celebrities managed to get ashore without any danger.

In no time, more and more people climbed out of the mud pit.

The mud pit itself is not particularly deep.

Moreover, there are a lot of tight hemp ropes around.

So within a short time, many people climbed out.

More and more people are crawling out of the mud pit.

The first thing to do is to run towards the flag.

There is no moment to stop, and I don't dare to stop.

At this time, the celebrities could no longer care about their fatigue.

He ran frantically towards the flag.

Time passed by second by second, and most of the celebrities in the mud pit had escaped.

There are only a few scattered female stars and two or three young talents left.

Among them were Reba, Yang Mi, and Zhao Jinmai.

The three of them were ranked last not because of their thin bodies.

Instead, there were a few female celebrities who didn't like Reba, and they joined forces with others to leave Reba and the other two at the back.

"These people did it on purpose. They looked at them with triumphant eyes after they climbed up. They must have wanted us to fall into the pit."

"Bah, the villain succeeds."

Yang Mi said with a gloomy face.

After the ostracism, Yang Mi naturally couldn't stand this approach and wanted to speak out clearly.

But everyone rushed to grab the rope.

But no one paid attention to her at all. She was left here like this. Finally, the reason for ostracizing Reba is very simple.

It is jealousy that

Reba can become a popular actress in the Dragon Kingdom even though she is a single mother and is loved by many people.

Small awards.

Countless resources are available to Reba, and the salaries offered by major directors and producers are higher than those of others.

However, they, single female stars, have to find work on their own. Sitting at home is a waste of money, so some jealous people feel that they are not alive because of Reba, so they naturally want to squeeze out Reba.

"Let’s not talk about this now. Complete the task first, otherwise you will end up in the cesspool."

"There should be enough time. If you don't want to end up in the cesspit, just get out quickly."

Reba said eagerly.

She didn't say much to those celebrities who were ostracizing her. It wasn't that she didn't want to care.

But the most important thing right now was to leave the mud pit and leave within the specified time.

As for everything that happens now, we can wait until later.

"Right, right, let’s go out first."

After hearing this, Yang Mi immediately went to find the rope and prepared to set off.

When she thought of the cesspit, she felt excited all over.

Reba, Yang Mi, and Zhao Jinmai each grabbed their own ropes and used all their strength. Holding the rope with their hands and stepping on the wall

, the three of them climbed out of the mud pit in no time, and then looked around to see where the Dragon Kingdom flag was.

"There, go, hurry up."

Reba pointed in a direction and shouted loudly.

Then, without any hesitation, the three of them used their last strength to rush towards the location of the Dragon Kingdom's flag.

At this time, under the red flag of the Dragon Kingdom, A slender figure stood in front of them.

However, due to the strong sunlight and their determination to complete the task quickly, the three of them had no intention of seeing the true appearance of that figure.

There were many celebrities and celebrities in front of them. The three of them, Reba, didn't care about that figure.

They were all rushing towards their destination.

Normally, the distance of 800 meters would not be very difficult, but for today's celebrities, it is. An extremely arduous task.

Even though they are exhausted, the stars still dare not stop.

As time goes by, many people have reached the finish line, and almost all of them have arrived near the dragon country flag. Most of the stars fell to the ground, gasping for air.

At this time, they had no strength at all.

For some stars who had not exercised all year round, this was like a dead end. It was as if they had just walked away.

The stars who had finished within the prescribed time no longer had any pressure, and all the gloomy looks on their faces were gone.

"Finally, finally, here it is"

"Tired...I'm exhausted"

"I, I, never thought that eight hundred meters would be so difficult"

"I did all the exercise I did in a year today"

"I also took those few doses, and with this amount of exercise, I can actually still stand."

"You can't compare with them, they, they are simply not human"

"Eh? Look, is there a person standing under that flag?"

"There is indeed a person standing"

"The sun is too bright, I can't see what he looks like"


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